Source code for jarvis.tasks.qe.converg

"""Module to converge K-points and Cutoff."""
from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms
from jarvis.core.kpoints import Kpoints3D as Kpoints
from jarvis.tasks.qe.qe import QEjob
import time

sleep = 5

[docs]def converg_kpoints( atoms=None, length=0, encut=40, ecutrho=250, tol=0.001, increment=5, qe_cmd="/cluster/deb9/bin/mpirun -n 16 /cluster/bin/pw.x", psp_dir=None, url=None, psp_temp_name=None, ): """Converge k-points for a material.""" scf_init = { "control": { "calculation": "'scf'", "restart_mode": "'from_scratch'", "prefix": "'KPOINTS'", "outdir": "'./'", "tstress": ".true.", "tprnfor": ".true.", "disk_io": "'nowf'", "pseudo_dir": None, "verbosity": "'high'", "nstep": 100, "etot_conv_thr": "1.0d-5", }, "system": { "ibrav": 0, "degauss": 0.01, "nat": None, "ntyp": None, "ecutwfc": encut, "ecutrho": ecutrho, "occupations": "'smearing'", "smearing": "'mp'", }, "electrons": { "diagonalization": "'david'", "mixing_mode": "'plain'", "mixing_beta": 0.7, "conv_thr": "1d-9", }, } en1 = -10000 convg_kp1 = False convg_kp2 = False length1 = length kp_list = [] while not convg_kp2 and not convg_kp1: length1 = length1 + increment print("Incrementing length", length1) kpoints = Kpoints().automatic_length_mesh( lattice_mat=atoms.lattice_mat, length=length ) prefix = "KPOINTS-" + str(length1) scf_init["control"]["prefix"] = str('"') + prefix + str('"') kpoints = Kpoints().automatic_length_mesh( lattice_mat=atoms.lattice_mat, length=length ) mesh = kpoints.kpts[0] if mesh not in kp_list: kp_list.append(mesh) scf_init["system"]["ntyp"] = "" qejob_scf_init = QEjob( atoms=atoms, psp_dir=psp_dir, input_params=scf_init, output_file="scf_init.out", qe_cmd=qe_cmd, jobname=prefix, kpoints=kpoints, psp_temp_name=psp_temp_name, url=url, input_file=prefix + "", ) info_scf = qejob_scf_init.runjob() print("Energy", info_scf["total_energy"]) en2 = float(info_scf["total_energy"]) time.sleep(sleep) while abs(en2 - en1) > tol: en1 = en2 print("Incrementing length", length1) while mesh in kp_list: length1 = length1 + increment # Assuming you are not super unlucky # kpoints = Auto_Kpoints(mat=mat, length=length1) kpoints = Kpoints().automatic_length_mesh( lattice_mat=atoms.lattice_mat, length=length1 ) # Auto_Kpoints(mat=mat, length=length) mesh = kpoints.kpts[0] kpoints = Kpoints().automatic_length_mesh( lattice_mat=atoms.lattice_mat, length=length1 ) # Auto_Kpoints(mat=mat, length=length) mesh = kpoints.kpts[0] prefix = "KPOINTS-" + str(length1) scf_init["control"]["prefix"] = str('"') + prefix + str('"') if mesh not in kp_list: kp_list.append(mesh) scf_init["system"]["ntyp"] = "" qejob_scf_init = QEjob( atoms=atoms, input_params=scf_init, psp_dir=psp_dir, output_file="scf_init.out", qe_cmd=qe_cmd, jobname=prefix, kpoints=kpoints, psp_temp_name=psp_temp_name, url=url, input_file=prefix + "", ) info_scf = qejob_scf_init.runjob() en2 = float(info_scf["total_energy"]) print("Energy", info_scf["total_energy"]) time.sleep(sleep) else: length1 = length1 + increment # Assuming you are not super unlucky # kpoints = Auto_Kpoints(mat=mat, length=length1) kpoints = Kpoints().automatic_length_mesh( lattice_mat=atoms.lattice_mat, length=length1 ) # Auto_Kpoints(mat=mat, length=length) mesh = kpoints.kpts[0] kp_list.append(mesh) convg_kp1 = True # Some extra points to check print("Some extra points to check for KPOINTS") length3 = length1 + increment prefix = "KPOINTS-" + str(length3) scf_init["control"]["prefix"] = str('"') + prefix + str('"') kpoints = Kpoints().automatic_length_mesh( lattice_mat=atoms.lattice_mat, length=length3 ) mesh = kpoints.kpts[0] kp_list.append(mesh) scf_init["system"]["ntyp"] = "" qejob_scf_init = QEjob( atoms=atoms, psp_dir=psp_dir, input_params=scf_init, output_file="scf_init.out", qe_cmd=qe_cmd, psp_temp_name=psp_temp_name, url=url, jobname=prefix, kpoints=kpoints, input_file=prefix + "", ) info_scf = qejob_scf_init.runjob() en3 = float(info_scf["total_energy"]) print("Energy", info_scf["total_energy"]) time.sleep(sleep) length4 = length3 + increment prefix = "KPOINTS-" + str(length4) scf_init["control"]["prefix"] = str('"') + prefix + str('"') kpoints = Kpoints().automatic_length_mesh( lattice_mat=atoms.lattice_mat, length=length4 ) mesh = kpoints.kpts[0] kp_list.append(mesh) scf_init["system"]["ntyp"] = "" qejob_scf_init = QEjob( atoms=atoms, psp_dir=psp_dir, input_params=scf_init, output_file="scf_init.out", qe_cmd=qe_cmd, psp_temp_name=psp_temp_name, url=url, jobname=prefix, kpoints=kpoints, input_file=prefix + "", ) info_scf = qejob_scf_init.runjob() en4 = info_scf["total_energy"] print("Energy", info_scf["total_energy"]) time.sleep(sleep) length5 = length4 + increment prefix = "KPOINTS-" + str(length5) scf_init["control"]["prefix"] = str('"') + prefix + str('"') kpoints = Kpoints().automatic_length_mesh( lattice_mat=atoms.lattice_mat, length=length5 ) mesh = kpoints.kpts[0] kp_list.append(mesh) scf_init["system"]["ntyp"] = "" qejob_scf_init = QEjob( atoms=atoms, psp_dir=psp_dir, input_params=scf_init, output_file="scf_init.out", qe_cmd=qe_cmd, jobname=prefix, kpoints=kpoints, psp_temp_name=psp_temp_name, url=url, input_file=prefix + "", ) info_scf = qejob_scf_init.runjob() en5 = info_scf["total_energy"] print("Energy", info_scf["total_energy"]) time.sleep(sleep) length6 = length5 + increment prefix = "KPOINTS-" + str(length6) scf_init["control"]["prefix"] = str('"') + prefix + str('"') kpoints = Kpoints().automatic_length_mesh( lattice_mat=atoms.lattice_mat, length=length6 ) mesh = kpoints.kpts[0] kp_list.append(mesh) scf_init["system"]["ntyp"] = "" qejob_scf_init = QEjob( atoms=atoms, input_params=scf_init, psp_dir=psp_dir, output_file="scf_init.out", qe_cmd=qe_cmd, jobname=prefix, kpoints=kpoints, psp_temp_name=psp_temp_name, url=url, input_file=prefix + "", ) info_scf = qejob_scf_init.runjob() en6 = info_scf["total_energy"] print("Energy", info_scf["total_energy"]) time.sleep(sleep) length7 = length6 + increment prefix = "KPOINTS-" + str(length7) scf_init["control"]["prefix"] = str('"') + prefix + str('"') kpoints = Kpoints().automatic_length_mesh( lattice_mat=atoms.lattice_mat, length=length7 ) mesh = kpoints.kpts[0] kp_list.append(mesh) scf_init["system"]["ntyp"] = "" qejob_scf_init = QEjob( atoms=atoms, input_params=scf_init, output_file="scf_init.out", psp_dir=psp_dir, qe_cmd=qe_cmd, jobname=prefix, kpoints=kpoints, psp_temp_name=psp_temp_name, url=url, input_file=prefix + "", ) info_scf = qejob_scf_init.runjob() en7 = info_scf["total_energy"] print("Energy", info_scf["total_energy"]) time.sleep(sleep) if ( abs(en3 - en2) > tol or abs(en4 - en2) > tol or abs(en5 - en2) > tol or abs(en6 - en2) > tol or abs(en7 - en2) > tol ): fkp = open("EXTRA_KPOINTS", "w") line = str("Extra KPOINTS needed ") + str(length1) + "\n" fkp.write(line) line = ( str("en2 length1 ") + str(" ") + str(en2) + str(" ") + str(length1) + "\n" ) fkp.write(line) line = ( str("en3 length3 ") + str(" ") + str(en3) + str(" ") + str(length3) + "\n" ) fkp.write(line) line = ( str("en4 length4 ") + str(" ") + str(en4) + str(" ") + str(length4) + "\n" ) fkp.write(line) line = ( str("en5 length5 ") + str(" ") + str(en5) + str(" ") + str(length5) + "\n" ) fkp.write(line) fkp.close() en1 = en3 length1 = length3 else: print( "KPOINTS convergence achieved for ", length1, ) convg_kp2 = True return length1
[docs]def converg_cutoff( atoms=None, length=10, encut=40, ecutrho=250, tol=0.001, increment=5, psp_dir=None, url=None, psp_temp_name=None, qe_cmd="/cluster/deb9/bin/mpirun -n 16 /cluster/bin/pw.x", ): """Converge cutoff for a material.""" scf_init = { "control": { "calculation": "'scf'", "restart_mode": "'from_scratch'", "prefix": "'ENCUT'", "outdir": "'./'", "tstress": ".true.", "tprnfor": ".true.", "disk_io": "'nowf'", "pseudo_dir": None, "verbosity": "'high'", "nstep": 100, "etot_conv_thr": "1.0d-5", }, "system": { "ibrav": 0, "degauss": 0.01, "nat": None, "ntyp": None, "ecutwfc": encut, "ecutrho": ecutrho, "occupations": "'smearing'", "smearing": "'mp'", }, "electrons": { "diagonalization": "'david'", "mixing_mode": "'plain'", "mixing_beta": 0.7, "conv_thr": "1d-9", }, } en1 = -10000 convg_encut1 = False convg_encut2 = False encut1 = encut kpoints = Kpoints().automatic_length_mesh( lattice_mat=atoms.lattice_mat, length=length ) while not convg_encut2 and not convg_encut1: prefix = "ENCUT-" + str(encut1) scf_init["control"]["prefix"] = str('"') + prefix + str('"') scf_init["system"]["ntyp"] = "" scf_init["system"]["ecutwfc"] = encut qejob_scf_init = QEjob( atoms=atoms, psp_dir=psp_dir, input_params=scf_init, output_file="scf_init.out", qe_cmd=qe_cmd, jobname=prefix, kpoints=kpoints, url=url, psp_temp_name=psp_temp_name, input_file=prefix + "", ) info_scf = qejob_scf_init.runjob() print("Energy", info_scf["total_energy"]) en2 = float(info_scf["total_energy"]) time.sleep(sleep) while abs(en2 - en1) > tol: en1 = en2 encut1 = encut1 + increment print("Incrementing cutoff", encut1) prefix = "ENCUT-" + str(encut1) scf_init["control"]["prefix"] = str('"') + prefix + str('"') scf_init["system"]["ntyp"] = "" scf_init["system"]["ecutwfc"] = encut1 qejob_scf_init = QEjob( atoms=atoms, input_params=scf_init, psp_dir=psp_dir, output_file="scf_init.out", qe_cmd=qe_cmd, jobname=prefix, kpoints=kpoints, url=url, psp_temp_name=psp_temp_name, input_file=prefix + "", ) info_scf = qejob_scf_init.runjob() en2 = float(info_scf["total_energy"]) print("Energy", info_scf["total_energy"]) time.sleep(sleep) convg_encut1 = True # Some extra points to check print("Some extra points to check for ENCUT") encut3 = encut1 + increment prefix = "ENCUT-" + str(encut3) scf_init["control"]["prefix"] = str('"') + prefix + str('"') scf_init["system"]["ntyp"] = "" scf_init["system"]["ecutwfc"] = encut3 qejob_scf_init = QEjob( atoms=atoms, input_params=scf_init, output_file="scf_init.out", qe_cmd=qe_cmd, psp_dir=psp_dir, jobname=prefix, kpoints=kpoints, url=url, psp_temp_name=psp_temp_name, input_file=prefix + "", ) info_scf = qejob_scf_init.runjob() en3 = float(info_scf["total_energy"]) print("Energy", info_scf["total_energy"]) time.sleep(sleep) encut4 = encut3 + increment prefix = "ENCUT-" + str(encut4) scf_init["control"]["prefix"] = str('"') + prefix + str('"') scf_init["system"]["ntyp"] = "" scf_init["system"]["ecutwfc"] = encut4 qejob_scf_init = QEjob( atoms=atoms, input_params=scf_init, psp_dir=psp_dir, output_file="scf_init.out", qe_cmd=qe_cmd, jobname=prefix, kpoints=kpoints, url=url, psp_temp_name=psp_temp_name, input_file=prefix + "", ) info_scf = qejob_scf_init.runjob() en4 = info_scf["total_energy"] print("Energy", info_scf["total_energy"]) time.sleep(sleep) encut5 = encut4 + increment prefix = "ENCUT-" + str(encut5) scf_init["control"]["prefix"] = str('"') + prefix + str('"') scf_init["system"]["ntyp"] = "" scf_init["system"]["ecutwfc"] = encut5 qejob_scf_init = QEjob( atoms=atoms, input_params=scf_init, output_file="scf_init.out", qe_cmd=qe_cmd, psp_dir=psp_dir, jobname=prefix, kpoints=kpoints, url=url, psp_temp_name=psp_temp_name, input_file=prefix + "", ) info_scf = qejob_scf_init.runjob() en5 = info_scf["total_energy"] print("Energy", info_scf["total_energy"]) time.sleep(sleep) encut6 = encut5 + increment prefix = "ENCUT-" + str(encut6) scf_init["control"]["prefix"] = str('"') + prefix + str('"') scf_init["system"]["ntyp"] = "" scf_init["system"]["ecutwfc"] = encut6 qejob_scf_init = QEjob( atoms=atoms, input_params=scf_init, output_file="scf_init.out", psp_dir=psp_dir, qe_cmd=qe_cmd, jobname=prefix, kpoints=kpoints, url=url, psp_temp_name=psp_temp_name, input_file=prefix + "", ) info_scf = qejob_scf_init.runjob() en6 = info_scf["total_energy"] print("Energy", info_scf["total_energy"]) time.sleep(sleep) encut7 = encut6 + increment prefix = "ENCUT-" + str(encut7) scf_init["control"]["prefix"] = str('"') + prefix + str('"') scf_init["system"]["ntyp"] = "" scf_init["system"]["ecutwfc"] = encut7 qejob_scf_init = QEjob( atoms=atoms, input_params=scf_init, output_file="scf_init.out", qe_cmd=qe_cmd, jobname=prefix, psp_dir=psp_dir, kpoints=kpoints, url=url, psp_temp_name=psp_temp_name, input_file=prefix + "", ) info_scf = qejob_scf_init.runjob() en7 = info_scf["total_energy"] print("Energy", info_scf["total_energy"]) time.sleep(sleep) if ( abs(en3 - en2) > tol or abs(en4 - en2) > tol or abs(en5 - en2) > tol or abs(en6 - en2) > tol or abs(en7 - en2) > tol ): en1 = en3 encut = encut1 fen = open("EXTRA_ENCUT", "w") line = str("Extra ENCUT needed ") + str(encut) + "\n" fen.write(line) fen.close() else: print("ENCUT convergence achieved for ", encut) convg_encut2 = True return encut
if __name__ == "__main__": from jarvis.db.figshare import get_jid_data atoms = Atoms.from_dict( get_jid_data(jid="JVASP-1002", dataset="dft_3d")["atoms"] ) # converg_kpoints(atoms=atoms) converg_cutoff(atoms=atoms)