Source code for

"""Modulet for analzing VASP outputs."""

from scipy.constants import physical_constants
from scipy.constants import speed_of_light
from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from jarvis.core.specie import Specie
import xmltodict
from jarvis.core.kpoints import Kpoints3D as Kpoints
from import Poscar
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from jarvis.core.utils import rec_dict
from jarvis.core.utils import recast_array_on_uniq_array_elements
import scipy.signal as ss
from jarvis.core.utils import chunks
from jarvis.core.utils import volumetric_grid_reshape

RYTOEV = 13.605826
AUTOA = 0.529177249
TPI = 2 * np.pi

[docs]class Chgcar(object): """Class handling VASP CHGCAR file data.""" def __init__( self, filename="", atoms=None, chg=[], chgdif=None, aug=None, augdiff=None, dim=None, nsets=1, lines="", ): """ Contain CHGCAR data. Requires following arguments, but some are optional. Args: filename: path of CHGCAR atoms: Atoms chg: charge density chgdif: difference in up and down spin aug: PAW augmentation augdiff: augmentation difference nsets: number of CHG sets. """ self.filename = filename self.atoms = atoms self.chg = chg self.dim = dim self.chgdif = chgdif self.aug = aug self.augdiff = augdiff self.nsets = nsets self.lines = lines if self.atoms is None: if self.filename != "": f = open(self.filename, "r") lines = chg = self.read_file(lines=lines) self.chg = chg f.close() elif self.lines != "": chg = self.read_file(lines=self.lines) self.chg = chg else: raise ValueError("Check inputs.")
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert to a dictionary.""" d = OrderedDict() d["filename"] = self.filename d["atoms"] = self.atoms.to_dict() d["chg"] = self.chg d["dim"] = self.dim d["chgdif"] = self.chgdif d["aug"] = self.aug d["augdiff"] = self.augdiff d["nsets"] = self.nsets if self.atoms is not None: d["atoms"] = self.atoms.to_dict() else: d["atoms"] = self.atoms return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(self, d={}): """Construct class from a dictionary.""" if d["atoms"] is not None: atoms = Atoms.from_dict(d["atoms"]) else: atoms = None return Chgcar( filename=d["filename"], atoms=atoms, chg=d["chg"], dim=d["dim"], chgdif=d["chgdif"], aug=d["aug"], augdiff=d["augdiff"], nsets=d["nsets"], )
[docs] def is_spin_polarized(self): """Check if the calculations is spin-polarized, ISPIN=2.""" if self.nsets == 2: return True else: return False
[docs] def is_spin_orbit(self): """Check if the calculations is spin-orbit, LSORBIT=T.""" if self.nsets == 4: return True else: return False
[docs] def modify_grid( self, chg_set=0, multiply_volume=True, final_grid=[50, 50, 50], write_file=True, filename="New_CHGCAR", ): """Modify grid and Write a charge set to a file for visualization.""" chg = self.chg[chg_set] if multiply_volume: chg = np.array(chg) * self.atoms.volume else: chg = np.array(chg) if final_grid is not None: chg = volumetric_grid_reshape(chg, final_grid=final_grid) if write_file: with open(filename, "w") as f: string_pos = Poscar(self.atoms).to_string() f.write(string_pos) f.write("\n") f.write(" %d %d %d\n" % tuple(chg.shape)) # TODO: Write in fortran format chnk_chg = chunks(chg.flatten(), 5) for i in chnk_chg: line = " " + " ".join(map(str, i)) + "\n" f.write(line) return chg
[docs] def read_file(self, lines=""): """Read CHGCAR.""" # f = open(self.filename, "r") # lines = # f.close() self.atoms = Poscar.from_string(lines).atoms volume = self.atoms.volume text = lines.splitlines() ng_line = text[self.atoms.num_atoms + 9] ng = [int(j) for j in ng_line.split()] self.dim = np.array(ng) found = self.atoms.num_atoms + 8 nsets = 0 for i in text: if "augmentation occupancies 1 " in i: nsets = nsets + 1 self.nsets = nsets if self.is_spin_orbit(): ValueError("Not implemeted for spin-orbit calculations yet") # print ('nsets=',nsets) start = found + 2 ngs = int(ng[0] * ng[1] * ng[2]) if ngs % 5 == 0: nlines = int(ngs / 5.0) else: nlines = int(ngs / 5.0) + 1 end = nlines + start # +1 chg_arr = [] for ii, i in enumerate(text): if text[ii] == ng_line: start = ii + 1 end = start + nlines chg = self.chg_set(text, start, end, volume, ng) chg_arr.append(chg) chg = np.array(chg_arr) # self.chg = chg return chg
[docs] def chg_set(self, text, start, end, volume, ng): """Return CHGCAR sets.""" lines_0 = text[start:end] tmp = [] for i in lines_0: for j in i.split(): if j != "": tmp.append(float(j)) tmp = np.array(tmp).reshape(ng) tmp = tmp / volume return tmp
[docs]class Locpot(Chgcar): """Read LOCPOT files."""
[docs] def vac_potential( self, direction="X", Ef=0, filename="Avg.png", plot=True ): """Calculate vacuum potential used in work-function calculation.""" atoms = self.atoms cell = atoms.lattice_mat chg = (self.chg[-1].T) * atoms.volume latticelength =, cell.T).diagonal() latticelength = latticelength**0.5 ngridpts = np.array(chg.shape) # totgridpts = if direction == "X": idir = 0 a = 1 b = 2 elif direction == "Y": a = 0 idir = 1 b = 2 else: a = 0 b = 1 idir = 2 a = (idir + 1) % 3 b = (idir + 2) % 3 average = np.zeros(ngridpts[idir], dtype=float) # average = np.zeros(ngridpts[idir], np.float) for ipt in range(ngridpts[idir]): if direction == "X": average[ipt] = chg[ipt, :, :].sum() elif direction == "Y": average[ipt] = chg[:, ipt, :].sum() else: average[ipt] = chg[:, :, ipt].sum() average /= ngridpts[a] * ngridpts[b] xdiff = latticelength[idir] / float(ngridpts[idir] - 1) xs = [] ys = [] for i in range(ngridpts[idir]): x = i * xdiff xs.append(x) ys.append(average[i]) avg_max = max(average) dif = float(avg_max) - float(Ef) if plt: plt.xlabel("z (Angstrom)") plt.plot(xs, ys, "-", linewidth=2, markersize=10) horiz_line_data = np.array([avg_max for i in range(len(xs))]) plt.plot(xs, horiz_line_data, "-") horiz_line_data = np.array([Ef for i in range(len(xs))]) plt.plot(xs, horiz_line_data, "-") plt.ylabel("Potential (eV)") ax = plt.gca() ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) plt.title( str("Energy difference ") + str(round(float(dif), 3)) + str(" eV"), fontsize=26, ) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(filename) plt.close() print("Ef,max,wf=", Ef, avg_max, dif) return avg_max, dif
[docs]class Oszicar(object): """Construct Oszicar object.""" def __init__(self, filename, data={}): """Initialize with filename.""" self.filename = filename = data if == {}: f = open(filename, "r") lines = f.close() = lines
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(self, d={}): """Construct class from a dictionary.""" return Oszicar(filename=d["filename"], data=d["data"])
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert class to a dictionary.""" d = OrderedDict() d["filename"] = self.filename d["data"] = return d
@property def magnetic_moment(self): """Get magnetic moment.""" # return self.ionic_steps[-1][-1] match = -1 for i, ii in enumerate(self.ionic_steps[-1]): if ii == "mag=": match = i + 1 return np.array([float(j) for j in self.ionic_steps[-1][match:]]) @property def ionic_steps(self): """Get all ionic steps realted data.""" ionic_data = [] for i in if "E0" in i: ionic_data.append(i.split()) return ionic_data @property def electronic_steps(self): """Get all electronic steps realted data.""" electronic_data = [] for i in if "E0" not in i and "d eps" not in i: electronic_data.append(i.split()) return electronic_data
[docs]class Outcar(object): """Construct OUTCAR object.""" def __init__(self, filename, data={}): """Intialize with filename.""" self.filename = filename = data if == {}: f = open(filename, "r") lines = f.close() = lines
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(self, d={}): """Construct class from a dictionary.""" return Outcar(filename=d["filename"], data=d["data"])
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert class to a dictionary.""" d = OrderedDict() d["filename"] = self.filename d["data"] = return d
@property def nions(self): """Get number of ions.""" for i in if "NIONS =" in i: n_ions = int(i.split()[-1]) return n_ions @property def nbands(self): """Get number of bands.""" for i in if "NBANDS=" in i: nbands = int(i.split()[-1]) return nbands @property def nedos(self): """Get number of dos points.""" for i in if "NEDOS =" in i: n_edos = int(i.split()[-7]) return n_edos @property def efermi(self): """Get Fermi energy.""" efermi = [] for i in if "E-fermi :" in i: efermi.append(float(i.split()[2])) return efermi[-1] @property def all_band_energies(self): """Get all band energies.""" last_efermi = None for i, ii in enumerate( if "E-fermi :" in ii: last_efermi = i energies_occs = [] s = "band No. band energies occupation" for i, ii in enumerate( if s in ii and i > last_efermi: for j in range(self.nbands): energies_occs.append( [float(m) for m in[i + j + 1].split()] ) energies_occs = np.array(energies_occs) return energies_occs @property def bandgap(self): """Get bandgap.""" en_oc = self.all_band_energies cbm = max(en_oc[:, 1][en_oc[:, 1] < self.efermi]) vbm = min(en_oc[:, 1][en_oc[:, 1] >= self.efermi]) gap = vbm - cbm return gap, vbm, cbm
[docs] def magnetization(self, dir="x", elements=[]): """Get magnetization in x,y,z.""" new_magt = "na" for i, ii in enumerate( if "magnetization (" + dir + ")" in ii: magt = [] for j in range(self.nions): magt.append(([i + 4 + j]).split()) if not elements: elements = [str(i + 1) for i in range(len(magt))] new_magt = [] for ii, jj in zip(elements, magt): jj[0] = ii if len(jj) == 5: tmp = jj[4] jj[4] = "0.0" jj.append(tmp) new_magt.append(jj) return new_magt
[docs] def total_charge(self, elements=[]): """Get total charge.""" new_chg = "na" for i, ii in enumerate( if " total charge " in ii: chg = [] for j in range(self.nions): chg.append(([i + 4 + j]).split()) if not elements: elements = [str(i + 1) for i in range(len(chg))] new_chg = [] for ii, jj in zip(elements, chg): jj[0] = ii if len(jj) == 5: tmp = jj[4] jj[4] = "0.0" jj.append(tmp) new_chg.append(jj) return new_chg
@property def nelect(self): """Get number of electrons.""" for i in if "NELECT" in i: nelect = int(float(i.split()[2])) return nelect @property def phonon_eigenvalues(self): """Get phonon eigenvalues.""" # Thz values lines = vals = [] for i, ii in enumerate(lines): if "meV" in ii: tmp = float(ii.split()[-8]) if "f/i" in ii: tmp = tmp * -1 vals.append(tmp) return np.array(vals, dtype="float") @property def converged(self): """Check if calculation is converged.""" cnvg = False try: lines = cnvg = False for i in lines: if ( "General timing and accounting informations for this job" in i ): cnvg = True if "VASP will stop now." in i: cnvg = True except Exception: pass return cnvg # @property
[docs] def efg_tensor_diag(self, std_conv=True, prec=3): """Get diagonalized electric field gradient tensor.""" # std_conv: |Vzz|>=|Vyy|>=|Vxx|, eta=(Vxx-Vyy)/Vzz # Note: VASP uses: |Vzz|>=|Vxx|>=|Vyy|, eta=(Vyy-Vxx)/Vzz # quadrupolar parameter, Cq=e*Q*V_zz/h nions = self.nions for ii, i in enumerate( if "Electric field gradients after diagonalization" in i: tmp = ii arr =[tmp + 5 : tmp + 5 + nions] efg_arr = [] for i in arr: if std_conv: Vzz = round(float(i.split()[3]), prec) Vyy = round(float(i.split()[1]), prec) Vxx = round(float(i.split()[2]), prec) if Vzz == 0.0: eta = 0.0 else: eta = (Vxx - Vyy) / Vzz tmp = [Vxx, Vyy, Vzz, eta] else: Vzz = round(float(i.split()[3]), prec) Vyy = round(float(i.split()[2]), prec) Vxx = round(float(i.split()[1]), prec) if Vzz == 0.0: eta = 0.0 else: eta = (Vyy - Vxx) / Vzz tmp = [Vxx, Vyy, Vzz, eta] efg_arr.append(tmp) efg_arr = np.array(efg_arr, dtype="float") return efg_arr
@property def efg_raw_tensor(self): """Get raw electric field gradient tensor.""" nions = self.nions for ii, i in enumerate( if "Electric field gradients (V/A^2)" in i: tmp = ii arr =[tmp + 4 : tmp + 4 + nions] efg_arr = [] for i in arr: line = i.split() tmp = [ [line[1], line[4], line[5]], [line[4], line[2], line[6]], [line[5], line[6], line[3]], ] efg_arr.append(tmp) efg_arr = np.array(efg_arr, dtype="float") return efg_arr @property def quad_mom(self): """Get quadrupole momemnt.""" nions = self.nions for ii, i in enumerate( if ( "Q : nuclear electric quadrupole moment in mb (millibarn)" in i ): tmp = ii arr =[tmp + 4 : tmp + 4 + nions] quad_arr = [] for i in arr: tmp = [i.split()[1], i.split()[2], i.split()[3]] quad_arr.append(tmp) quad_arr = np.array(quad_arr, dtype="float") return quad_arr @property def piezoelectric_tensor(self): """Get piezoelectric tensor.""" lines = ionic_piezo = [] total_piezo = [] for ii, i in enumerate(lines): if "PIEZOELECTRIC TENSOR" in i and "(C/m^2)" in i and "field" in i: if "IONIC" in i: ionic_piezo.append(lines[ii + 3].split()[1:7]) ionic_piezo.append(lines[ii + 4].split()[1:7]) ionic_piezo.append(lines[ii + 5].split()[1:7]) else: total_piezo.append(lines[ii + 3].split()[1:7]) total_piezo.append(lines[ii + 4].split()[1:7]) total_piezo.append(lines[ii + 5].split()[1:7]) ionic_piezo = np.array(ionic_piezo, dtype="float") total_piezo = np.array(total_piezo, dtype="float") return ionic_piezo, total_piezo
[docs] def freq_dielectric_tensor(self): """Parse dielectric function.""" lines = # nedos = self.nedos imag_data = [] real_data = [] found_real = 0 found_imag = 0 for ii, i in enumerate(lines): if "frequency dependent REAL DIELECTRIC FUNCTION" in i: found_real = ii if "frequency dependent IMAGINARY DIELECTRIC FUNCTION" in i: found_imag = ii for j in range(found_real + 3, len(lines)): if " " in lines[j + 1]: break if "4ORBIT" in lines[j + 1]: break tmp = lines[j].split() if len(tmp) == 7: real_data.append(tmp) for j in range(found_imag + 3, len(lines)): if " " in lines[j + 1]: break if "4ORBIT" in lines[j + 1]: break tmp = lines[j].split() if len(tmp) == 7: imag_data.append(tmp) imag_data = np.array(imag_data, dtype="float") real_data = np.array(real_data, dtype="float") return real_data, imag_data
[docs] def elastic_props(self, atoms=None, vacuum=False): """ Obtain elastic tensor and calculate related properties. For 3D and 2D cases. Args: outcar: OUTCAR file path vacuum: whether the structure has vaccum such as 2D materials for vacuum structures bulk and shear mod. Needs extra attention and elastic tensor are in Nm^-1 rather than GPa Returns: info: data for elastic tensor (in string and object representation), bulk, shear modulus, and phonon modes """ ratio_c = 1.0 if vacuum: ratio_c = 0.1 * float( abs(atoms.lattice_mat[2][2]) ) # *(10**9)*(10**-10) #N/m unit KV = "na" GV = "na" # spin = "na" info = {} v = open(self.filename, "r") lines = c = np.empty((6, 6), dtype=float) # TODO: Use regex to simplify for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "TOTAL ELASTIC MODULI (kBar)" in line: c11 = lines[i + 3].split()[1] c12 = lines[i + 3].split()[2] c13 = lines[i + 3].split()[3] c14 = lines[i + 3].split()[4] c15 = lines[i + 3].split()[5] c16 = lines[i + 3].split()[6] c21 = lines[i + 4].split()[1] c22 = lines[i + 4].split()[2] c23 = lines[i + 4].split()[3] c24 = lines[i + 4].split()[4] c25 = lines[i + 4].split()[5] c26 = lines[i + 4].split()[6] c31 = lines[i + 5].split()[1] c32 = lines[i + 5].split()[2] c33 = lines[i + 5].split()[3] c34 = lines[i + 5].split()[4] c35 = lines[i + 5].split()[5] c36 = lines[i + 5].split()[6] c41 = lines[i + 6].split()[1] c42 = lines[i + 6].split()[2] c43 = lines[i + 6].split()[3] c44 = lines[i + 6].split()[4] c45 = lines[i + 6].split()[5] c46 = lines[i + 6].split()[6] c51 = lines[i + 7].split()[1] c52 = lines[i + 7].split()[2] c53 = lines[i + 7].split()[3] c54 = lines[i + 7].split()[4] c55 = lines[i + 7].split()[5] c56 = lines[i + 7].split()[6] c61 = lines[i + 8].split()[1] c62 = lines[i + 8].split()[2] c63 = lines[i + 8].split()[3] c64 = lines[i + 8].split()[4] c65 = lines[i + 8].split()[5] c66 = lines[i + 8].split()[6] c[0][0] = round(ratio_c * float(c11) / float(10), 1) c[0][1] = round(ratio_c * float(c12) / float(10), 1) c[0][2] = round(ratio_c * float(c13) / float(10), 1) c[0][3] = round(ratio_c * float(c14) / float(10), 1) c[0][4] = round(ratio_c * float(c15) / float(10), 1) c[0][5] = round(ratio_c * float(c16) / float(10), 1) c[1][0] = round(ratio_c * float(c21) / float(10), 1) c[1][1] = round(ratio_c * float(c22) / float(10), 1) c[1][2] = round(ratio_c * float(c23) / float(10), 1) c[1][3] = round(ratio_c * float(c24) / float(10), 1) c[1][4] = round(ratio_c * float(c25) / float(10), 1) c[1][5] = round(ratio_c * float(c26) / float(10), 1) c[2][0] = round(float(c31) / float(10), 1) c[2][1] = round(float(c32) / float(10), 1) c[2][2] = round(float(c33) / float(10), 1) c[2][3] = round(float(c34) / float(10), 1) c[2][4] = round(float(c35) / float(10), 1) c[2][5] = round(float(c36) / float(10), 1) c[3][0] = round(float(c41) / float(10), 1) c[3][1] = round(float(c42) / float(10), 1) c[3][2] = round(float(c43) / float(10), 1) c[3][3] = round(float(c44) / float(10), 1) c[3][4] = round(float(c45) / float(10), 1) c[3][5] = round(float(c46) / float(10), 1) c[4][0] = round(float(c51) / float(10), 1) c[4][1] = round(float(c52) / float(10), 1) c[4][2] = round(float(c53) / float(10), 1) c[4][3] = round(float(c54) / float(10), 1) c[4][4] = round(float(c55) / float(10), 1) c[4][5] = round(float(c56) / float(10), 1) c[5][0] = round(float(c61) / float(10), 1) c[5][1] = round(float(c62) / float(10), 1) c[5][2] = round(float(c63) / float(10), 1) c[5][3] = round(float(c64) / float(10), 1) c[5][4] = round(float(c65) / float(10), 1) c[5][5] = round(float(c66) / float(10), 1) KV = float( (c[0][0] + c[1][1] + c[2][2]) + 2 * (c[0][1] + c[1][2] + c[2][0]) ) / float(9) GV = float( (c[0][0] + c[1][1] + c[2][2]) - (c[0][1] + c[1][2] + c[2][0]) + 3 * (c[3][3] + c[4][4] + c[5][5]) ) / float(15) KV = round(KV, 3) GV = round(GV, 3) break v.close() modes = [] try: for i in lines: if "cm-1" in i and "meV" in i: mod = float(i.split()[-4]) if "f/i" in i: mod = mod * -1 if mod not in modes: modes.append(float(mod)) except Exception: pass info["cij"] = c.tolist() info["KV"] = KV info["GV"] = GV info["modes"] = modes return info
[docs]class Waveder(object): """ Class for reading a WAVEDER file. The LOPTICS tag produces a WAVEDER file. The WAVEDER contains the derivative of the orbitals with respect to k. """ # Use lower numpy version e.g. 1.23.5 def __init__(self, filename, gamma_only=False): """Initialize with filename.""" with open(filename, "rb") as fp: def readData(dtype): """ Read records from Fortran binary file. Convert to np.array of given dtype. """ data = b"" while 1: prefix = np.fromfile(fp, dtype=np.int32, count=1)[0] data += suffix = np.fromfile(fp, dtype=np.int32, count=1)[0] if abs(prefix) - abs(suffix): raise RuntimeError( "Read wrong amount of bytes.\n" "Expected: %d, read: %d, suffix: %d." % (prefix, len(data), suffix) ) if prefix > 0: break return np.frombuffer(data, dtype=dtype) nbands, nelect, nk, ispin = readData(np.int32) _ = readData(np.float) # nodes_in_dielectric_function _ = readData(np.float) # wplasmon if gamma_only: cder = readData(np.float) else: cder = readData(np.complex64) cder_data = cder.reshape((3, ispin, nk, nelect, nbands)).T self._cder_data = cder_data self._nkpoints = nk self._ispin = ispin self._nelect = nelect self._nbands = nbands @property def cder_data(self): """Return the orbital derivative between states.""" return self._cder_data @property def nbands(self): """Return the number of bands in the calculation.""" return self._nbands @property def nkpoints(self): """Return the number of k-points in the calculation.""" return self._nkpoints @property def nelect(self): """Return the number of electrons in the calculation.""" return self._nelect
[docs] def get_orbital_derivative_between_states( self, band_i, band_j, kpoint, spin, cart_dir ): """ Return a valuebetween bands band_i and band_j. For k-point index, spin-channel and cartesian direction. Args: band_i (Integer): Index of band i band_j (Integer): Index of band j kpoint (Integer): Index of k-point spin (Integer): Index of spin-channel (0 or 1) cart_dir (Integer): Index of cartesian direction (0,1,2) Returns: a float value """ if ( band_i < 0 or band_i > self.nbands - 1 or band_j < 0 or band_j > self.nelect - 1 ): raise ValueError("Band index out of bounds") if kpoint > self.nkpoints: raise ValueError("K-point index out of bounds") if cart_dir > 2 or cart_dir < 0: raise ValueError("cart_dir index out of bounds") return self._cder_data[band_i, band_j, kpoint, spin, cart_dir]
[docs]class Wavecar(object): """ Class for VASP Pseudowavefunction stored in WAVECAR. The format of VASP WAVECAR, as shown in is: Record-length #spin components RTAG(a value specifying the precision) #k-points #bands ENCUT(maximum energy for plane waves) LatVec-A LatVec-B LatVec-C Loop over spin Loop over k-points #plane waves, k vector Loop over bands band energy, band occupation End loop over bands Loop over bands Loop over plane waves Plane-wave coefficient End loop over plane waves End loop over bands End loop over k-points End loop over spin """ def __init__( self, filename="WAVECAR", lsorbit=False, lgamma=False, recl=None, nspin=None, rtag=None, nkpts=None, nbands=None, encut=None, lattice_mat=None, nplws=None, wfc=None, efermi=None, kvecs=None, energies=None, occs=None, gvec=None, ): """Initialize the class.""" self._filename = filename self._lsoc = lsorbit self._lgam = lgamma self._recl = recl self._nspin = nspin self._rtag = rtag self._nkpts = nkpts self._nbands = nbands self._encut = encut self._lattice_mat = lattice_mat self._nplws = nplws self._efermi = efermi self._kvecs = kvecs self._energies = energies self._occs = occs self._gvec = gvec self._lattice_mat = lattice_mat assert not (lsorbit and lgamma), "The two settings conflict!" try: self._wfc = open(self._filename, "rb") except Exception: raise IOError("Failed to open %s" % self._fname) # read the basic information self.readWFHeader() # read the band information self.readWFBand() if self._lsoc: assert ( self._nspin == 1 ), "NSPIN = 1 for noncollinear version WAVECAR!"
[docs] def isSocWfc(self): """Check if the WAVECAR is from an SOC calculation.""" return True if self._lsoc else False
[docs] def readWFHeader(self): """ Read the system information from WAVECAR. It is written in the first two record. rec1: recl, nspin, rtag rec2: nkpts, nbands, encut, ((cell(i,j) i=1, 3), j=1, 3) """ # goto the start of the file and read the first record self._recl, self._nspin, self._rtag = np.array( np.fromfile(self._wfc, dtype=float, count=3), dtype=int # np.fromfile(self._wfc, dtype=np.float, count=3), dtype=int ) self._WFPrec = self.setWFPrec() # the second record dump = np.fromfile(self._wfc, dtype=float, count=12) # dump = np.fromfile(self._wfc, dtype=np.float, count=12) self._nkpts = int(dump[0]) # No. of k-points self._nbands = int(dump[1]) # No. of bands self._encut = dump[2] # Energy cutoff self._lattice_mat = dump[3:].reshape( (3, 3) ) # real space supercell basis self._Omega = np.linalg.det( self._lattice_mat ) # real space supercell volume self._Bcell = np.linalg.inv( self._lattice_mat ).T # reciprocal space supercell volume # Minimum FFT grid size Anorm = np.linalg.norm(self._lattice_mat, axis=1) CUTOF = np.ceil( np.sqrt(self._encut / RYTOEV) / (TPI / (Anorm / AUTOA)) ) self._ngrid = np.array(2 * CUTOF + 1, dtype=int)
[docs] def setWFPrec(self): """ Set wavefunction coefficients precision. TAG = 45200: single precision complex, np.complex64, or complex(qs) TAG = 45210: double precision complex, np.complex128, or complex(q) """ if self._rtag == 45200: return np.complex64 elif self._rtag == 45210: return np.complex128 elif self._rtag == 53300: raise ValueError("VASP5 WAVECAR format, not implemented yet") elif self._rtag == 53310: raise ValueError( "VASP5 WAVECAR format with double precision " + "coefficients, not implemented yet" ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid TAG values: {}".format(self._rtag))
[docs] def readWFBand(self, ispin=1, ikpt=1, iband=1): """Extract KS energies and Fermi occupations from WAVECAR.""" self._nplws = np.zeros(self._nkpts, dtype=int) self._kvecs = np.zeros((self._nkpts, 3), dtype=float) self._energies = np.zeros( (self._nspin, self._nkpts, self._nbands), dtype=float ) self._occs = np.zeros( (self._nspin, self._nkpts, self._nbands), dtype=float ) for ii in range(self._nspin): for jj in range(self._nkpts): rec = self.whereRec(ii + 1, jj + 1, 1) - 1 * self._recl) dump = np.fromfile( self._wfc, dtype=float, count=4 + 3 * self._nbands # self._wfc, dtype=np.float, count=4 + 3 * self._nbands ) if ii == 0: self._nplws[jj] = int(dump[0]) self._kvecs[jj] = dump[1:4] dump = dump[4:].reshape((-1, 3)) self._energies[ii, jj, :] = dump[:, 0] self._occs[ii, jj, :] = dump[:, 2] if self._nkpts > 1: tmp = np.linalg.norm(, axis=0), self._Bcell), axis=1 ) self._kpath = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(tmp))) else: self._kpath = None return self._kpath, self._energies
[docs] def gvectors(self, ikpt=1): """ Generate the G-vectors. satisfies the following relation (G + k)**2 / 2 < ENCUT """ assert 1 <= ikpt <= self._nkpts, "Invalid kpoint index!" kvec = self._kvecs[ikpt - 1] # fx, fy, fz = [fftfreq(n) * n for n in self._ngrid] # fftfreq in scipy.fftpack is a little different with VASP frequencies fx = [ ii if ii < self._ngrid[0] / 2 + 1 else ii - self._ngrid[0] for ii in range(self._ngrid[0]) ] fy = [ jj if jj < self._ngrid[1] / 2 + 1 else jj - self._ngrid[1] for jj in range(self._ngrid[1]) ] fz = [ kk if kk < self._ngrid[2] / 2 + 1 else kk - self._ngrid[2] for kk in range(self._ngrid[2]) ] if self._lgam: # parallel gamma version of VASP WAVECAR exclude some planewave # components, -DwNGZHalf kgrid = np.array( [ (fx[ii], fy[jj], fz[kk]) for kk in range(self._ngrid[2]) for jj in range(self._ngrid[1]) for ii in range(self._ngrid[0]) if ( (fz[kk] > 0) or (fz[kk] == 0 and fy[jj] > 0) or (fz[kk] == 0 and fy[jj] == 0 and fx[ii] >= 0) ) ], dtype=float, ) else: kgrid = np.array( [ (fx[ii], fy[jj], fz[kk]) for kk in range(self._ngrid[2]) for jj in range(self._ngrid[1]) for ii in range(self._ngrid[0]) ], dtype=float, ) # Kinetic_Energy = (G + k)**2 / 2 # HSQDTM = hbar**2/(2*ELECTRON MASS) KENERGY = ( HSQDTM * np.linalg.norm( + kvec[np.newaxis, :], TPI * self._Bcell), axis=1 ) ** 2 ) # find Gvectors where (G + k)**2 / 2 < ENCUT Gvec = kgrid[np.where(KENERGY < self._encut)[0]] if self._lsoc: assert Gvec.shape[0] == self._nplws[ikpt - 1] / 2, ( "No. of planewaves not consistent for an SOC WAVECAR! %d %d %d" % (Gvec.shape[0], self._nplws[ikpt - 1], ) else: assert ( Gvec.shape[0] == self._nplws[ikpt - 1] ), "No. of planewaves not consistent! %d %d %d" % ( Gvec.shape[0], self._nplws[ikpt - 1],, ) self._gvec = np.asarray(Gvec, dtype=int) return np.asarray(Gvec, dtype=int)
[docs] def readBandCoeff(self, ispin=1, ikpt=1, iband=1, norm=False): """Read the planewave coefficients of specified KS states.""" self.checkIndex(ispin, ikpt, iband) rec = self.whereRec(ispin, ikpt, iband) * self._recl) nplw = self._nplws[ikpt - 1] dump = np.fromfile(self._wfc, dtype=self._WFPrec, count=nplw) cg = np.asarray(dump, dtype=np.complex128) if norm: cg /= np.linalg.norm(cg) return cg
[docs] def whereRec(self, ispin=1, ikpt=1, iband=1): """Return the rec position for specified KS state.""" self.checkIndex(ispin, ikpt, iband) rec = ( 2 + (ispin - 1) * self._nkpts * (self._nbands + 1) + (ikpt - 1) * (self._nbands + 1) + iband ) return rec
[docs] def checkIndex(self, ispin, ikpt, iband): """Check if the index is valid.""" assert 1 <= ispin <= self._nspin, "Invalid spin index!" assert 1 <= ikpt <= self._nkpts, "Invalid kpoint index!" assert 1 <= iband <= self._nbands, "Invalid band index!"
[docs]class Vasprun(object): """Construct vasprun.xml handling object.""" def __init__(self, filename="vasprun.xml", data={}): """Intialize with filename, or optional parameters below.""" self._filename = filename self._data = data self.ionic_steps = None self.electronic_steps = None self.input_parameters = None if self._data == {}: self.xml_to_dict()
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(self, d={}): """Construct class from a dictionary.""" return Vasprun(filename=d["filename"], data=d["data"])
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert class to a dictionary.""" d = OrderedDict() d["filename"] = self._filename d["data"] = self._data return d
[docs] def xml_to_dict(self): """Convert XML to dictionary.""" with open(self._filename) as fd: data = xmltodict.parse( self._data = data self.ionic_steps = data["modeling"]["calculation"] if type(self.ionic_steps) is not list: self.ionic_steps = [self.ionic_steps] if self.input_parameters is None: self.input_parameters = self.all_input_parameters
@property def final_energy(self): """Get final energy.""" return float( self.ionic_steps[-1]["scstep"][-1]["energy"]["i"][11]["#text"] ) @property def nbands(self): """Get number of electronic bands.""" return int(self.all_input_parameters["NBANDS"]) @property def nkpoints(self): """Get number of kpoints.""" return len(self.kpoints.kpts) @property def nspins(self): """Get total numnber of spins.""" nspin = 1 if self.is_spin_polarized: nspin = 2 return nspin @property def efermi(self): """Get Fermi-energy.""" return float(self.ionic_steps[-1]["dos"]["i"]["#text"]) @property def num_atoms(self): """Get number of simulation atoms.""" return int(self._data["modeling"]["atominfo"]["atoms"]) @property def num_types(self): """Get number of atom types.""" return int(self._data["modeling"]["atominfo"]["types"]) @property def dielectric_loptics(self): """Get real and imag. dielectric function data.""" if isinstance((self.ionic_steps[-1]["dielectricfunction"]), dict): tmp = self.ionic_steps[-1]["dielectricfunction"]["real"]["array"][ "set" ]["r"] reals = [] for i in range(len(tmp)): reals.append([float(j) for j in tmp[i].split()]) tmp = self.ionic_steps[-1]["dielectricfunction"]["imag"]["array"][ "set" ]["r"] imags = [] for i in range(len(tmp)): imags.append([float(j) for j in tmp[i].split()]) reals = np.array(reals) imags = np.array(imags) elif isinstance((self.ionic_steps[-1]["dielectricfunction"]), list): tmp = self.ionic_steps[-1]["dielectricfunction"][-1]["real"][ "array" ]["set"]["r"] reals = [] for i in range(len(tmp)): reals.append([float(j) for j in tmp[i].split()]) tmp = self.ionic_steps[-1]["dielectricfunction"][-1]["imag"][ "array" ]["set"]["r"] imags = [] for i in range(len(tmp)): imags.append([float(j) for j in tmp[i].split()]) reals = np.array(reals) imags = np.array(imags) else: print("Not implemented, raise an GitHub issue.") return reals, imags @property def avg_absorption_coefficient(self, max_axis=3): """Get average absoprtion coefficient. Used in solar-cell module.""" eV_to_recip_cm = 1.0 / ( physical_constants["Planck constant in eV s"][0] * speed_of_light * 1e2 ) real, imag = self.dielectric_loptics energies = real[:, 0] epsilon_1 = np.mean(real[:, 1:max_axis], axis=1) epsilon_2 = np.mean(imag[:, 1:max_axis], axis=1) absorption = ( 2 * np.pi * np.sqrt(2.0) * eV_to_recip_cm * energies * np.sqrt(-epsilon_1 + np.sqrt(epsilon_1**2 + epsilon_2**2)) ) return energies, absorption
[docs] def phonon_data(self, fc_mass=True): """Get phonon data.""" info = {} hessian = [] # data = self._data for i in (self.ionic_steps[-1]["dynmat"]["varray"])[0]["v"]: hessian.append(i.split()) hessian = np.array(hessian, dtype="double") struct = self.all_structures[-1] natoms = struct.num_atoms force_constants = np.zeros((natoms, natoms, 3, 3), dtype="double") for i in range(natoms): for j in range(natoms): force_constants[i, j] = hessian[ i * 3 : (i + 1) * 3, j * 3 : (j + 1) * 3 ] masses = [Specie(i).atomic_mass for i in struct.elements] # print("Vasp masses", masses) if fc_mass: for i in range(natoms): for j in range(natoms): force_constants[i, j] *= -np.sqrt(masses[i] * masses[j]) phonon_eigenvals = np.array( self.ionic_steps[-1]["dynmat"]["v"]["#text"].split(), dtype="double", ) eigvecs = np.array( [ i.split() for i in (self.ionic_steps[-1]["dynmat"]["varray"][1]["v"]) ], dtype="float", ) phonon_eigenvectors = [] for ev in eigvecs: phonon_eigenvectors.append(np.array(ev).reshape(natoms, 3)) info["phonon_eigenvectors"] = phonon_eigenvectors info["phonon_eigenvalues"] = phonon_eigenvals info["masses"] = masses info["force_constants"] = force_constants return info
@property def converged_electronic(self): """Check whether electronically converged.""" return len(self.ionic_steps[-1]["scstep"]) <= int( self.all_input_parameters["NELM"] ) @property def converged_ionic(self): """Check whether ionically converged.""" nsw = int(self.all_input_parameters["NSW"]) if nsw == 0: nsw = 1 return len(self.ionic_steps) <= nsw @property def converged(self): """Check whether both electronically and ionically converged.""" return self.converged_electronic and self.converged_ionic @property def dfpt_data(self, fc_mass=True): """Get DFPT IBRION=8 LEPSILON lated data.""" info = self.phonon_data(fc_mass=fc_mass) data = self._data natoms = self.num_atoms born_charges = [] for n in range(natoms): born_charges.append( [ i.split() for i in (data["modeling"]["calculation"]["array"]["set"])[ n ]["v"] ] ) born_charges = np.array(born_charges, dtype="double") epsilon = {} for i in data["modeling"]["calculation"]["varray"]: if "epsilon" in i["@name"]: epsilon[i["@name"]] = np.array( [j.split() for j in i["v"]], dtype="float" ) info["born_charges"] = born_charges info["epsilon"] = epsilon return info @property def get_dir_gap(self): """Get direct bandgap.""" if not self.is_spin_polarized: spin_channels = 2 # up_gap = "na" # dn_gap = "na" if self.is_spin_orbit: spin_channels = 1 levels = int( float(self.all_input_parameters["NELECT"]) / float(spin_channels) ) ups = self.eigenvalues[0][:, :, 0][:, levels] dns = self.eigenvalues[0][:, :, 0][:, levels - 1] gap = min(ups - dns) else: tmp = np.concatenate( (self.eigenvalues[0][:, :, 0], self.eigenvalues[1][:, :, 0]), axis=1, ) cat = np.sort(tmp, axis=1) nelect = int(float(self.all_input_parameters["NELECT"])) ups = cat[:, nelect] dns = cat[:, nelect - 1] gap = min(ups - dns) return gap @property def get_indir_gap(self): """Get indirect bandgap.""" if not self.is_spin_polarized: spin_channels = 2 # up_gap = "na" # dn_gap = "na" if self.is_spin_orbit: spin_channels = 1 levels = int( float(self.all_input_parameters["NELECT"]) / float(spin_channels) ) gap = min(self.eigenvalues[0][:, :, 0][:, levels]) - max( self.eigenvalues[0][:, :, 0][:, levels - 1] ) vbm = max(self.eigenvalues[0][:, :, 0][:, levels - 1]) cbm = min(self.eigenvalues[0][:, :, 0][:, levels]) if self.is_spin_polarized: tmp = np.concatenate( (self.eigenvalues[0][:, :, 0], self.eigenvalues[1][:, :, 0]), axis=1, ) cat = np.sort(tmp, axis=1) nelect = int(float(self.all_input_parameters["NELECT"])) cbm = max(cat[:, nelect - 1]) vbm = min(cat[:, nelect]) gap = min(cat[:, nelect]) - max(cat[:, nelect - 1]) return gap, cbm, vbm
[docs] def bandgap_occupation_tol(self, occu_tol=0.1): """Get bandgap based on occupation tolerance.""" eigs = np.concatenate( (self.eigenvalues[0][:, :, 0], self.eigenvalues[1][:, :, 0]), axis=1, ) occs = np.concatenate( (self.eigenvalues[0][:, :, 1], self.eigenvalues[1][:, :, 1]), axis=1, ) vbm = -np.inf vbm_kpoint = None cbm = np.inf cbm_kpoint = None k = 0 for i, j in zip(eigs, occs): k += 1 for eigenval, occu in zip(i, j): if occu > occu_tol and eigenval > vbm: vbm = eigenval vbm_kpoint = k elif occu <= occu_tol and eigenval < cbm: cbm = eigenval cbm_kpoint = k return ( max(cbm - vbm, 0), cbm, vbm, vbm_kpoint, cbm_kpoint, vbm_kpoint == cbm_kpoint, )
@property def fermi_velocities(self): """Get fermi velocities in m/s.""" # TODO: check for other materials than graphene fermi_velocities = [] fermi_k = [] bands_cross_fermi = [] h_bar = 6.582119569e-16 # reduced Planck const. eV s strt = self.all_structures[-1] lat = strt.lattice.reciprocal_lattice() kpoints_frac = self.kpoints.kpts kpoints_cart = [lat.cart_coords(i) for i in kpoints_frac] kpoints = np.array(kpoints_cart) for i, ii in enumerate(self.eigenvalues): for j, jj in enumerate(ii.T): for k, kk in enumerate(jj): if max(kk) > self.efermi and min(kk) < self.efermi: bands_cross_fermi.append(kk) for i in bands_cross_fermi: for j, jj in enumerate(i): if j < len(i) - 1: if (i[j] < self.efermi < i[j + 1]) or ( i[j] > self.efermi > i[j + 1] ): # dk = np.sqrt( # (kpoints[j + 1][0] - kpoints[j][0]) ** 2 # + (kpoints[j + 1][1] - kpoints[j][1]) ** 2 # ) dk = np.linalg.norm(kpoints[j + 1] - kpoints[j]) v_f = abs((i[j + 1] - i[j]) / (h_bar * dk)) fermi_velocities.append(v_f) fermi_k.append(kpoints[j]) # Convert to m/s # For graphene: ~0.85e6 m/s fermi_velocities = 1e-10 * np.array(fermi_velocities) return fermi_velocities, fermi_k, bands_cross_fermi @property def elements(self): """Get atom elements.""" element_dat = self._data["modeling"]["atominfo"]["array"][0]["set"][ "rc" ] if isinstance(element_dat, list): elements = [ (element_dat[i]["c"][0]) for i in range(len(element_dat)) ] elif isinstance(element_dat, dict): elements = [element_dat["c"][0]] else: raise ValueError("Unknown element type") if len(elements) != self.num_atoms: ValueError("Number of atoms is not equal to number of elements") final_elements = [] for i in elements: el = str(i) if el == "X": el = "Xe" if el == "r": el = "Zr" final_elements.append(el) return final_elements
[docs] def vrun_structure_to_atoms(self, s={}): """Convert structure to Atoms object.""" tmp = s["crystal"]["varray"][0]["v"] lattice_mat = np.array([[float(j) for j in i.split()] for i in tmp]) coord_info = s["varray"]["v"] # print ('coord_info',coord_info,type(coord_info)) if isinstance(coord_info, list): frac_coords = np.array( [[float(j) for j in i.split()] for i in coord_info], dtype="float", ) elif isinstance(coord_info, str): frac_coords = np.array(coord_info.split(), dtype="float") # print ('frac_coords',frac_coords) elements = self.elements atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=lattice_mat, elements=elements, coords=frac_coords, cartesian=False, ) return atoms
@property def all_energies(self): """Get all total energies.""" energies = [] for i in self.ionic_steps: en = float(i["energy"]["i"][1]["#text"]) energies.append(en) return np.array(energies) @property def is_spin_polarized(self): """Check if the calculation is spin polarized.""" if self.all_input_parameters["ISPIN"] == "2": return True else: return False @property def is_spin_orbit(self): """Check if the calculation is spin orbit.""" if self.all_input_parameters["LSORBIT"] == "T": return True else: return False @property def all_structures(self): """Get all structures.""" structs = [] for i in self.ionic_steps: s = i["structure"] atoms = self.vrun_structure_to_atoms(s) structs.append(atoms) return structs @property def eigenvalues(self): """Get all eigenvalues.""" nkpts = len(self.kpoints._kpoints) all_up_eigs = [] all_dn_eigs = [] if self.is_spin_polarized: for j in range(nkpts): eigs = np.array( [ [float(jj) for jj in ii.split()] for ii in ( self.ionic_steps[-1]["eigenvalues"]["array"][ "set" ]["set"][0] )["set"][j]["r"] ] ) all_up_eigs.append(eigs) for j in range(nkpts): eigs = np.array( [ [float(jj) for jj in ii.split()] for ii in ( self.ionic_steps[-1]["eigenvalues"]["array"][ "set" ]["set"][1] )["set"][j]["r"] ] ) all_dn_eigs.append(eigs) else: for j in range(nkpts): eigs = np.array( [ [float(jj) for jj in ii.split()] for ii in ( self.ionic_steps[-1]["eigenvalues"]["array"][ "set" ]["set"] )["set"][j]["r"] ] ) all_up_eigs.append(eigs) all_dn_eigs = all_up_eigs all_up_eigs = np.array(all_up_eigs) all_dn_eigs = np.array(all_dn_eigs) return all_up_eigs, all_dn_eigs @property def all_forces(self): """Get all forces.""" forces = [] for m in self.ionic_steps: if self.all_structures[-1].num_atoms == 1: force = np.array(m["varray"][0]["v"].split(), dtype="float") else: force = np.array( [ [float(j) for j in i.split()] for i in m["varray"][0]["v"] ] ) forces.append(force) return np.array(forces) @property def all_stresses(self): """Get all stresses.""" stresses = [] for m in self.ionic_steps: stress = np.array( [[float(j) for j in i.split()] for i in m["varray"][1]["v"]] ) stresses.append(stress) return np.array(stresses) @property def all_input_parameters(self): """Get all explicit input parameters. Need to add a few more.""" d = OrderedDict() # import type for i in self._data["modeling"]["parameters"]["separator"]: for j, k in i.items(): if j == "i": for m in k: if "#text" in m: d[m["@name"]] = m["#text"] else: if type(k) is list: for n in k: for p, q in n.items(): if p == "i": for r in q: if "#text" in r: d[r["@name"]] = r["#text"] else: if type(q) is list: for s in q: if "#text" in s: d[s["@name"]] = s["#text"] return d @property def kpoints(self): """Get Kpoints.""" kplist = np.array( [ [float(j) for j in i.split()] for i in self._data["modeling"]["kpoints"]["varray"][0]["v"] ] ) kpwt = np.array( [ float(i) for i in self._data["modeling"]["kpoints"]["varray"][1]["v"] ] ) return Kpoints(kpoints=kplist, kpoints_weights=kpwt)
[docs] def get_bandstructure( self, E_low=-4, E_high=4, spin=0, zero_efermi=True, kpoints_file_path="KPOINTS", plot=False, filename=None, ): """Get electronic bandstructure plot.""" try: kp_labels = [] kp_labels_points = [] f = open(kpoints_file_path, "r") lines = f.close() for ii, i in enumerate(lines): if ii > 2: tmp = i.split() if len(tmp) == 5: tmp = str("$") + str(tmp[4]) + str("$") if len(kp_labels) == 0: kp_labels.append(tmp) kp_labels_points.append(ii - 3) elif tmp != kp_labels[-1]: kp_labels.append(tmp) kp_labels_points.append(ii - 3) except Exception: print("No K-points file found, still proceeding") pass tmp = 0.0 info = {} indir_gap = float(self.get_indir_gap[0]) print("gap=", indir_gap) info["indir_gap"] = indir_gap info["efermi"] = float(self.efermi) if zero_efermi: tmp = float(self.efermi) spin_up_bands_x = [] spin_up_bands_y = [] spin_down_bands_x = [] spin_down_bands_y = [] for i, ii in enumerate(self.eigenvalues[spin][:, :, 0].T - tmp): # plt.plot(ii, color="r") spin_up_bands_x.append([np.arange(0, len(ii))]) spin_up_bands_y.append([ii]) if self.is_spin_polarized: for i, ii in enumerate(self.eigenvalues[1][:, :, 0].T - tmp): # plt.plot(ii, color="b") spin_down_bands_x.append([np.arange(0, len(ii))]) spin_down_bands_y.append([ii]) info["spin_up_bands_x"] = spin_up_bands_x info["spin_up_bands_y"] = spin_up_bands_y info["spin_down_bands_x"] = spin_down_bands_x info["spin_down_bands_y"] = spin_down_bands_y info["kp_labels_points"] = list(kp_labels_points) info["kp_labels"] = list(kp_labels) if plot: for i, j in zip(info["spin_up_bands_x"], info["spin_up_bands_y"]): plt.plot( np.array(i).flatten(), np.array(j).flatten(), color="b" ) if self.is_spin_polarized: for i, j in zip( info["spin_down_bands_x"], info["spin_down_bands_y"] ): plt.plot( np.array(i).flatten(), np.array(j).flatten(), color="r" ) plt.ylim([E_low, E_high]) plt.xticks(kp_labels_points, kp_labels) plt.xlim([0, len(self.kpoints._kpoints)]) plt.xlabel(r"$\mathrm{Wave\ Vector}$") ylabel = ( r"$\mathrm{E\ -\ E_f\ (eV)}$" if zero_efermi else r"$\mathrm{Energy\ (eV)}$" ) plt.ylabel(ylabel) if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename) plt.close() return info
@property def total_dos(self): """Get total density of states.""" energies = [] spin_up = [] spin_dn = [] if self.is_spin_polarized: spin_up_data = np.array( [ [float(j) for j in i.split()] for i in self.ionic_steps[-1]["dos"]["total"]["array"][ "set" ]["set"][0]["r"] ] ) spin_dn_data = np.array( [ [float(j) for j in i.split()] for i in self.ionic_steps[-1]["dos"]["total"]["array"][ "set" ]["set"][1]["r"] ] ) spin_dn = -1 * spin_dn_data[:, 1] spin_up = spin_up_data[:, 1] energies = spin_up_data[:, 0] else: spin_up_data = np.array( [ [float(j) for j in i.split()] for i in self.ionic_steps[-1]["dos"]["total"]["array"][ "set" ]["set"]["r"] ] ) spin_up = spin_up_data[:, 1] energies = spin_up_data[:, 0] return energies, spin_up, spin_dn @property def partial_dos_spdf(self): """Get partial density of states.""" info = rec_dict() natoms = self.num_atoms nspin = self.nspins pdos_keys = self.ionic_steps[-1]["dos"]["partial"]["array"]["field"] steps_dat = self.ionic_steps[-1]["dos"]["partial"]["array"]["set"][ "set" ] if self.is_spin_polarized: if isinstance(steps_dat, list): for atom in range(natoms): for spin in range(nspin): for k, key in enumerate(pdos_keys): vals = np.array( [ ii.split() for ii in ( self.ionic_steps[-1]["dos"]["partial"][ "array" ]["set"]["set"][atom]["set"][spin]["r"] ) ], dtype="float", ) info[spin][atom][key] = vals[:, k] elif isinstance(steps_dat, dict): atom = 0 for spin in range(nspin): for k, key in enumerate(pdos_keys): vals = np.array( [ ii.split() for ii in ( self.ionic_steps[-1]["dos"]["partial"][ "array" ]["set"]["set"]["set"][spin]["r"] ) ], dtype="float", ) info[spin][atom][key] = vals[:, k] else: raise ValueError("Bug in PDOS parser.") else: if isinstance(steps_dat, list): for atom in range(natoms): for k, key in enumerate(pdos_keys): vals = np.array( [ ii.split() for ii in ( self.ionic_steps[-1]["dos"]["partial"][ "array" ]["set"]["set"][atom]["set"]["r"] ) ], dtype="float", ) info[atom][key] = vals[:, k] elif isinstance(steps_dat, dict): atom = 0 for k, key in enumerate(pdos_keys): vals = np.array( [ ii.split() for ii in ( self.ionic_steps[-1]["dos"]["partial"][ "array" ]["set"]["set"]["set"]["r"] ) ], dtype="float", ) info[atom][key] = vals[:, k] else: raise ValueError("Bug in PDOS parser.") return info @property def projected_spins_kpoints_bands(self): """Use for spin, kpoint and band projected bandstructure plots.""" info = rec_dict() nspin = self.nspins nkpoints = self.nkpoints nbands = self.nbands if self.is_spin_polarized: for spin in range(nspin): for kpoint in range(nkpoints): for nb in range(nbands): vals = [ float(ii) for ii in ( self.ionic_steps[-1]["projected"][ "eigenvalues" ]["array"]["set"]["set"][spin]["set"][kpoint][ "r" ][ nb ] ).split() ] info[spin][kpoint][nb] = vals else: for kpoint in range(nkpoints): for nb in range(nbands): vals = [ float(ii) for ii in ( self.ionic_steps[-1]["projected"]["eigenvalues"][ "array" ]["set"]["set"]["set"][kpoint]["r"][nb] ).split() ] info[kpoint][nb] = vals return info @property def projected_atoms_spins_kpoints_bands(self): """Use for atom,spin,kpoint and band projected bandstructures.""" info = rec_dict() # orbitals = self.ionic_steps[-1]["projected"]["array"]["field"] dimensions = [ list(i.values())[1] for i in self.ionic_steps[-1]["projected"]["array"]["dimension"] ] natoms = self.num_atoms nkpoints = self.nkpoints nbands = self.nbands nspin = self.nspins if self.is_spin_polarized: for atom in range(natoms): for spin in range(nspin): for kpoint in range(nkpoints): for band in range(nbands): for orbital in dimensions: val = ( ( self.ionic_steps[-1]["projected"][ "array" ]["set"]["set"][spin] )["set"][kpoint]["set"][band] )["r"][atom].split() val = [float(v) for v in val] info[atom][spin][kpoint][band][ orbital ] = np.array(val) else: for atom in range(natoms): for kpoint in range(nkpoints): for band in range(nbands): for orbital in dimensions: val = ( ( self.ionic_steps[-1]["projected"]["array"][ "set" ]["set"] )["set"][kpoint]["set"][band] )["r"][atom].split() val = [float(v) for v in val] info[atom][kpoint][band][orbital] = np.array(val) return info
[docs] def get_spdf_dos(self, plot=False): """Get spdf resolved partial density of states.""" info = {} s = ["s"] p = ["px", "py", "pz"] d = ["dxy", "dyz", "dxz", "dz2", "dx2"] f = ["f-3", "f-2", "f-1", "f0", "f1", "f2", "f3"] # spin = 0 spin_pol = self.is_spin_polarized num_atoms = self.all_structures[-1].num_atoms pdos = self.partial_dos_spdf # spin,atom,spdf energy = pdos[0][0]["energy"] - self.efermi spin_up_s = np.zeros(len(energy)) spin_up_p = np.zeros(len(energy)) spin_up_d = np.zeros(len(energy)) has_f_elements = False if "f1" in pdos[0][0].keys(): has_f_elements = True spin_up_f = np.zeros(len(energy)) for i in range(num_atoms): for j in s: if isinstance(pdos[0][i][j], np.ndarray): spin_up_s += pdos[0][i][j] for j in p: if isinstance(pdos[0][i][j], np.ndarray): spin_up_p += pdos[0][i][j] for j in d: if isinstance(pdos[0][i][j], np.ndarray): spin_up_d += pdos[0][i][j] if has_f_elements: for j in f: if isinstance(pdos[0][i][j], np.ndarray): spin_up_f += pdos[0][i][j] info["spin_up_s"] = spin_up_s info["spin_up_p"] = spin_up_p info["spin_up_d"] = spin_up_d info["energy"] = energy if has_f_elements: info["spin_up_f"] = spin_up_f if spin_pol: # spin = 1 spin_down_s = np.zeros(len(energy)) spin_down_p = np.zeros(len(energy)) spin_down_d = np.zeros(len(energy)) if has_f_elements: spin_down_f = np.zeros(len(energy)) for i in range(num_atoms): for j in s: if isinstance(pdos[0][i][j], np.ndarray): spin_down_s += pdos[1][i][j] for j in p: if isinstance(pdos[0][i][j], np.ndarray): spin_down_p += pdos[1][i][j] for j in d: if isinstance(pdos[0][i][j], np.ndarray): spin_down_d += pdos[1][i][j] if has_f_elements: for j in f: if isinstance(pdos[0][i][j], np.ndarray): spin_down_f += pdos[1][i][j] info["spin_down_s"] = -1 * spin_down_s info["spin_down_p"] = -1 * spin_down_p info["spin_down_d"] = -1 * spin_down_d info["has_f_elements"] = str(has_f_elements) if has_f_elements: info["spin_down_f"] = -1 * spin_down_f if plot: plt.plot( info["energy"], info["spin_up_s"], color="red", label="s" ) plt.plot( info["energy"], info["spin_up_p"], color="green", label="p" ) plt.plot( info["energy"], info["spin_up_d"], color="blue", label="d" ) if has_f_elements: plt.plot( info["energy"], info["spin_up_f"], color="black", label="f", ) if spin_pol: plt.plot(info["energy"], info["spin_down_s"], color="red") plt.plot( info["energy"], info["spin_down_p"], color="green" ) plt.plot(info["energy"], info["spin_down_d"], color="blue") if has_f_elements: plt.plot( info["energy"], info["spin_down_f"], color="black" ) plt.xlim([-5, 10]) plt.legend() return info
[docs] def get_atom_resolved_dos(self, plot=False): """Get atom resolved density of states.""" # spin_pol = self.is_spin_polarized atoms = self.all_structures[-1] # num_atoms = atoms.num_atoms elements = atoms.elements unique_elements = atoms.uniq_species pdos = self.partial_dos_spdf # spin,atom,spdf energy = pdos[0][0]["energy"] - self.efermi element_dict = recast_array_on_uniq_array_elements( unique_elements, elements ) valid_keys = [] info = {} info["spin_up_info"] = {} info["spin_down_info"] = {} info["energy"] = energy for i in pdos[0][0].keys(): if "energ" not in i: valid_keys.append(i) # print (valid_keys) spin_up_info = {} for i, j in element_dict.items(): spin_up_info[i] = np.zeros(len(energy)) for i, j in element_dict.items(): for atom in j: for k in valid_keys: spin_up_info[i] += pdos[0][atom][k] info["spin_up_info"] = spin_up_info if self.is_spin_polarized: spin_down_info = {} for i, j in element_dict.items(): spin_down_info[i] = np.zeros(len(energy)) for i, j in element_dict.items(): for atom in j: for k in valid_keys: spin_down_info[i] += -1 * pdos[0][atom][k] info["spin_down_info"] = spin_down_info if plot: for i, j in info.items(): if "spin" in i: for m, n in j.items(): if "up" in i: plt.plot(info["energy"], n, label=m) if "down" in i: plt.plot(info["energy"], n) plt.legend() return info
[docs]def parse_raman_dat( vasp_raman_path="RAMANDIR-bulk@JVASP-1002_mp-149/vasp_raman.dat", ): """ Parse vasp_raman.dat . generated by Activities to Intensities: J. At. Mol. Sci. 3 (2012) 1-22 Intensity = const0 * (nu0-nu)**4/nu * 1/(1-exp(-h*c*nu/(kB*T))) * activity Data for computing intensities, as in Materials Project's paper: T=300K, nu0=18796.9925 cm-1 """ temp = 300.0 nu0 = 18796.9925 # hc = Plank's constant * speed of light # hc_over_kB = h*c/Boltzman_constant hc_over_kB = 1.4388003592 # cm/s # A good, aritrary choice for const0 is 10**(-14) const0 = 10 ** (-14) f = open(vasp_raman_path, "r") lines = f.close() info = {} freqs = [] activity = [] intensity = [] alpha = [] beta2 = [] for i in lines: if "#" not in i: tmp = i.split() freqs.append(float(tmp[1])) alpha.append(float(tmp[2])) beta2.append(float(tmp[3])) activity.append(float(tmp[4])) nu = float(tmp[1]) AA1 = const0 * (nu0 - nu) ** 4 / nu exp1 = np.exp(-hc_over_kB * nu / temp) AA2 = 1.0 / (1.0 - exp1) intensita = AA1 * AA2 * float(tmp[4]) intensity.append(intensita) freqs = np.array(freqs) activity = np.array(activity) indices = np.arange(0, len(activity) - 1) try: indices = ss.find_peaks_cwt(activity, np.arange(1, 5)) except Exception: print("Cannot use peak finding module", vasp_raman_path) pass info["freqs"] = freqs info["activity"] = activity info["alpha"] = alpha info["beta2"] = beta2 info["indices"] = indices info["intensity"] = intensity return info
""" kp='/users/knc6/Software/Devs/jarvis/jarvis/examples/vasp/SiOptb88/MAIN-RELAX-bulk@mp_149/KPOINT' kpt=Kpoints(filename=kp) print (kpt) """