Source code for

"""Modules handling input files for VASP calculations."""
import pprint
import json
import os
import numpy as np
from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms
from collections import OrderedDict
from jarvis.core.kpoints import generate_kgrid, Kpoints3D
from jarvis.core.utils import get_counts
from jarvis.core.specie import Specie
from jarvis.core.utils import update_dict
from jarvis.db.jsonutils import loadjson
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]class Poscar(object): """ Class defining Poscar object. Constructued from the Atoms object. Args: atoms : Atoms object comment : Header of Poscar file """ def __init__(self, atoms, comment="System"): """Initialize the Poscar object.""" self.atoms = atoms self.comment = comment
[docs] @staticmethod def from_file(filename="POSCAR"): """Read simple POSCAR file from the path.""" with open(filename, "r") as f: return Poscar.from_string(
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert Poscar object to a dictionary.""" d = OrderedDict() d["atoms"] = self.atoms.to_dict() d["comment"] = self.comment return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(self, d={}): """Construct Poscar object from a dictionary.""" return Poscar(atoms=Atoms.from_dict(d["atoms"]), comment=d["comment"])
[docs] def to_string(self): """Make the Poscar object to a string.""" header = ( str(self.comment) + str("\n1.0\n") + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[0][0]) + " " + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[0][1]) + " " + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[0][2]) + "\n" + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[1][0]) + " " + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[1][1]) + " " + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[1][2]) + "\n" + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[2][0]) + " " + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[2][1]) + " " + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[2][2]) + "\n" ) # order = np.argsort(self.atoms.elements) coords = self.atoms.frac_coords # DO NOT USE ORDER coords_ordered = np.array(coords) # [order] elements_ordered = np.array(self.atoms.elements) # [order] props_ordered = np.array(self.atoms.props) # [order] # check_selective_dynamics = False info = defaultdict(list) for i, j, k in zip(elements_ordered, coords_ordered, props_ordered): info[i].append([j, k]) elname = "" elcount = "" elcoords = "" for i, j in info.items(): # print(i, len(j)) elname += i + " " elcount += str(len(j)) + " " for k in j: if k[1] == "": elcoords += " ".join(map(str, k[0])) + " " + i + "\n" elif isinstance(k[1], list): elcoords += ( " ".join(map(str, k[0])) + " ".join(map(str, k[1])) + "\n" ) else: elcoords += " ".join(map(str, k[0])) + " " + k[1] + "\n" if "T" in "".join(map(str, self.atoms.props[0])): middle = ( elname + "\n" + elcount + "\nSelective dynamics\n" + "Direct\n" ) else: middle = elname + "\n" + elcount + "\ndirect\n" rest = elcoords # counts = get_counts(elements_ordered) # if "T" in "".join(map(str, self.atoms.props[0])): # middle = ( # " ".join(map(str, counts.keys())) # + "\n" # + " ".join(map(str, counts.values())) # + "\nSelective dynamics\n" # + "Direct\n" # ) # else: # middle = ( # " ".join(map(str, counts.keys())) # + "\n" # + " ".join(map(str, counts.values())) # + "\ndirect\n" # ) # rest = "" # print ('repr',self.frac_coords, self.frac_coords.shape) # for ii, i in enumerate(coords_ordered): # p_ordered = str(props_ordered[ii]) # rest = ( # rest + " ".join(map(str, i)) + " " + str(p_ordered) + "\n" # ) result = header + middle + rest return result
[docs] def write_file(self, filename): """Write the Poscar object to a file.""" # TODO: Use to_string instead of re-writing the code here with open(filename, "w") as f: # f = open(filename, "w") f.write(self.to_string())
# f.close()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_string(lines): """Read Poscar from strings, useful in reading files/streams.""" text = lines.splitlines() comment = text[0] scale = float(text[1]) lattice_mat = [] lattice_mat.append([float(i) for i in text[2].split()]) lattice_mat.append([float(i) for i in text[3].split()]) lattice_mat.append([float(i) for i in text[4].split()]) lattice_mat = scale * np.array(lattice_mat) begin = 5 if "S" in text[7] and "s" in text[7]: begin = 6 uniq_elements = text[5].split() element_count = np.array([int(i) for i in text[6].split()]) elements = [] for i, ii in enumerate(element_count): for j in range(ii): elements.append(uniq_elements[i]) cartesian = True if "d" in text[begin + 2] or "D" in text[begin + 2]: cartesian = False num_atoms = int(np.sum(element_count)) coords = [] for i in range(num_atoms): coords.append([float(i) for i in text[begin + 3 + i].split()[0:3]]) coords = np.array(coords) atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=lattice_mat, coords=coords, elements=elements, cartesian=cartesian, ) # print (atoms) # formula = atoms.composition.formula return Poscar(atoms, comment=comment)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Represent the Poscar class.""" header = ( str(self.comment) + str("\n1.0\n") + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[0][0]) + " " + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[0][1]) + " " + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[0][2]) + "\n" + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[1][0]) + " " + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[1][1]) + " " + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[1][2]) + "\n" + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[2][0]) + " " + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[2][1]) + " " + str(self.atoms.lattice_mat[2][2]) + "\n" ) order = np.argsort(self.atoms.elements) coords = self.atoms.frac_coords coords_ordered = np.array(coords)[order] elements_ordered = np.array(self.atoms.elements)[order] props_ordered = np.array(self.atoms.props)[order] # check_selective_dynamics = False counts = get_counts(elements_ordered) if "T" in "".join(map(str, self.atoms.props[0])): middle = ( " ".join(map(str, counts.keys())) + "\n" + " ".join(map(str, counts.values())) + "\nSelective dynamics\n" + "Direct\n" ) else: middle = ( " ".join(map(str, counts.keys())) + "\n" + " ".join(map(str, counts.values())) + "\ndirect\n" ) rest = "" # print ('repr',self.frac_coords, self.frac_coords.shape) for ii, i in enumerate(coords_ordered): p_ordered = str(props_ordered[ii]) rest = rest + " ".join(map(str, i)) + " " + str(p_ordered) + "\n" result = header + middle + rest return result
[docs]class Incar(object): """Make VASP INCAR files as python dictionary of keys and values.""" def __init__(self, tags={}): """Initialize with a dictionary.""" self._tags = tags
[docs] @staticmethod def from_file(filename="INCAR"): """Read INCAR file.""" with open(filename, "r") as f: return Incar.from_string(
[docs] def update(self, d={}): """Provide the new tags as a dictionary to update Incar object.""" # print("selftags1=", self._tags) if self._tags != {}: for i, j in self._tags.items(): self._tags[i] = j # .strip(' ') for i, j in d.items(): self._tags[i] = j # print("selftags2=", self._tags) return Incar(self._tags)
# def get(self, key="POTIM", temp=0.5): # """Get the value of a key.""" # if key in list(self._tags.keys()): # return self._tags[key] # else: # self._tags[key] = temp # print("Setting the temp value to the key", temp, key) # return self._tags[key]
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert into dictionary.""" return self._tags
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(self, data={}): """Construct from dictionary.""" return Incar(tags=data)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_string(lines): """Construct from string.""" text = lines.splitlines() tags = OrderedDict() for i in text: if "=" in i: tmp = i.split("=") tags.setdefault(tmp[0].strip(" "), tmp[1].strip(" ")) return Incar(tags=tags)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Representation of the class.""" return str(self._tags)
[docs] def write_file(self, filename): """Write Incar to a file.""" tags = self._tags lines = "" for i, j in tags.items(): lines = lines + str(i) + str("=") + str(j) + "\n" f = open(filename, "w") f.write(lines) f.close()
[docs]class IndividualPotcarData(object): """Class for individual POTCAR file handling.""" def __init__(self, data={}): """Intialize with some key info.""" self._data = data
[docs] def from_string(lines): """Generate some of the contents in the POTCAR.""" text = lines.splitlines() individual_data = OrderedDict() individual_data["header1"] = text[0] individual_data["header2"] = text[2] individual_data["VRHFIN"] = text[3].split("=")[1] individual_data["element"] = text[3].split("=")[1].split(":")[0] individual_data["LEXCH"] = text[4].split("=")[1].replace(" ", "") tmp = text[5].split("=")[1].split()[0].replace(" ", "") individual_data["EATOM"] = tmp individual_data["TITEL"] = text[7].split("=")[1].replace(" ", "") return IndividualPotcarData(data=individual_data)
[docs] def from_file(filename="POTCAR"): """Read from file.""" with open(filename, "r") as f: return IndividualPotcarData.from_string(
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Reprent the class.""" return pprint.pformat(self._data, indent=4)
[docs]class Potcar(object): """Construct muti-atoms Postcar.""" def __init__( self, elements=[], pot_type="POT_GGA_PAW_PBE", pot_json_path="", potcar_strings=[], ): """ Initialize the Potcar class. POTCAR file contains the pseudopotential for each atomic species used in the calculation. Args: elements: atomic elements. pot_type: Type of pseudopotential. Look for VASP provided PSPs. VASP_PSP_DIR should be in the path. pot_json_path: Path to dictionary of chemical elements along with their orbitals taken into conisideration, e.g. V_pv. potcar_strings: One can directly provide the above mentioned strings. """ self._elements = elements self._pot_type = pot_type self._potcar_strings = potcar_strings self._pot_json_path = pot_json_path if self._potcar_strings == []: pot_json_file = str( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "default_potcars.json") ) self._pot_json_path = pot_json_file pot_json = open(pot_json_file, "r") pot_json_selected = json.load(pot_json) pot_json.close() potcar_strings = [] # OrderedDict() for i in self._elements: potcar_strings.append(pot_json_selected[i]) # for j, k in pot_json_selected.items(): # if i == j: # potcar_strings.setdefault(i, k) self._potcar_strings = potcar_strings # print("self._elements", self._elements) # print("self._potcar_strings", self._potcar_strings) if len(self._elements) != len(self._potcar_strings): raise ValueError( "Number of elements is not same as potcar_strings", self._elements, self._potcar_strings.keys(), ) else: pot_json = open(self._pot_json_path, "r") pot_json_selected = json.load(pot_json) pot_json.close() self._potcar_strings = potcar_strings if len(self._elements) != len(self._potcar_strings): msg = "Number of elements not same as potcar_strings" raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_atoms(atoms=None, pot_type=None): """Obtain POTCAR for atoms object.""" new_symb = [] for i in atoms.elements: if i not in new_symb: new_symb.append(i) if pot_type is None: pot_type = "POT_GGA_PAW_PBE" potcar = Potcar(elements=new_symb, pot_type=pot_type) return potcar
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(self, d={}): """Build class from a dictionary.""" return Potcar( elements=d["elements"], pot_type=d["pot_type"], pot_json_path=d["pot_json_path"], potcar_strings=d["potcar_strings"], )
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert to a dictionary.""" d = OrderedDict() d["elements"] = np.array(self._elements).tolist() d["pot_type"] = self._pot_type d["pot_json_path"] = self._pot_json_path d["potcar_strings"] = np.array(self._potcar_strings).tolist() return d
[docs] def catenate_potcar_files( self, destination_filename="POTCAR", filenames=[] ): """Catenate potcars of sifferent elements.""" with open(destination_filename, "w") as outfile: for fname in filenames: with open(fname) as infile: for line in infile: outfile.write(line)
[docs] def list_potcar_files(self): """List POTCAR files.""" pot_files = [] vasp_dir = str(os.environ["VASP_PSP_DIR"]) vasp_psp_dir = str(os.path.join(vasp_dir, self._pot_type)) potcar_strings = self._potcar_strings for j in potcar_strings: tmp = os.path.join(vasp_psp_dir, j, "POTCAR") pot_files.append(tmp) return pot_files
[docs] def write_file(self, filename="POTCAR"): """Write POTCAR file.""" pot_files = self.list_potcar_files() self.catenate_potcar_files( destination_filename=filename, filenames=pot_files )
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Represent Potcar.""" return str(str(self._pot_type) + "\n" + str(self._potcar_strings))
[docs]class Kpoints(object): """Make VASP KPOINTS as object.""" def __init__(self, filename=""): """Initialize Kpoints from filename else read from file-stream.""" self.filename = filename if filename != "": f = open(self.filename, "r") self.lines = f.close() self.kpoints =
[docs] @classmethod def read(self, lines): """Read from an open file.""" if lines[1] == "0": return self.get_mesh_kp(lines=lines) elif "Reciprocal" in lines[2]: return self.get_ibz_kp(lines=lines) else: ValueError("K-point scheme is not implemented")
[docs] def get_mesh_kp(lines=""): """Read Kpoints as grid.""" grid = [int(i) for i in lines[3].split()] kpts = generate_kgrid(grid) kpts_cls = Kpoints3D(kpoints=np.array(kpts)) return kpts_cls
[docs] def get_ibz_kp(lines=""): """Read the Kpoints in the line-mode.""" kp_labels = [] all_kp = [] kp_labels_points = [] for ii, i in enumerate(lines): if ii > 2: tmp = i.split() k = [tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]] all_kp.append(k) if len(tmp) == 5: tmp = str("$") + str(tmp[4]) + str("$") if len(kp_labels) == 0: kp_labels.append(tmp) kp_labels_points.append(ii - 3) elif tmp != kp_labels[-1]: kp_labels.append(tmp) kp_labels_points.append(ii - 3) labels = [] for i in range(len(all_kp)): labels.append("") for i, j in zip(kp_labels, kp_labels_points): labels[j] = i all_kp = np.array(all_kp, dtype="float") kpts_cls = Kpoints3D( kpoints=all_kp, labels=labels, kpoint_mode="linemode" ) return kpts_cls
[docs]def find_ldau_magmom( atoms="", default_magmom=True, U=3.0, mag=5.0, amix=0.2, bmix=0.00001, amixmag=0.8, bmixmag=0.00001, lsorbit=False, ): """Get necessary INCAR tags for DFT+U calculations.""" sps = atoms.uniq_species LDAUL = [] LDAUU = [] LDAUTYPE = 2 lmix = 4 for i in sps: el = Specie(i) el_u = 0 el_l = -1 if el.element_property("is_transition_metal"): el_u = U el_l = 2 if el.element_property("is_actinoid") or el.element_property( "is_lanthanoid" ): el_u = U el_l = 3 lmix = 6 LDAUL.append(el_l) LDAUU.append(el_u) if 3 in LDAUL: LDAUTYPE = 3 nat = atoms.num_atoms magmom = str(nat) + str("*") + str(mag) if lsorbit: magmom = "" tmp = " 0 0 " + str(mag) for i in range(0, nat): magmom = magmom + tmp info = {} info["LDAU"] = ".TRUE." info["LDAUTYPE"] = LDAUTYPE info["LDAUL"] = " ".join(str(m) for m in LDAUL) info["LDAUU"] = " ".join(str(m) for m in LDAUU) info["LDAUPRINT"] = 2 info["LMAMIX"] = lmix if not default_magmom: info["MAGMOM"] = magmom info["AMIX"] = amix info["BMIX"] = bmix info["AMIX_MAG"] = amixmag info["BMIX_MAG"] = bmixmag return info
[docs]def get_nelect(atoms=None, default_pot=None): """Get number of electrons fro default POTCAR settings.""" if default_pot is None: default_pot = loadjson( os.path.join( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "wannier", "default_semicore.json", ) ) comp = atoms.composition.to_dict() nelect = 0 for i, j in comp.items(): nelect = nelect + j * (default_pot[i][0] + default_pot[i][1]) return nelect
[docs]def add_ldau_incar( use_incar_dict={}, atoms=None, Uval=2, lsorbit=False, default_magmom=True ): """Add LDAU in incase, especially made for spillage calcs.""" info_ldau = find_ldau_magmom( U=Uval, atoms=atoms, lsorbit=lsorbit, default_magmom=default_magmom ) tmp = update_dict(use_incar_dict, info_ldau) use_incar_dict = tmp return use_incar_dict