Source code for

"""Class for writing Wannier90 input files."""

import os
import json
import shutil
from collections import OrderedDict
from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms

[docs]class Wannier90win(object): """Class for writing""" def __init__( self, struct="", dis_num_iter=100, kmesh_tol=0.000000001, dis_mix_ratio=0.5, num_iter=100, num_print_cycles=50, frozen_tol=2, efermi=None, soc=True, semi_core_states=None, ): """ Provide information ndeeded for writing At least Atoms object needed. Args: struct : Atoms object efermi : Fermi-energy soc : spin-orbit coupling True/False dis_num_iter : number of disentanglement iteration steps generally 100-200 is enough num_iter : number of wannierisation iterations kmesh_tol : important for wannier convergence, try to increase/decrease if wannierization fails dis_mix_ratio : mixing ratio for the disentanglement routine frozen_tol : disentanglement inner (frozen) window with +/- values semi_core_states : important to specify according to pseudopotentials. A generic one is given for GGA-PBE, change if you use different POTCARs """ self.struct = struct self.efermi = efermi self.soc = soc self.dis_num_iter = dis_num_iter self.dis_mix_ratio = dis_mix_ratio self.num_iter = num_iter self.num_print_cycles = num_print_cycles self.frozen_tol = frozen_tol self.semi_core_states = semi_core_states self.kmesh_tol = kmesh_tol # Check default potcars after Er in the json # Not tested completely if self.semi_core_states is None: path_semi_core = str( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "default_semicore.json" ) ) f = open(path_semi_core, "r") semi_core_states = json.load(f) f.close() self.semi_core_states = semi_core_states
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert to a dictionary.""" d = OrderedDict() d["struct"] = self.struct.to_dict() d["efermi"] = self.efermi d["soc"] = self.soc d["dis_num_iter"] = self.dis_num_iter d["dis_mix_ratio"] = self.dis_mix_ratio d["num_iter"] = self.num_iter d["num_print_cycles"] = self.num_print_cycles d["frozen_tol"] = self.frozen_tol d["semi_core_states"] = self.semi_core_states d["kmesh_tol"] = self.kmesh_tol return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(self, d={}): """Convert class from a dictionary.""" return Wannier90win( struct=Atoms.from_dict(d["struct"]), efermi=d["efermi"], soc=d["soc"], dis_num_iter=d["dis_num_iter"], dis_mix_ratio=d["dis_mix_ratio"], num_iter=d["num_iter"], num_print_cycles=d["num_print_cycles"], frozen_tol=d["frozen_tol"], semi_core_states=d["semi_core_states"], kmesh_tol=d["kmesh_tol"], )
[docs] def write_win(self, name="win.input"): """Write .win file.""" if self.soc: mult = 2 else: mult = 1 semi_core = self.semi_core_states xx = self.struct.composition.to_dict() elements = [] ELEMENTCOUNT = [] for i, j in xx.items(): elements.append(i) ELEMENTCOUNT.append(int(j)) nwan = 0 nelectrons = 0 exclude = 0 projections = "" c = 0 for e in elements: s = semi_core[e] exclude += s[0] * ELEMENTCOUNT[c] nwan += mult * s[3] * ELEMENTCOUNT[c] nelectrons += s[1] * ELEMENTCOUNT[c] projections += e + ":" + s[2] + "\n" c += 1 print("excluded", exclude) nwan_tot = nwan + exclude print("nwan_tot", nwan_tot) print("projections", projections) if exclude == 0: exclude_st = "" else: exclude_st = "exclude_bands = 1-" + str(int(exclude)) + "\n" f = open(name, "w") line = "guiding_centres = TRUE \n" f.write(line) line = "kmesh_tol=" + str(self.kmesh_tol) + "\n" f.write(line) # line=str('num_wann =')+str(nwan_tot)+'\n' line = str("num_wann =") + str(nwan) + "\n" f.write(line) f.write(exclude_st) tol = self.frozen_tol if self.efermi is not None: dmax = self.efermi + tol # dmin = self.efermi - tol line = str("dis_froz_max =") + str(dmax) + str("\n") f.write(line) line = str("dis_froz_min =") + str(-1000) + str("\n") # line = str("dis_froz_min =") + str(dmin) + str("\n") f.write(line) line = str("dis_num_iter =") + str(self.dis_num_iter) + str("\n") f.write(line) line = str("dis_mix_ratio =") + str(self.dis_mix_ratio) + str("\n") f.write(line) line = str("num_iter =") + str(self.num_iter) + str("\n") f.write(line) line = ( str("num_print_cycles =") + str(self.num_print_cycles) + str("\n") ) f.write(line) line = str("begin projections") + str("\n") f.write(line) f.write(projections) line = str("end projections") + str("\n") f.write(line) f.close() return nwan, exclude
[docs] def write_hr_win( self, hr_tag="hr_plot", prev_win="", hr="", nbands=18, soc="", ): """Write hr_plot or write_hr as .true.""" f = open(prev_win, "r") lines = f.close() bak = str(prev_win) + str(".bak") shutil.copy2(prev_win, bak) # line=str('write_hr=.true. \n') line = str(hr_tag) + str("=.true. \n") f = open(hr, "w") f.write(line) line = str("num_bands = ") + str(nbands) + ("\n") f.write(line) for i in lines: line = str(i) + str("\n") f.write(line) f.close()
""" if __name__ == "__main__": from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms box = [[2.715, 2.715, 0], [0, 2.715, 2.715], [2.715, 0, 2.715]] coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25]] elements = ["Si", "Si"] Si = Atoms(lattice_mat=box, coords=coords, elements=elements) Wannier90win(struct=Si, efermi=0.0).write_win() Wannier90win().write_hr_win(prev_win="win.input") """