Source code for

"""Modules for generating input files for QE."""

import os
import requests
import tarfile
from jarvis.core.specie import Specie
import numpy as np

# from jarvis.analysis.structure.spacegroup import Spacegroup3D

[docs]class QEinfile(object): """ Gnererate quantum espresso input files. jarvis.core.Atoms and Kpoints are required as inputs. For other input parameters, see . """ def __init__( self, atoms=None, kpoints=None, psp_dir=None, input_params={}, url=None, sanitize=True, sanitize_tol=2e-4, psp_temp_name=None, ): """Initialize input parameters for qunatum espresso.""" if psp_temp_name is None: psp_temp_name = "QE_PSPs" if input_params == {}: input_params = GenericInputs().geometry_optimization() if psp_dir is None: psp_dir = str( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), psp_temp_name) ) # Download GBRV PSPs by default if url is None: url = ( "" "gbrv/all_pbesol_UPF_v1.5.tar.gz" ) print("Please cite for PSPs:") print("") if not os.path.exists(psp_dir): print("Downloading PSPs") tar_file_name = str( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "psp.tar.gz") ) r = requests.get(url) f = open(tar_file_name, "wb") f.write(r.content) f.close() tar = tar.extractall(psp_dir) tar.close() os.remove(tar_file_name) self.species = [] self.psp_dir = psp_dir self.input_params = input_params self.atoms = atoms self.kpoints = kpoints self.sanitize = sanitize self.sanitize_tol = sanitize_tol if "system" in input_params: self.system_params = input_params["system"] if ( input_params["system"]["nat"] is None or input_params["system"]["nat"] == "" ): input_params["system"]["nat"] = self.atoms.num_atoms if ( input_params["system"]["ntyp"] is None or input_params["system"]["ntyp"] == "" ): self.species = self.atoms.uniq_species input_params["system"]["ntyp"] = len(self.species) if ( "nspin" in input_params["system"] and input_params["system"]["nspin"] == 2 ): for ii in range(input_params["system"]["nat"]): tmp = "starting_magnetization(" + str(ii + 1) + str(")") input_params["system"][tmp] = 1.0 # 'starting_magnetization' in input_params["system"] and # input_params["system"]['starting_magnetization'] is None: else: self.system_params = {} if "electrons" in input_params: self.electron_params = input_params["electrons"] else: self.electron_params = {} if "control" in input_params: self.control_params = input_params["control"] self.control_params["pseudo_dir"] = str("'") + self.psp_dir + "'" if ( "prefix" in self.control_params and self.control_params["prefix"] is None ): self.control_params[ "prefix" ] = self.atoms.composition.reduced_formula else: self.control_params = {} if "inputa2f" in input_params: self.inputa2f = input_params["inputa2f"] else: self.inputa2f = {} if "ions" in input_params: self.ion_params = input_params["ions"] else: self.ion_params = {} if "cell" in input_params: self.cell_params = input_params["cell"] else: self.cell_params = {} if "input" in input_params: self.input = input_params["input"] if ( "amass(1)" not in input_params["input"] and "zasr" not in input_params["input"] ): for ii, jj in enumerate(self.atoms.uniq_species): tmp = "amass(" + str(ii + 1) + ")" input_params["input"][tmp] = str( round(Specie(jj).atomic_mass, 2) ) else: self.input = {} if "inputph" in input_params: self.inputph = input_params["inputph"] if "amass(1)" not in input_params["inputph"]: for ii, jj in enumerate(self.atoms.uniq_species): tmp = "amass(" + str(ii + 1) + ")" input_params["inputph"][tmp] = str( round(Specie(jj).atomic_mass, 2) ) else: self.inputph = {}
[docs] def dictionary_to_string(self, tags={}): """Convert a dictionary to string with '=' sign.""" lines = "" for i, j in tags.items(): if j is not None: lines = lines + str(i) + str(" = ") + str(j) + "\n" return lines
[docs] def kpoints_to_string(self): """Convert a jarvis.core.Kpoints3D to string.""" kp = "" if self.kpoints: kpoint_mode = self.kpoints._kpoint_mode if kpoint_mode == "automatic": kp = ( kp + "K_POINTS automatic\n" + (" ".join(map(str, self.kpoints.kpts[0])) + " 0 0 0\n") ) elif kpoint_mode == "linemode": points = "" for i in self.kpoints.kpts: points = points + " ".join(map(str, i)) + " 1.0" + "\n" kp = ( kp + "K_POINTS crystal\n" + str(len(self.kpoints.kpts)) + "\n" + points ) else: print( "Kpoint scheme not implemented except linemode&automatic" ) return kp
[docs] def get_psp(self, element): """Obtain psuedopotential for an element.""" element = str(element).lower() for i in os.listdir(self.psp_dir): el = str(i.split(".")[0].split("_")[0]).lower() if el == element: return i
[docs] def atomic_species_string(self): """Obtain string for QE atomic species.""" line = "" for i in self.species: line = line + ( i + " " + str(round(Specie(i).atomic_mass, 2)) + " " + str(self.get_psp(i)) + "\n" ) return line
[docs] def check_frac(self, n): """Check fractional coordinates or lattice parameters.""" items = [ 0.0, 0.3333333333333333, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.6666666666666667, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, -0.5, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, 1.0 / 2.0 ** 0.5, -1.0 / 2.0 ** 0.5, 3.0 ** 0.5 / 2.0, -(3.0 ** 0.5) / 2.0, 1.0 / 3.0 ** 0.5, -1.0 / 3.0 ** 0.5, 1.0 / 2.0 / 3 ** 0.5, -1.0 / 2.0 / 3 ** 0.5, 1 / 6, 5 / 6, ] items = items + [(-1) * i for i in items] for f in items: if abs(f - n) < self.sanitize_tol: return f return n
[docs] def atomic_pos(self): """Obtain string for QE atomic positions.""" line = "" # self.atoms = Spacegroup3D(self.atoms).refined_atoms coords = np.array(self.atoms.frac_coords) ntot = self.atoms.num_atoms if self.sanitize: for i in range(ntot): for j in range(3): # neatin coords[i, j] = self.check_frac(coords[i, j]) for i, j in zip(self.atoms.elements, coords): line = line + str(i) + " " + " ".join(map(str, j)) + "\n" return line
[docs] def atomic_cell_params(self): """Obtain string for QE atomic lattice parameters.""" lat_mat = np.array(self.atoms.lattice_mat) if self.sanitize: print("Sanitizing Atoms.") a_lat = np.linalg.norm(lat_mat[0, :]) at = lat_mat / a_lat for i in range(3): for j in range(3): at[i, j] = self.check_frac(at[i, j]) lat_mat = at * a_lat line = ( str(lat_mat[0][0]) + " " + str(lat_mat[0][1]) + " " + str(lat_mat[0][2]) + "\n" + str(lat_mat[1][0]) + " " + str(lat_mat[1][1]) + " " + str(lat_mat[1][2]) + "\n" + str(lat_mat[2][0]) + " " + str(lat_mat[2][1]) + " " + str(lat_mat[2][2]) ) return line
[docs] def to_string(self): """Convert inputs to a string to write in file.""" control = "" system = "" electrons = "" ions = "" cell = "" input = "" inputph = "" inputa2f = "" spec = "" if self.control_params: control = ( "&control\n\n" + self.dictionary_to_string(self.control_params) + "/" + "\n" ) if self.system_params: system = ( "\n&system\n\n" + self.dictionary_to_string(self.system_params) + "/" + "\n" ) if self.electron_params: electrons = ( "\n&electrons\n\n" + self.dictionary_to_string(self.electron_params) + "/" + "\n" ) if self.ion_params: ions = ( "\n&ions\n\n" + self.dictionary_to_string(self.ion_params) + "/" + "\n" ) if self.cell_params: cell = ( "\n&cell\n\n" + self.dictionary_to_string(self.cell_params) + "/" + "\n" ) if self.input: input = ( "\n&input\n\n" + self.dictionary_to_string(self.input) + "/" + "\n" ) if self.inputph: inputph = ( "\n&inputph\n\n" + self.dictionary_to_string(self.inputph) + "/" + "\n" ) if self.inputa2f: inputa2f = ( "\n&inputa2F\n\n" + self.dictionary_to_string(self.inputa2f) + "/" + "\n" ) if self.species: spec = "ATOMIC_SPECIES\n\n" + self.atomic_species_string() + "\n" line = ( control + system + electrons + ions + cell + input + inputph + inputa2f + spec # + "ATOMIC_SPECIES\n\n" # + self.atomic_species_string() # + "\n" + "ATOMIC_POSITIONS crystal\n\n" + self.atomic_pos() + "\n" + "CELL_PARAMETERS angstrom\n\n" + self.atomic_cell_params() + "\n\n" + self.kpoints_to_string() ) return line
[docs] def write_file(self, filename=""): """Write input file.""" line = self.to_string() f = open(filename, "w") f.write(line) f.close()
[docs]class GenericInputs(object): """Obtain set of minimal QE input parameters.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize with minimum parameters that can be updated.""" self.sample_qe_inputs = { "control": { "calculation": "'scf'", "restart_mode": "'from_scratch'", "prefix": "'QE'", "outdir": "'./'", "tstress": ".true.", "tprnfor": ".true.", "disk_io": "'low'", "wf_collect": ".true.", "pseudo_dir": None, "verbosity": "'high'", "nstep": 100, }, "system": { "ibrav": 0, "nat": None, "ntyp": None, "ecutwfc": 45, "ecutrho": 250, "q2sigma": 1, "ecfixed": 44.5, "qcutz": 800, "occupations": "'smearing'", "degauss": 0.01, "lda_plus_u": ".false.", "force_symmorphic": ".true.", "nosym": ".false.", "noinv": ".false.", }, "electrons": { "diagonalization": "'david'", "mixing_mode": "'local-TF'", "mixing_beta": 0.3, "conv_thr": "1d-9", }, "ions": {"ion_dynamics": "'bfgs'"}, "cell": { "cell_dynamics": "'bfgs'", "cell_dofree": "'all'", "cell_factor": 1.0, }, }
[docs] def geometry_optimization(self): """Obtain QE inputs for geometry optimization.""" input = self.sample_qe_inputs input["control"]["calculation"] = "'vc-relax'" return input
# def simple_scf(self): # """Obtain QE inputs for single SCF.""" # input = self.sample_qe_inputs # return input # def electron_band_structure(self): # """Obtain QE inputs for bandstructure calculations optimization.""" # input = self.sample_qe_inputs # # TODO: increase nbands # input["control_params"]["calculation"] = "'nscf'" # input["control_params"]["restart_mode"] = None # return input """ if __name__ == "__main__": from jarvis.core.kpoints import Kpoints3D from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms box = [[2.715, 2.715, 0], [0, 2.715, 2.715], [2.715, 0, 2.715]] coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25]] elements = ["Si", "Si"] Si = Atoms(lattice_mat=box, coords=coords, elements=elements) print(Si) kp = Kpoints3D().automatic_length_mesh( lattice_mat=Si.lattice_mat, length=20 ) qe = QEinfile(Si, kp) qe.write_file() kp = Kpoints3D().kpath(atoms=Si) qe = QEinfile(Si, kp) qe.write_file("qe.in2") sp = qe.atomic_species_string() sp = qe.atomic_cell_params() print("sp", sp) print(qe.input_params['system_params']['nat']) # /users/knc6/Software/QE/q-e/bin/pw.x -i """