Source code for

Class for reading wannier outouts.

Such as wannier90.wout and wannier90_hr.dat

import os
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cmath
import numpy as np
import math
import time
from jarvis.core.kpoints import Kpoints3D
from import Vasprun
import scipy
import scipy.optimize as opt
import copy as copy

[docs]def get_projectors_for_formula( semi_core_states=None, formula_dict={"Bi": 2, "Se": 3} ): """Get semi core states from formula dict.""" if semi_core_states is None: path_semi_core = str( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "default_semicore.json") ) f = open(path_semi_core, "r") semi_core_states = json.load(f) f.close() arr = [] for i, j in formula_dict.items(): dat = semi_core_states[i] arr.append([i, j, [str(k) for k in dat[2].split(",")]]) return arr
[docs]def get_orbitals( projection_info=[["Bi", 2, ["s", "p"]], ["Se", 3, ["s", "p"]]], desired_orbitals=[["Bi", "p"]], soc=True, ncells=1, supercell=[1, 1, 6], surfaceonly=False, ): """Get spdf orbitals.""" # projection_info example for Bi2Se3 with s and p orbital projections # [["Bi", 2, ["s","p"]], ["Se", 3, ["s","p"]]] # orbitals wanted example # [["Bi"]] all Bi orbitals # [["Bi", "p"]] all Bi p orbitals # [["Bi", "px"], ["Bi" ,"py"]] all Bi px, py oribitals # [["Bi", "s"], ["Se", "s"]] Bi s and Se s # so for spin-orbit c = 0 projection_dict = {} # print "get_orbs ", so # print projection_info for proj in projection_info: atom = proj[0] natom = proj[1] orbitals = proj[2] for n in range(natom): for o in orbitals: if o == "s": if (atom, "s") not in projection_dict: projection_dict[(atom, "s")] = [] projection_dict[(atom, "s")].append(c) c += 1 elif o == "p": if (atom, "p") not in projection_dict: projection_dict[(atom, "p")] = [] projection_dict[(atom, "pz")] = [] projection_dict[(atom, "py")] = [] projection_dict[(atom, "px")] = [] projection_dict[(atom, "p")].append(c) projection_dict[(atom, "pz")].append(c) c += 1 projection_dict[(atom, "p")].append(c) projection_dict[(atom, "px")].append(c) c += 1 projection_dict[(atom, "p")].append(c) projection_dict[(atom, "py")].append(c) c += 1 elif o == "d": if (atom, "p") not in projection_dict: projection_dict[(atom, "d")] = [] projection_dict[(atom, "dz2")] = [] projection_dict[(atom, "dxz")] = [] projection_dict[(atom, "dyz")] = [] projection_dict[(atom, "dx2y2")] = [] projection_dict[(atom, "dxy")] = [] projection_dict[(atom, "d")].append(c) projection_dict[(atom, "dz2")].append(c) c += 1 projection_dict[(atom, "d")].append(c) projection_dict[(atom, "dxz")].append(c) c += 1 projection_dict[(atom, "d")].append(c) projection_dict[(atom, "dyz")].append(c) c += 1 projection_dict[(atom, "d")].append(c) projection_dict[(atom, "dx2y2")].append(c) c += 1 projection_dict[(atom, "d")].append(c) projection_dict[(atom, "dxy")].append(c) c += 1 nwan = c if soc: for (atom, orb) in projection_dict.keys(): new_ind = [] for i in projection_dict[(atom, orb)]: new_ind.append(i + nwan) projection_dict[(atom, orb)] += new_ind nwan = nwan * 2 print("nwan = ", nwan) inds = [] for d in desired_orbitals: if len(d) == 1: for orb in ["s", "p", "d"]: if (d[0], orb) in projection_dict: new_orbs = projection_dict[(d[0], orb)] inds += new_orbs else: new_orbs = projection_dict[tuple(d)] inds += new_orbs if ncells > 1 and not surfaceonly: inds_super = [] for n in range(ncells): for i in inds: inds_super.append(i + n * nwan) return inds_super elif ncells > 1 and surfaceonly: inds_super = [] for n in [0, ncells - 1]: for i in inds: inds_super.append(i + n * nwan) return inds_super return inds
[docs]class WannierHam(object): """Construct WannierHamltonian object.""" def __init__( self, filename="wannier90_hr.dat", nwan=None, nr=None, sym_r=None, H_int=None, H_val=None, H=None, HR=None, ): """Initialize the class.""" self.filename = filename = nr self.nwan = nwan self.sym_r = sym_r self.H_int = H_int self.H_val = H_val self.H = H self.HR = HR if is None: self.read_ham()
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert to dictionary.""" info = {} info["nr"] = info["filename"] = self.filename info["nwan"] = self.nwan info["sym_r"] = self.sym_r info["H_int"] = self.H_int info["H_val"] = self.H_val info["H"] = self.H info["HR"] = self.HR return info
[docs] def find_nodes( self, num_occ=8, origin=[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], k1=[1, 0, 0], k2=[0, 1, 0], k3=[0, 0, 1], nk1=10, nk2=10, nk3=10, sig=[0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3], thresh=-10, node_tol=0.001, use_min=True, ): """Find nodes, Dirac, Wyel points.""" K = np.zeros((nk1 * 4, nk2 * 4, nk3 * 4, 3), dtype=float) k1 = np.array(k1, dtype=float) k2 = np.array(k2, dtype=float) k3 = np.array(k3, dtype=float) for c1 in range(4 * nk1): for c2 in range(4 * nk2): for c3 in range(4 * nk3): K[c1, c2, c3, :] = ( origin + k1 * float(c1) / float(nk1 * 4) + k2 * float(c2) / float(nk2 * 4) + k3 * float(c3) / float(nk3 * 4) ) # VALS = np.zeros((nk1,nk2, ham.nwan)) IMAGE = np.zeros((nk1 * 4, nk2 * 4, nk3 * 4, len(sig))) DIRECTGAP = np.zeros((nk1 * 4, nk2 * 4, nk3 * 4)) DIRECTGAP[:, :, :] = 100.0 VAL = np.ones((nk1 * 4, nk2 * 4, nk3 * 4)) * 100.0 # sig_0 = 0.2 # initial pass for c1 in range(0, 4 * nk1, 4): print("c1 ", c1) for c2 in range(0, 4 * nk2, 4): for c3 in range(0, 4 * nk3, 4): k = K[c1, c2, c3, :] val, vect, p = self.solve_ham(k, proj=None) d = val[num_occ] - val[num_occ - 1] DIRECTGAP[c1, c2, c3] = d # IMAGE[c1,c2,c3,-1] = np.exp( -(d)**2 / sig[-1]**2) if thresh == -10: thresh = max(np.min(DIRECTGAP) * 1.5, 0.03) print("set thresh ", thresh) # second pass # maxval = np.max(IMAGE[:,:,:,-1]) # thresh = maxval * 0.1 # print("thresh ", maxval, thresh) def fun_to_min(k): val, vect, p = self.solve_ham(k, proj=None) return val[num_occ] - val[num_occ - 1] num_thresh = 0 min_gap = 1000000000.0 min_cond = 1000000000.0 max_val = -1000000000.0 dk1 = float(1) / float(nk1 * 4) / 2.0 dk2 = float(1) / float(nk2 * 4) / 2.0 dk3 = float(1) / float(nk3 * 4) / 2.0 weyl_points = [] dirac_points = [] higher_order_points = [] for c1 in range(0, 4 * nk1, 4): print("c1 ", c1) for c2 in range(0, 4 * nk2, 4): for c3 in range(0, 4 * nk3, 4): for c1a in range(4): for c2a in range(4): for c3a in range(4): if c1a > 0: c1p = (c1 + 4) % (4 * nk1) else: c1p = c1 if c2a > 0: c2p = (c2 + 4) % (4 * nk2) else: c2p = c2 if c3a > 0: c3p = (c3 + 4) % (4 * nk3) else: c3p = c3 if ( DIRECTGAP[c1, c2, c3] < thresh or DIRECTGAP[c1, c2, c3p] < thresh or DIRECTGAP[c1, c2p, c3] < thresh or DIRECTGAP[c1, c2p, c3p] < thresh or DIRECTGAP[c1p, c2, c3] < thresh or DIRECTGAP[c1p, c2, c3p] < thresh or DIRECTGAP[c1p, c2p, c3] < thresh or DIRECTGAP[c1p, c2p, c3p] < thresh ): num_thresh += 1 k = K[c1 + c1a, c2 + c2a, c3 + c3a, :] if use_min: B = opt.Bounds( k - [dk1, dk2, dk3], k + [dk1, dk2, dk3], keep_feasible=True, ) val, vect, p = self.solve_ham( k, proj=None ) if ( val[num_occ] - val[num_occ - 1] < 0.15 ): res = opt.minimize( fun_to_min, k, method="Powell", bounds=B, tol=0.5e-3, options={"maxfev": 5}, ) if < 0.005: res = opt.minimize( fun_to_min, res.x, method="Powell", bounds=B, tol=1e-5, options={"maxfev": 30}, ) val, vect, p = self.solve_ham( res.x, proj=None ) k = res.x else: val, vect, p = self.solve_ham( k, proj=None ) d = val[num_occ] - val[num_occ - 1] if d < node_tol: # degen = 0 gap_mean = ( val[num_occ] + val[num_occ - 1] ) / 2.0 count = np.sum( np.abs(val - gap_mean) < node_tol * 2 ) if count == 2: weyl_points.append(copy.copy(k)) print("weyl point ", k, d, count) elif count == 4 or count == 4: dirac_points.append(copy.copy(k)) print("dirac point ", k, d, count) else: higher_order_points.append( copy.copy(k) ) print( "nontrivial point ", k, d, count, ) DIRECTGAP[c1 + c1a, c2 + c2a, c3 + c3a] = d VAL[c1 + c1a, c2 + c2a, c3 + c3a] = 0.5 * ( val[num_occ] + val[num_occ - 1] ) min_gap = min(d, min_gap) min_cond = min(min_cond, val[num_occ]) max_val = max(max_val, val[num_occ - 1]) for (cs, s) in enumerate(sig): IMAGE[:, :, :, cs] = np.exp(-((DIRECTGAP) ** 2) / s ** 2) print( "num thresh ", num_thresh, " out of ", nk1 * nk2 * nk3 * 4 * 4 * 4 ) print( "min direct gap ", min_gap, " indirect gap ", min_cond - max_val ) print("weyl ", weyl_points) print("dirac ", dirac_points) print("higher order ", higher_order_points) return ( IMAGE, DIRECTGAP, VAL, [min_gap, min_cond - max_val], weyl_points, dirac_points, higher_order_points, )
[docs] def chern_number_simple( self, nocc=8, k1=[0, 0, 0], k2=[0, 0, 0], nk1=20, nk2=20, Kmat=None, usemod=True, ): """Calculate Chern number.""" if Kmat is None: K = np.zeros((nk1, nk2, 3), dtype=float) k1 = np.array(k1, dtype=float) k2 = np.array(k2, dtype=float) # print( 'K') for c1 in range(nk1): for c2 in range(nk2): K[c1, c2, :] = k1 * float(c1) / float(nk1) + k2 * float( c2 ) / float(nk2) else: K = Kmat if usemod: lim1 = nk1 lim2 = nk2 else: lim1 = nk1 + 1 lim2 = nk2 + 1 VECT = np.zeros((lim1, lim2, self.nwan, self.nwan), dtype=complex) gap_min = 100000000000.0 val_max = -10000000000000.0 cond_min = 10000000000.0 # cond_min_p1 = 10000000000.0 # gap_min2 = 100000000000.0 # nwan = self.nwan for c1 in range(lim1): for c2 in range(lim2): k = K[c1, c2, :] val, vect, p = self.solve_ham(k, proj=None) VECT[c1, c2, :, :] = vect if (val[nocc] - val[nocc - 1]) < gap_min: gap_min = val[nocc] - val[nocc - 1] if val[nocc - 1] > val_max: val_max = val[nocc - 1] if val[nocc] < cond_min: cond_min = val[nocc] print( "minimum_direct_gap", gap_min, "indirect_gap", cond_min - val_max ) direct_gap = gap_min indirect_gap = cond_min - val_max Chern = 0.0 for c1 in range(nk1): for c2 in range(nk2): if usemod: c1p = (c1 + 1) % nk1 c2p = (c2 + 1) % nk2 else: c1p = c1 + 1 c2p = c2 + 1 klist = [[c1, c2], [c1p, c2], [c1p, c2p], [c1, c2p], [c1, c2]] phi = 0.0 for i in range(4): M = VECT[klist[i][0], klist[i][1], :, 0:nocc].T.conj(), VECT[klist[i + 1][0], klist[i + 1][1], :, 0:nocc], ) phi = phi - (cmath.log(np.linalg.det(M))).imag if phi > np.pi: phi = phi - 2 * np.pi elif phi < -np.pi: phi = phi + 2 * np.pi if abs(phi) > 0.75: print( "WARNING in chern calculation, phi", c1, c2, phi, " try more k-points", ) Chern += phi / (2.0 * np.pi) if usemod: return Chern, direct_gap, indirect_gap else: return Chern, direct_gap, val_max, cond_min
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(self, info): """Load from dictionary.""" w = WannierHam( nr=info["nr"], nwan=info["nwan"], sym_r=info["sym_r"], H_int=info["H_int"], H_val=info["H_val"], H=info["H"], HR=info["HR"], ) return w
[docs] def read_ham(self): """Read _hr.dat file..""" f = open(self.filename, "r") lines = # allines = f.readlines() f.close() self.nwan = int(lines[1]) = int(lines[2]) if % 15 == 0: lines_r = int(math.floor( // 15)) else: lines_r = int(math.floor( // 15) + 1) # print ('self.nwan,',self.nwan,,lines_r) self.sym_r = np.zeros(, dtype=float) # load sym ops for i in range(lines_r): num = 3 + i start = i * 15 end = (i + 1) * 15 if end > end = self.sym_r[start:end] = [float(j) for j in lines[num].split()] # print (self.sym_r) tot = self.nwan ** 2 * self.H_int = np.zeros((tot, 5), dtype=int) self.H_val = np.zeros(tot, dtype=complex) c = 0 rnum = 0 for i in range(lines_r + 3, lines_r + 3 + tot): rnum = (c) // self.nwan ** 2 # print ('lines[i].split()[0:5]',c,self.nwan**2)#,self.sym_r[rnum]) self.H_int[c, :] = [int(j) for j in lines[i].split()[0:5]] # print ('lines[i][5]',lines[i]) self.H_val[c] = ( float(lines[i].split()[5]) + 1j * float(lines[i].split()[6]) ) / float(self.sym_r[rnum]) c += 1 # print (self.H_int[0,:]) # print (self.H_val[0]) # print (self.H_int[-1,:]) # print (self.H_val[-1]) # print ('loaded ', self.filename) # print ('nwan: ', self.nwan) # print ('nr: ', # print () # reshape nx1 = np.min(self.H_int[:, 0]) nx2 = np.max(self.H_int[:, 0]) ny1 = np.min(self.H_int[:, 1]) ny2 = np.max(self.H_int[:, 1]) nz1 = np.min(self.H_int[:, 2]) nz2 = np.max(self.H_int[:, 2]) self.ind = [[nx1, nx2], [ny1, ny2], [nz1, nz2]] ix = nx2 - nx1 + 1 iy = ny2 - ny1 + 1 iz = nz2 - nz1 + 1 print("H size", ix, iy, iz, self.nwan, self.nwan) self.H = np.zeros((ix, iy, iz, self.nwan, self.nwan), dtype=complex) self.ind_dict = {} for i in range(self.H_val.shape[0]): ind = self.get_ind(self.H_int[i, 0:3]) self.ind_dict[(ind[0], ind[1], ind[2])] = i nw1 = self.H_int[i, 3] nw2 = self.H_int[i, 4] self.H[ind[0], ind[1], ind[2], nw1 - 1, nw2 - 1] = self.H_val[i] # print ('done reshaping1') nr = ix * iy * iz self.R = np.zeros((nr, 3), dtype=float) self.HR = np.zeros((nr, self.nwan ** 2), dtype=complex) c = 0 for x in range(nx1, nx2 + 1): for y in range(ny1, ny2 + 1): for z in range(nz1, nz2 + 1): # ind = self.ind_dict[(x,y,z)] ind = self.get_ind([x, y, z]) self.R[c, :] = [x, y, z] self.HR[c, :] = np.reshape( self.H[ind[0], ind[1], ind[2], :, :], self.nwan ** 2 ) c += 1 if c != nr: ValueError("c is not equal to r", c, nr) return self.R, self.H, self.HR
[docs] def get_ind(self, nxyz): """Get index.""" return [ nxyz[0] - self.ind[0][0], nxyz[1] - self.ind[1][0], nxyz[2] - self.ind[2][0], ]
[docs] def solve_ham(self, k=[0, 0, 0], proj=None): """Solve Wannier Hamiltonian at a k-point.""" nr = self.R.shape[0] # print ('nr==',nr, hk = np.zeros((self.nwan, self.nwan), dtype=complex) kmat = np.tile(k, (nr, 1)) exp_ikr = np.exp(1.0j * 2 * np.pi * np.sum(kmat * self.R, 1)) temp = np.zeros(self.nwan ** 2, dtype=complex) for i in range(nr): temp += exp_ikr[i] * self.HR[i, :] hk = np.reshape(temp, (self.nwan, self.nwan)) hk = (hk + hk.T.conj()) / 2.0 val, vect = np.linalg.eigh(hk) if proj is not None: p = np.real(np.sum(vect[proj, :] * np.conj(vect[proj, :]), 0)) else: p = np.ones(val.shape) # print 'proj', np.sum(np.sum(p)) return val.real, vect, p
[docs] def band_structure_eigs(self, kpath=None, proj=None, efermi=0.0): """Get eigenvalues for band eigenvalues.""" eigs = [] for i in kpath: # print (i) val, vect, p = self.solve_ham(k=i, proj=proj) eigs.append(val - efermi) return np.array(eigs)
[docs] def get_bandstructure_plot( self, atoms=None, efermi=0.0, filename="bs.png", yrange=[-4, 4] ): """Get bandstructure plot..""" kpoints, labels = Kpoints3D().interpolated_points(atoms) # _path # print ('kpath',kpoints) eigs = self.band_structure_eigs(kpath=kpoints, efermi=efermi).T for i, ii in enumerate(eigs): plt.plot(ii, color="b") plt.ylim(yrange) plt.savefig(filename) plt.close()
[docs] def compare_dft_wann( self, vasprun_path="", energy_tol=0.75, plot=True, kp_labels_points=[], kp_labels=[], filename="compare.png", ): """Compare DFT and Wannier bands to check accuracy.""" vrun = Vasprun(vasprun_path) kpoints = vrun.kpoints._kpoints fermi = vrun.efermi eigs_wan = self.band_structure_eigs( kpath=kpoints, efermi=vrun.efermi ) # -fermi#[::-1]#.T eigs_vrun = vrun.eigenvalues[0][:, :, 0] - fermi # [::-1]#.T nbands = eigs_vrun.shape[1] nwann = eigs_wan.shape[1] info = {} print( "eigs.shape,eigs_vrun.shape", eigs_wan.shape, eigs_vrun.shape, nbands, nwann, ) min_arr = [] erange = [-energy_tol, energy_tol] for k in range(len(kpoints)): for n in eigs_wan[k]: diff_arr = [] if n > erange[0] and n < erange[1]: for v in eigs_vrun[k]: diff = abs(n - v) diff_arr.append(diff) if diff_arr != []: tmp = np.min(diff_arr) min_arr.append(tmp) maxdiff = "na" if min_arr != []: # print ('min_arr',min_arr) print("MAX diff", max(min_arr)) maxdiff = max(min_arr) print("maxdiff", maxdiff) if plot: for i, ii in enumerate(eigs_wan.T): plt.plot(ii, color="b") for i, ii in enumerate(eigs_vrun.T): plt.plot(ii, color="r") plt.ylim([-energy_tol, energy_tol]) if kp_labels_points != [] and kp_labels != []: plt.xticks(kp_labels_points, kp_labels) plt.savefig(filename) plt.close() info["eigs_wan"] = list(eigs_wan.tolist()) info["eigs_vrun"] = list(eigs_vrun.tolist()) info["kp_labels_points"] = list(kp_labels_points) info["kp_labels"] = kp_labels info["maxdiff"] = maxdiff info["efermi"] = fermi # print (info) return info # ,eigs_wan.T,eigs_vrun.T
[docs] def dos( self, kpoints=[], proj=None, efermi=0.0, xrange=None, nenergy=100, sig=0.02, pdf="dos.pdf", show=True, ): """Get density of states.""" # plt.clf() # kgrid = generate_kgrid(grid) nk = len(kpoints) nwan = self.nwan vals = np.zeros((nk, nwan), dtype=float) pvals = np.zeros((nk, nwan), dtype=float) for i, k in enumerate(kpoints): val, vect, p = self.solve_ham(k, proj) vals[i, :] = val - efermi pvals[i, :] = p # print vals # print "pvals" # print pvals # print "np.sum pvals ", np.sum(np.sum(pvals)) if xrange is None: vmin = np.min(vals[:]) vmax = np.max(vals[:]) vmin2 = vmin - (vmax - vmin) * 0.05 vmax2 = vmax + (vmax - vmin) * 0.05 xrange = [vmin2, vmax2] # plt.xlim(xrange) energies = np.arange( xrange[0], xrange[1] + 1e-5, (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) / float(nenergy), ) dos = np.zeros(np.size(energies)) pdos = np.zeros(np.size(energies)) v = vals condmin = np.min(v[v > 0.0]) valmax = np.max(v[v < 0.0]) print("DOS BAND GAP ", condmin - valmax, " ", valmax, " ", condmin) c = -0.5 / sig ** 2 for i in range(np.size(energies)): arg = c * (v - energies[i]) ** 2 dos[i] = np.sum(np.exp(arg)) if proj is not None: pdos[i] = np.sum(np.exp(arg) * pvals) de = energies[1] - energies[0] dos = dos / sig / (2.0 * np.pi) ** 0.5 / float(nk) if proj is not None: pdos = pdos / sig / (2.0 * np.pi) ** 0.5 / float(nk) print("np.sum(dos) ", np.sum(dos * de)) if proj is not None: print("np.sum(pdos) ", np.sum(pdos * de)) return energies, dos, pdos
[docs] def generate_supercell( self, supercell=[2, 2, 2], index=[0, 0, 0], sparse=False ): """Generate supercell.""" t0 = time.time() nw = self.nwan factor = NWAN = factor * self.nwan def plus_r(rold, subcell): rnew = subcell + rold # print ('cell',rnew,supercell) cellnew = rnew // supercell # this is integer division subnew = rnew % supercell return cellnew, subnew def subcell_index(ss): t = ( ss[0] * supercell[1] * supercell[2] + ss[1] * supercell[2] + ss[2] ) return range(t * nw, (t + 1) * nw) RH_new = {} h_temp = np.zeros((self.nwan, self.nwan), dtype=complex) subcell = np.zeros(3, dtype=int) t1 = time.time() for ii in range(self.R.shape[0]): rold = np.array(self.R[ii, :], dtype=int) for i in range(supercell[0]): for j in range(supercell[1]): for k in range(supercell[2]): subcell[:] = [i, j, k] cellnew, subnew = plus_r(rold, subcell) if ( (index[0] > 0 and cellnew[0] != 0) or (index[1] > 0 and cellnew[1] != 0) or (index[2] > 0 and cellnew[2] != 0) ): continue if tuple(cellnew) not in RH_new: if sparse: sps = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix # TO CHECK RH_new[tuple(cellnew)] = [ cellnew, sps.lil_matrix( (NWAN, NWAN), dtype=complex ), ] else: RH_new[tuple(cellnew)] = [ cellnew, np.zeros((NWAN, NWAN), dtype=complex), ] h_temp[:, :] = np.reshape( self.HR[ii, :], (self.nwan, self.nwan) ) r1 = subcell_index(subcell) r2 = subcell_index(subnew) for c1, c2 in enumerate(r1): for d1, d2 in enumerate(r2): RH_new[tuple(cellnew)][1][c2, d2] += h_temp[ c1, d1 ] t2 = time.time() nr = len(RH_new) hbig = WannierHam(nr=nr) # hbig = wan_ham() # if sparse: # hbig.sparse = True # nwan = NWAN hbig.nwan = NWAN # = rn # R = np.zeros((nr, 3), dtype=float) hbig.R = np.zeros((nr, 3), dtype=float) if sparse: # HR = sps.lil_matrix((nr, NWAN ** 2), dtype=complex) hbig.HR = sps.lil_matrix((nr, NWAN ** 2), dtype=complex) else: # HR = np.zeros((nr, NWAN ** 2), dtype=complex) hbig.HR = np.zeros((nr, NWAN ** 2), dtype=complex) for c, i in enumerate(RH_new): h = RH_new[i][1] r = RH_new[i][0] if sparse: # HR[c, :] = sps.lil_matrix.reshape(h, NWAN * NWAN) hbig.HR[c, :] = sps.lil_matrix.reshape(h, NWAN * NWAN) else: # HR[c, :] = np.reshape(h, NWAN * NWAN) hbig.HR[c, :] = np.reshape(h, NWAN * NWAN) # R[c, :] = r hbig.R[c, :] = r t3 = time.time() print("TIME SUPERCELL", t1 - t0, t2 - t1, t3 - t2) return hbig
[docs] def fermi_surf_2d( self, fermi=7.8163, origin=np.array([-1.0, -1.0, 0]), k1=np.array([4.0, 0.0, 0.0]), k2=np.array([0.0, 4.0, 0.0]), nk1=50, nk2=50, sig=0.3, ): """Generate 2D projected Fermi-surface.""" K = np.zeros((nk1, nk2, 3), dtype=float) for c1 in range(nk1): for c2 in range(nk2): K[c1, c2, :] = ( origin + k1 * float(c1) / float(nk1) + k2 * float(c2) / float(nk2) ) image = np.zeros((nk1, nk2)) for c1 in range(nk1): for c2 in range(nk2): k = K[c1, c2, :] val, vect, p = self.solve_ham(k=k) image[c1, c2] = np.sum( np.exp(-((val - fermi) ** 2) / sig ** 2) ) return image
[docs]class Wannier90wout(object): """Construct wannier90.out related object.""" def __init__(self, wout_path="wannier90.wout"): """Initialize with file path.""" self.wout = wout_path
[docs] def give_wannier_centers(self): """Get wannier charge centers.""" f = open(self.wout, "r") lines = f.close() final = False wan_cnts = [] for ii, i in enumerate(lines): if "Final State" in i: final = True if final: if "WF centre and spread" in i: tmp = [ float(j) for j in i.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split(",") ] wan_cnts.append(tmp) return wan_cnts
[docs]class Wannier90eig(object): """Construct wannier90.eig related object.""" def __init__(self, weig_path="wannier90.eig"): """Initialize with file path.""" self.weig = weig_path
[docs] def give_wannier_eigs(self): """Get wannier eigs.""" eigs = np.loadtxt(self.weig) return eigs
[docs] def neigs(self): """Get wannier eigs.""" ne = int(self.give_wannier_eigs()[-1][0]) return ne
[docs] def nk(self): """Get wannier eigs.""" nk = int(len(self.give_wannier_eigs()) / self.neigs()) return nk