Source code for

"""Module for analyzing QE outputs."""

from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms
from collections import OrderedDict
import xmltodict
import numpy as np
import gzip
import scipy.linalg as la
import copy

bohr_to_ang = 0.529177249
hartree_to_ev = 27.2113839
ryd_to_ev = hartree_to_ev / 2.0

[docs]class QEout(object): """Module for parsing screen QE output files.""" def __init__(self, lines=None, filename="qe.out"): """Intialize class with filename.""" self.filename = filename if lines is None: f = open(filename, "r") lns = f.close() self.lines = lns else: self.lines = lines
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(self, d={}): """Construct from a dictionary.""" return QEout(lines=d["lines"], filename=d["filename"])
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert class to a dictionary.""" d = OrderedDict() d["lines"] = self.lines d["filename"] = self.filename return d
[docs] def get_total_energy(self): """Get total energy in Ry.""" energies = [] for i in self.lines: if "total energy =" in i: energy = float(i.split()[-2]) energies.append(energy) return float(energies[-1]) * ryd_to_ev
[docs] def get_efermi(self): """Get fermi energy in eV.""" efs = [] for i in self.lines: if "the Fermi energy is" in i: efs.append(float(i.split()[-2])) return efs[-1]
@property def job_done(self): """Check if job is completed.""" done = False for i in self.lines: if "JOB DONE." in i: done = True return done
[docs] def get_band_enegies(self): """Get band energies in eV.""" band_energies = [] for ii, i in enumerate(self.lines): if "bands (ev)" in i: band_energies.append( [float(j) for j in self.lines[ii + 2].split()] ) return band_energies
[docs]class DataFileSchema(object): """Module to parse data-file-schema.xml file.""" def __init__(self, filename="", data={}, set_key=None): """Initialize class.""" self.filename = filename = data self.set_key = set_key if == {}: self.xml_to_dict()
[docs] def xml_to_dict(self): """Read XML file.""" if ".gz" in self.filename: f =, "rb") file_content = = xmltodict.parse(file_content) else: with open(self.filename) as fd: data = xmltodict.parse( = data if self.set_key is None: if "output" in["qes:espresso"]: self.set_key = "output" elif "step" in["qes:espresso"]: self.set_key = "step" else: raise ValueError("Inconsisten QE version.")
@property def final_energy(self): """Get final energy.""" # Energy in eV already ?? line =["qes:espresso"][self.set_key] if isinstance(line, list): line = line[-1] return float(line["total_energy"]["etot"]) # * hartree_to_ev @property def num_atoms(self): """Get total number of atoms.""" return self.final_structure.num_atoms @property def energy_per_atom(self): """Get final energy per atom.""" return self.final_energy / self.num_atoms @property def final_energy_breakdown(self): """Get final energy.""" line =["qes:espresso"][self.set_key] if isinstance(line, list): line = line[-1] tmp = line["total_energy"] for i, j in tmp.items(): tmp[i] = float(j) * hartree_to_ev return tmp @property def forces(self): """Get final forces.""" line =["qes:espresso"][self.set_key] if isinstance(line, list): line = line[-1] return np.array( [ [float(j) for j in i.split()] for i in line["forces"]["#text"].split("\n") ] ) * (hartree_to_ev / bohr_to_ang) @property def stress(self): """Get final stress.""" line =["qes:espresso"][self.set_key] if isinstance(line, list): line = line[-1] return np.array( [ [float(j) for j in i.split()] for i in line["stress"]["#text"].split("\n") ] ) * (hartree_to_ev / bohr_to_ang**3) @property def magnetization(self): """Get final magnetization.""" line =["qes:espresso"][self.set_key] if isinstance(line, list): line = line[-1] return float(line["magnetization"]["total"]) @property def qe_version(self): """Get QE version number.""" return["qes:espresso"]["general_info"]["creator"]["@VERSION"] @property def is_spin_orbit(self): """Check if spin-orbit coupling in True.""" tag =["qes:espresso"]["input"]["spin"]["spinorbit"] if tag == "true": return True else: return False @property def is_spin_polarized(self): """Check if spin-polarization coupling in True.""" tag =["qes:espresso"]["output"]["band_structure"]["lsda"] if tag == "true": return True else: return False @property def initial_structure(self): """Get input atoms.""" line =["qes:espresso"]["input"] if isinstance(line, list): line = line[-1] elements = [] pos = [] lat = [] lat.append( [float(i) for i in line["atomic_structure"]["cell"]["a1"].split()] ) lat.append( [float(i) for i in line["atomic_structure"]["cell"]["a2"].split()] ) lat.append( [float(i) for i in line["atomic_structure"]["cell"]["a3"].split()] ) if isinstance( line["atomic_structure"]["atomic_positions"]["atom"], list ): for i in line["atomic_structure"]["atomic_positions"]["atom"]: elements.append(i["@name"]) pos.append([float(j) for j in i["#text"].split()]) atoms = Atoms( elements=elements, coords=np.array(pos) * bohr_to_ang, lattice_mat=np.array(lat) * bohr_to_ang, cartesian=True, ) else: elements = [ line["atomic_structure"]["atomic_positions"]["atom"]["@name"] ] pos = [ [ float(j) for j in line["atomic_structure"]["atomic_positions"][ "atom" ]["#text"].split() ] ] atoms = Atoms( elements=elements, coords=np.array(pos) * bohr_to_ang, lattice_mat=np.array(lat) * bohr_to_ang, cartesian=True, ) return atoms @property def final_structure(self): """Get final atoms.""" line =["qes:espresso"][self.set_key] if isinstance(line, list): line = line[-1] elements = [] pos = [] lat = [] lat.append( [float(i) for i in line["atomic_structure"]["cell"]["a1"].split()] ) lat.append( [float(i) for i in line["atomic_structure"]["cell"]["a2"].split()] ) lat.append( [float(i) for i in line["atomic_structure"]["cell"]["a3"].split()] ) if isinstance( line["atomic_structure"]["atomic_positions"]["atom"], list ): for i in line["atomic_structure"]["atomic_positions"]["atom"]: elements.append(i["@name"]) pos.append([float(j) for j in i["#text"].split()]) atoms = Atoms( elements=elements, coords=np.array(pos) * bohr_to_ang, lattice_mat=np.array(lat) * bohr_to_ang, cartesian=True, ) else: elements = [ line["atomic_structure"]["atomic_positions"]["atom"]["@name"] ] pos = [ [ float(j) for j in line["atomic_structure"]["atomic_positions"][ "atom" ]["#text"].split() ] ] atoms = Atoms( elements=elements, coords=np.array(pos) * bohr_to_ang, lattice_mat=np.array(lat) * bohr_to_ang, cartesian=True, ) return atoms @property def efermi(self): """Get Fermi energy.""" return ( float(["qes:espresso"]["output"]["band_structure"][ "fermi_energy" ] ) * hartree_to_ev ) @property def functional(self): """Get name of DFT functional.""" return["qes:espresso"]["input"]["dft"]["functional"] @property def nelec(self): """Get number of electrons.""" return int( float(["qes:espresso"]["output"]["band_structure"]["nelec"] ) ) @property def nkpts(self): """Get number of electrons.""" return int( float(["qes:espresso"]["output"]["band_structure"]["nks"]) ) @property def nbands(self): """Get number of bands.""" if self.is_spin_polarized: return [ int( float(["qes:espresso"]["output"]["band_structure"][ "nbnd_up" ] ) ), int( float(["qes:espresso"]["output"]["band_structure"][ "nbnd_dw" ] ) ), ] else: return int( float(["qes:espresso"]["output"]["band_structure"][ "nbnd" ] ) ) @property def indir_gap(self): """Get indirect bandgap.""" eigs = self.bandstruct_eigvals() # .T nelec = self.nelec if not self.is_spin_polarized: nelec = int(nelec / 2) gap = min(eigs[:, nelec]) - max(eigs[:, nelec - 1]) if not self.is_spin_polarized and nelec % 2 != 0 and gap > 0.1: raise ValueError( "Odd #electrons cant have band gaps in non-spin-polarized.", self.is_spin_polarized, nelec, ) if gap < 0: gap = 0 return gap
[docs] def bandstruct_eigvals(self, plot=False, filename="band.png"): """Get eigenvalues to plot bandstructure.""" # nbnd = int( #["qes:espresso"]["output"]["band_structure"]["nbnd"] # ) nkpts = self.nkpts # int( #["qes:espresso"]["output"]["band_structure"]["nks"] # ) # nbnd = self.nbands eigvals = [] for i in range(nkpts): eig = np.array(["qes:espresso"]["output"]["band_structure"][ "ks_energies" ][i]["eigenvalues"]["#text"].split(), dtype="float", ) eigvals.append(eig) # Eigenvalues for each k-point eigvals = np.array(eigvals) * hartree_to_ev if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt for i in eigvals.T: plt.plot(i) plt.savefig(filename) plt.close() return eigvals
[docs] def dos(self, smearing=0.2, plot=False, filename="dos.png"): """Density of states.""" """Based on sum of gaussians with smearing as given""" # TODO: make work nicely for spin-polarized case, # with minority spins plotted negative. nkpts = self.nkpts eigvals = [] kweight = [] for i in range(nkpts): eig = np.array(["qes:espresso"]["output"]["band_structure"][ "ks_energies" ][i]["eigenvalues"]["#text"].split(), dtype="float", ) eigvals.append(eig) kweight.append( float(["qes:espresso"]["output"]["band_structure"][ "ks_energies" ][i]["k_point"]["@weight"] ) ) efermi = self.efermi eigvals = np.array(eigvals) * hartree_to_ev - efermi kweight = np.array(kweight) minval = np.min(np.array(eigvals)) maxval = np.max(np.array(eigvals)) energies = np.arange(minval - 0.5, maxval + 0.5, 0.01) # de = 0.01 norm = (1 / 2.0 / np.pi / smearing**2) ** 0.5 DOS = np.zeros(np.shape(energies)[0]) for k in range(nkpts): for e in eigvals[k, :]: DOS += ( kweight[k] * norm * np.exp(-0.5 * (energies - e) ** 2 / smearing**2) ) # print("k ", np.sum(kweight)) # print("DOS ", np.sum(DOS*de), # " should be close to ", self.nbands * np.sum(kweight)) if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(energies, DOS) plotmin = max(-10.0, minval) plt.plot( [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, np.max(DOS) * 1.1], color="black", linestyle="dashed", ) plt.ylim([0, np.max(DOS) * 1.1]) plt.xlim([plotmin, maxval]) plt.ylabel("DOS (eV$^{-1}$)") plt.xlabel("Energy - E$_F$ (eV)") # plt.savefig(filename) plt.close() return energies, DOS
[docs]class ProjHamXml(object): """Module to parse projham_K.xml.""" # Adapted from def __init__( self, filename="projham_K.xml", data=None, ): """Initialize class.""" self.filename = filename = data if data is None:
[docs] def read(self): """Read file.""" if ".gz" in self.filename: f =, "rb") file_content = data = xmltodict.parse(file_content) = data else: with open(self.filename) as fd: data = xmltodict.parse( = data ( H, S, h1, kind_arr, kweights, nonorth, grid, scf, nelec, ) = self.get_tight_binding() self.H = H self.S = S self.h1 = h1 self.kind_arr = kind_arr self.kweights = kweights self.nonorth = nonorth self.grid = grid self.nk = np.shape(kind_arr)[0] self.nwan = np.shape(H)[1] self.scf = scf self.nelec = nelec A, coords, types, nat = self.get_crystal() self.A = A self.coords = coords self.types = types self.nat = nat scf =["root"]["scf"] if scf is True: print("error scf ", scf) # info for deciding which orbital goes with which index. self.atomdata = dict() self.atomdata["H"] = ["s"] self.atomdata["Li"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["Be"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["B"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["C"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["N"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["O"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["F"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["Na"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["Mg"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["Al"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["Si"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["P"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["S"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["Cl"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["K"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Ca"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Sc"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Ti"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["V"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Cr"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Mn"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Fe"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Co"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Ni"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Cu"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Zn"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Ga"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Ge"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["As"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["Se"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["Br"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["Rb"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Sr"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Y"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Zr"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Nb"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Mo"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Tc"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Ru"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Rh"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Pd"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Ag"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Cd"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["In"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Sn"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["Sb"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["Te"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["I"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["Cs"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Ba"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["La"] = ["s", "d"] self.atomdata["Hf"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Ta"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["W"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Re"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Os"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Ir"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Pt"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Au"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Hg"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Tl"] = ["s", "d", "p"] self.atomdata["Pb"] = ["s", "p"] self.atomdata["Bi"] = ["s", "p"]
[docs] def get_crystal(self): """Get crystal info.""" tmp_tb =["root"]["crystal"] A = np.reshape(np.array(tmp_tb["A"].split(), dtype="float"), (3, 3)) nat = int(float(tmp_tb["nat"])) coords = np.reshape( np.array(tmp_tb["coords"].split(), dtype="float"), (nat, 3) ) types = tmp_tb["types"].split() if len(types) != nat: print("error loading crystal ", nat, types) if np.shape(coords)[0] != nat: print("error loading crystal ", nat, np.shape(coords)[0]) return A, coords, types, nat
[docs] def get_tight_binding(self): """Get tight_binding parameters.""" t =["root"]["scf"] if t == "false": scf = False else: scf = True nelec = float(["root"]["nelec"]) tmp_tb =["root"]["tightbinding"] nwan = int(float(tmp_tb["nwan"])) if "h1" in tmp_tb: h1 = np.array(tmp_tb["h1"].split(), dtype="float").reshape( nwan, nwan ) else: h1 = np.zeros((nwan, nwan), dtype=float) t = tmp_tb["nonorth"] if t == "false": nonorth = False else: nonorth = True grid = [0, 0, 0] if "grid" in list(tmp_tb.keys()): grid = np.array(tmp_tb["grid"].split(), dtype="int") kweights = np.array(tmp_tb["kweights"].split(), dtype="float") nk = int(float(tmp_tb["nk"])) kind_arr = np.array(tmp_tb["kind_arr"].split(), dtype="float").reshape( nk, 3 ) hk_lines = tmp_tb["Hk"].split("\n") H = np.zeros((nwan, nwan, nk), dtype=complex) S = np.zeros((nwan, nwan, nk), dtype=complex) for i in hk_lines: tmp = i.split() if len(tmp) == 7: r = int(tmp[0]) - 1 m = int(tmp[1]) - 1 n = int(tmp[2]) - 1 H[m, n, r] = float(tmp[3]) + 1j * float(tmp[4]) S[m, n, r] = float(tmp[5]) + 1j * float(tmp[6]) return H, S, h1, kind_arr, kweights, nonorth, grid, scf, nelec
[docs] def calculate_eigenvalues(self, kpoint=None, kind=-1): """Calculate eigenvalues.""" if self.scf is True: print("warning, not accurate for scf=True") if kind == -1 and kpoint is not None: # must find kpoint for k in range(self.nk): if np.sum(np.abs(kpoint - self.kind_arr[k, :])) < 1e-3: kind = k break if kind == -1: print("warning, kpoint not found ", kpoint) elif kind == -1 and kpoint is None: kind = 0 print("warning, no k-point specified, setting kind to 0") # else kind is correctly specified if kind >= self.nk: print("warning, kind too large ", kind) hk = self.H[:, :, kind] hk = 0.5 * (hk + np.conj(hk.T)) if self.nonorth is False: vals, vects = la.eigh(hk) return vals, vects elif self.nonorth is True: sk = self.S[:, :, kind] sk = 0.5 * (sk + np.conj(sk.T)) vals, vects = la.eigh(hk, b=sk) return vals, vects
[docs] def solve_ham(self, proj=None): """Solve hamiltonian.""" VALS = np.zeros((self.nk, self.nwan), dtype=float) if proj is not None: nproj = len(proj) PROJ = np.zeros((self.nk, self.nwan, nproj), dtype=float) else: PROJ = None nproj = 0 for k in range(self.nk): vals, vects = self.calculate_eigenvalues(kind=k) VALS[k, :] = vals sk = self.S[:, :, k] if proj is not None: for ip, p in enumerate(proj): for pind in p: for a in range(self.nwan): for b in range(self.nwan): t = vects[pind, a] * np.conj(vects[b, a]) PROJ[k, a, ip] += 0.5 * np.real( t * sk[b, pind] + np.conj(t) * np.conj(sk[b, pind]) ) return VALS, PROJ
# figure our correspondence between orbitals and indicies.
[docs] def count_orbs(self): """Count orbitals.""" ORBS = [] c = 0 for a in range(self.nat): t = self.types[a] orbs = self.atomdata[t] for o in orbs: if o == "s": ORBS.append([c, t, o]) c += 1 elif o == "p": ORBS.append([c, t, o]) ORBS.append([c + 1, t, o]) ORBS.append([c + 2, t, o]) c += 3 elif o == "d": ORBS.append([c, t, o]) ORBS.append([c + 1, t, o]) ORBS.append([c + 2, t, o]) ORBS.append([c + 3, t, o]) ORBS.append([c + 4, t, o]) c += 5 elif o == "f": ORBS.append([c, t, o]) ORBS.append([c + 1, t, o]) ORBS.append([c + 2, t, o]) ORBS.append([c + 3, t, o]) ORBS.append([c + 4, t, o]) ORBS.append([c + 5, t, o]) ORBS.append([c + 6, t, o]) c += 7 return ORBS
# figure our orbitials to project onto from inputs
[docs] def decide_projection(self, proj_atoms=None, proj_orbs=None): """Decide projections.""" ORBS = self.count_orbs() if proj_atoms is None and proj_orbs is None: ntypes = len(set(self.types)) if ntypes > 1: t = list(set(self.types)) names = t proj_atoms = [] proj_orbs = [] for tt in t: proj_atoms.append([tt]) proj_orbs.append(["s", "p", "d"]) else: names = ["s", "p", "d"] proj_orbs = [["s"], ["p"], ["d"]] t = list(set(self.types)) proj_atoms = [t, t, t] else: if proj_orbs is None: names = copy.copy(proj_atoms) proj_atoms = [] proj_orbs = [] for tt in names: proj_atoms.append([tt]) proj_orbs.append(["s", "p", "d"]) elif proj_atoms is None: names = copy.copy(proj_orbs) proj_orbs = [] proj_atoms = [] t = list(set(self.types)) for tt in names: proj_orbs.append([tt]) proj_atoms.append(t) else: names = [] proj_atoms_t = copy.copy(proj_atoms) proj_orbs_t = copy.copy(proj_orbs) proj_atoms = [] proj_orbs = [] for a, o in zip(proj_atoms_t, proj_orbs_t): names.append(a + "_" + o) proj_atoms.append([a]) proj_orbs.append([o]) # print("proj_atoms ", proj_atoms) # print("proj_orbs ", proj_orbs) num_proj = len(proj_atoms) proj = [] for cp in range(num_proj): proj.append([]) for c, o in enumerate(ORBS): if o[1] in proj_atoms[cp] and o[2] in proj_orbs[cp]: proj[-1].append(c) return proj, names
[docs] def dos( self, smearing=0.3, npts=500, proj_atoms=None, proj_orbs=None, do_proj=True, ): """Get DOS.""" if do_proj is False: proj = None names = None else: proj, names = self.decide_projection( proj_atoms=proj_atoms, proj_orbs=proj_orbs ) VALS, PROJ = self.solve_ham(proj=proj) VALS = VALS * ryd_to_ev vmin = np.min(VALS) - smearing * 5 vmax = np.max(VALS) + smearing * 5 de = vmax - vmin energies = np.arange(vmin, vmax, de / npts) npts = len(energies) dos = np.zeros(npts) W = np.tile(self.kweights, (self.nwan, 1)).T / 2.0 for c, e in enumerate(energies): dos[c] = np.sum( np.exp(-0.5 * (VALS[:, :] - e) ** 2 / smearing**2) * W ) dos = dos / smearing / (2.0 * np.pi) ** 0.5 if do_proj: nproj = len(names) pdos = np.zeros((npts, nproj)) for i in range(nproj): for c, e in enumerate(energies): pdos[c, i] = np.sum( PROJ[:, :, i] * np.exp(-0.5 * (VALS[:, :] - e) ** 2 / smearing**2) * W ) pdos = pdos / smearing / (2.0 * np.pi) ** 0.5 de = energies[1] - energies[0] print("Int DOS = ", np.sum(dos) * de) if do_proj: for i in range(nproj): print(names[i], " Int pDOS = ", np.sum(pdos[:, i]) * de) occ = np.cumsum(dos * de) for i in range(npts): if occ[i] > self.nelec / 2.0: fermi_ind = i break print( "Int occupied DOS (only exact as npts goes to inf) = ", np.sum(dos[0 : fermi_ind + 1]) * de * 2.0, ) energies = energies - energies[fermi_ind] # shift fermi energy to zero return energies, dos, pdos, names
# ProjHamXml().get_tight_binding() """ if __name__ == "__main__": en = QEout("qe.out").get_total_energy() print((en)) assert en == -19.11812163 en = QEout("qe.out").get_band_enegies() print((en), len(en)) assert en[0][0] == -5.8325 en = QEout("qe.out").get_efermi() print((en)) assert en == 6.4236 """ # p = ProjHamXml("/home/kfg/projham_K.xml.gz") # print("A") # print(p.A) # print("coords") # print(p.coords) # print("types") # print(p.types) # energies, dos, pdos, names = p.dos() # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.plot(energies, dos, "b") # plt.plot(energies, pdos[:,0], "r") # plt.plot(energies, pdos[:,1], "g") #