Source code for

"""Class for writing for wanniertools."""

import os
from jarvis.core.kpoints import Kpoints3D
from import Wannier90wout
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms

[docs]class WTin(object): """Construct object.""" def __init__( self, atoms=None, nelect=8, miller=[0, 0, 1], wannierout="wannier90.wout", wtin="", efermi=None, semi_core_states=None, soc=True, exclude=0, nwan=10, ): """Initialize class.""" self.atoms = atoms self.nelect = nelect self.wannierout = wannierout self.efermi = efermi self.soc = soc self.exclude = exclude self.nwan = nwan self.wtin = wtin self.miller = " ".join(map(str, miller)) self.semi_core_states = semi_core_states if self.semi_core_states is None: path_semi_core = str( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "wannier", "default_semicore.json", ) ) f = open(path_semi_core, "r") semi_core_states = json.load(f) f.close() self.semi_core_states = semi_core_states
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the class to a dictionary.""" d = OrderedDict() d["atoms"] = self.atoms.to_dict() d["nelect"] = self.nelect d["wannierout"] = self.wannierout d["efermi"] = self.efermi d["soc"] = self.soc d["exclude"] = self.exclude d["nwan"] = self.nwan d["wtin"] = self.wtin d["miller"] = self.miller d["semi_core_states"] = self.semi_core_states return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(self, d={}): """Construct class from a dictionary.""" return WTin( atoms=Atoms.from_dict(d["atoms"]), nelect=d["nelect"], wannierout=d["wannierout"], efermi=d["efermi"], soc=d["soc"], exclude=d["exclude"], nwan=d["nwan"], wtin=d["wtin"], miller=d["miller"], semi_core_states=d["semi_core_states"], )
[docs] def get_ibz_kp(self): """Get high-symmetry k-points.""" frac_k_points, k_points_labels = Kpoints3D().interpolated_points( self.atoms ) lines = [] for i, j in zip(frac_k_points, k_points_labels): if j != "": line = ( str(j) + str(" ") + str(i[0]) + str(" ") + str(i[1]) + str(" ") + str(i[2]) ) line = line.replace("\\", "") lines.append(line) lines1 = lines lines2 = lines[1:] pairs = zip(lines1, lines2) lines = [] for i in pairs: line = i[0] + str(" ") + str(i[1]) # +'\n' if i[0] != i[1]: lines.append(line) return lines
[docs] def semi_core_wt(self, string=""): """Get emi-core states.""" try: string = string.replace("p", "px,py,pz") except Exception: pass try: string = string.replace("d", "dxy,dxz,dyz,dx2-y2,dz2") except Exception: pass try: string = string.replace( "f", "fz3,fxz2,fyz2,fxyz,fzx2y2,fxx23y2,fy3x2y2" ) except Exception: pass return string
[docs] def write_wt_in(self): """Write""" strt = self.atoms # nwan = self.nwan exclude = self.exclude f = open(self.wtin, "w") line = str("&TB_FILE \n") f.write(line) line = str("Hrfile = 'wannier90_hr.dat' \n") f.write(line) line = str("Package = 'VASP' \n") f.write(line) line = str("/ \n") f.write(line) wan_cts = Wannier90wout( wout_path=self.wannierout ).give_wannier_centers() control = { "BulkBand_calc": "T", "Z2_3D_calc": "T", "Chern_3D_calc": "T", "SlabSS_calc": "T", "FindNodes_calc": "T", "SlabArc_calc": "F", "BerryCurvature_calc": "F", } nele = self.nelect if self.soc: soc = 1 else: soc = 0 noc = int(float(nele)) - int(float(exclude)) system = { "NSLAB": 10, "NumOccupied": noc, "SOC": soc, "E_FERMI": self.efermi, "Bx": 0, "By": 0, "Bz": 0, "surf_onsite": 0, } parameters = { "Eta_Arc": 0.001, "E_arc": 0.0, "OmegaNum": 500, "OmegaMin": -0.6, "OmegaMax": 0.5, "Nk1": 21, "Nk2": 21, "Nk3": 21, "NP": 2, "Gap_threshold": 0.0001, } kp_lines = self.get_ibz_kp() kp_dat = [] kp_dat.append(len(kp_lines)) for ii in kp_lines: kp_dat.append(ii) kp_dict = { "KPATH_BULK": [ 4, "G 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000 Z 0.00000 0.00000 0.5000", "Z 0.00000 0.00000 0.5000 F 0.50000 0.50000 0.0000", "F 0.50000 0.50000 0.0000 G 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000", "G 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000 L 0.50000 0.00000 0.0000", ], "KPATH_SLAB": [2, "K 0.33 0.67 G 0.0 0.0", "G 0.0 0.0 M 0.5 0.5"], "KPLANE_SLAB": ["-0.1 -0.1", "0.2 0.0", "0.0 0.2"], "KCUBE_BULK": [ "-0.50 -0.50 -0.50", "1.00 0.00 0.00", "0.00 1.00 0.00", "0.00 0.00 1.00", ], } kp_dict = { "KPATH_BULK": kp_dat, "KPATH_SLAB": [2, "K 0.33 0.67 G 0.0 0.0", "G 0.0 0.0 M 0.5 0.5"], "KPLANE_SLAB": ["-0.1 -0.1", "0.2 0.0", "0.0 0.2"], "KPLANE_BULK": [ "0.0 0.0 0.00", "1.00 0.00 0.00 ", " 0.00 1.00 0.00", ], "KCUBE_BULK": [ "-0.50 -0.50 -0.50", "1.00 0.00 0.00", "0.00 1.00 0.00", "0.00 0.00 1.00", ], } print(kp_dat) wt_dict = { "&CONTROL": control, "&SYSTEM": system, "&PARAMETERS": parameters, } for i, j in wt_dict.items(): line = str(i) + "\n" f.write(line) for k, l in j.items(): line = str(k) + str(" = ") + str(l) + "\n" f.write(line) line = str("/") + "\n" f.write(line) line = str("LATTICE \n") f.write(line) line = str("Angstrom \n") f.write(line) line = ( str(strt.lattice_mat[0][0]) + str(" ") + str(strt.lattice_mat[0][1]) + str(" ") + str(strt.lattice_mat[0][2]) + str("\n") ) f.write(line) line = ( str(strt.lattice_mat[1][0]) + str(" ") + str(strt.lattice_mat[1][1]) + str(" ") + str(strt.lattice_mat[1][2]) + str("\n") ) f.write(line) line = ( str(strt.lattice_mat[2][0]) + str(" ") + str(strt.lattice_mat[2][1]) + str(" ") + str(strt.lattice_mat[2][2]) + str("\n") ) f.write(line) line = str("ATOM_POSITIONS \n") f.write(line) line = str(strt.num_atoms) + str(" \n") f.write(line) line = str("Direct \n") f.write(line) for i, j in zip(strt.elements, strt.frac_coords): line = ( str(i) + str(" ") + str(j[0]) + str(" ") + str(j[1]) + str(" ") + str(j[2]) + "\n" ) f.write(line) line = str("PROJECTORS \n") f.write(line) # semicore=ZVAL in POTCAR - actual valence elec. semi_core = self.semi_core_states prjs = "" for i in strt.elements: symb = str(i) projs = semi_core[symb][2] projs = self.semi_core_wt(projs) num_projs = len(projs.split(",")) prjs = prjs + str(" ") + str(num_projs) line = str(prjs) + "\n" f.write(line) for i in strt.elements: symb = str(i) projs = semi_core[symb][2] projs = self.semi_core_wt(projs) num_projs = len(projs.split(",")) line = str(symb) + str(" ") + str(projs) + "\n" f.write(line) line = str("MILLER_INDICES \n") f.write(line) line = str(self.miller) + "\n" # "0 0 1 \n") f.write(line) for i, j in kp_dict.items(): line = str(i) + "\n" f.write(line) for k in j: line = str(k) + "\n" f.write(line) line = str("WANNIER_CENTRES \n") f.write(line) line = str("Cartesian \n") f.write(line) for i in wan_cts: print("wan cts", i) line = ( str(i[0]) + str(" ") + str(i[1]) + str(" ") + str(i[2]) + str(" ") + str("\n") ) f.write(line) f.close()
""" if __name__ == "__main__": from import Poscar hr = "wannier90_hr.dat" wout = "MAIN-WANN-SOC-bulk@JVASP-1067_mp-541837/wannier90.wout" centers = Wannier90wout(wout_path=wout).give_wannier_centers() p = Poscar.from_file( "MAIN-WANN-SOC-bulk@JVASP-1067_mp-541837/POSCAR" ).atoms lines = WTin(atoms=p).get_ibz_kp() # print(lines) wtin = WTin(atoms=p, wannierout=wout).write_wt_in() """