Source code for

"""Function to analze LAMMPS output."""
import numpy as np
import glob
import os
from jarvis.analysis.elastic.tensor import ElasticTensor
from import LammpsData
from import bandstructure_plot, total_dos
from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms

[docs]def parse_potential_mod(mod="potential.mod"): """Parse potentials.mod input file.""" info = {} f = open(mod, "r") lines = f.close() for i in lines: if "pair_style" in i: pair_style = i.split("pair_style")[1] if "pair_coeff" in i: pair_coeff = i.split()[3].split("/")[-1] elements = i.split()[4:] info["pair_style"] = pair_style info["pair_coeff"] = pair_coeff info["elements"] = elements return info
[docs]def read_data(data=None, ff=None, element_order=[], has_charges=True): """ Read LAMMPS data file. Args: data: data file path ff: potential.mod/potential information file path Returns: Atoms object """ lmp_data = LammpsData() return lmp_data.read_data( filename=data, element_order=element_order, potential_file=ff, verbose=False, has_charges=has_charges, )
[docs]def parse_log(log="log.lammps"): """ Analyzes log.lammps file. Please note, the output format heavily depends on the input file A generic input is taken here. Args: log: path to log.lammps file Returns: en: energy/atom press: pressure toten: total energy cij: elastic constants """ en = 0 press = 0 c11 = 0 c22 = 0 c33 = 0 c44 = 0 c55 = 0 c66 = 0 c12 = 0 c13 = 0 c23 = 0 c14 = 0 c15 = 0 c16 = 0 c14 = 0 c24 = 0 c25 = 0 c26 = 0 c34 = 0 c35 = 0 c36 = 0 c45 = 0 c46 = 0 c56 = 0 Et = "" info = {} try: logfile = open(log, "r") lines = for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "Loop time of" in line: # toten = float(lines[i - 1].split()[12]) press = float(lines[i - 1].split()[2]) press = float(press) * 0.0001 denom = float(lines[i - 1].split()[17]) en = float(lines[i - 1].split()[12]) / denom break logfile.close() except Exception: print("Cannot parse energy and pressure information.", log) pass try: logfile = open(log, "r") lines = for i, line in enumerate(lines): if 'print "Elastic Constant C11all = ${C11all} ${cunits}"' in line: c11 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C22all = ${C22all} ${cunits}"' in line: c22 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C33all = ${C33all} ${cunits}"' in line: c33 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C12all = ${C12all} ${cunits}"' in line: c12 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C13all = ${C13all} ${cunits}"' in line: c13 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C23all = ${C23all} ${cunits}"' in line: c23 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C44all = ${C44all} ${cunits}"' in line: c44 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C55all = ${C55all} ${cunits}"' in line: c55 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C66all = ${C66all} ${cunits}"' in line: c66 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C14all = ${C14all} ${cunits}"' in line: c14 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C15all = ${C15all} ${cunits}"' in line: c15 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C16all = ${C16all} ${cunits}"' in line: c16 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C24all = ${C24all} ${cunits}"' in line: c24 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C25all = ${C25all} ${cunits}"' in line: c25 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C26all = ${C26all} ${cunits}"' in line: c26 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C34all = ${C34all} ${cunits}"' in line: c34 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C35all = ${C35all} ${cunits}"' in line: c35 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C36all = ${C36all} ${cunits}"' in line: c36 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C45all = ${C45all} ${cunits}"' in line: c45 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C46all = ${C46all} ${cunits}"' in line: c46 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C56all = ${C56all} ${cunits}"' in line: c56 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] logfile.close() cij = np.array( [ [c11, c12, c13, c14, c15, c16], [c12, c22, c23, c24, c25, c26], [c13, c23, c33, c34, c35, c36], [c14, c24, c34, c44, c45, c46], [c15, c25, c35, c45, c55, c56], [c16, c26, c36, c46, c56, c66], ], dtype="float", ) Et = ElasticTensor(et_tensor=cij).to_dict() except Exception: print("Cannot parse log.lammps", log) pass info["energy_per_atom"] = en info["system_pressure"] = press info["elastic_tensor"] = Et return info
[docs]def get_chem_pot(all_json_data={}): """Get minumum energy for each elemental specie.""" all_possible_species = [] elemental_energies = {} for i, j in all_json_data.items(): # print (i) if ( i != "jid" and i != "source_folder" and i != "bulk_data" and i != "bulk_energy_per_atom" ): fin_strt = j["final_str"] if isinstance(j["final_str"], dict): fin_strt = Atoms.from_dict(fin_strt) for el in fin_strt.elements: # for el in j["final_str"].elements: if el not in all_possible_species: all_possible_species.append(el) if len(fin_strt.uniq_species) == 1: # if len(j["final_str"].uniq_species) == 1: tmp_element = fin_strt.uniq_species[0] # tmp_element = j["final_str"].uniq_species[0] tmp_energy = j["energy_per_atom"] elemental_energies.setdefault(tmp_element, []).append( [tmp_energy, i] ) chem_pot = {} for i, j in elemental_energies.items(): chem_pot[i] = sorted(j, key=lambda x: x[0])[0][0] if len(all_possible_species) != len(elemental_energies.keys()): raise ValueError( "Error: Chemical potential for all elements are not available" ) raise ValueError(all_possible_species, elemental_energies.keys()) return chem_pot
[docs]def parse_folder(path="bulk@mp-1487_fold/bulk@mp-1487", atoms_to_dict=False): """Parse individual LAMMPS run.""" info = {} ff = os.path.join(path, "potential.mod") pot = parse_potential_mod(ff) initial_str = read_data(data=os.path.join(path, "data"), ff=ff) final_str = read_data(data=os.path.join(path, "data0"), ff=ff) log_path = os.path.join(path, "log.lammps") pair_style = pot["pair_style"] pair_coeff = pot["pair_coeff"] info["pair_style"] = pair_style info["pair_coeff"] = pair_coeff info["initial_str"] = initial_str info["final_str"] = final_str if atoms_to_dict: info["initial_str"] = initial_str.to_dict() info["final_str"] = final_str.to_dict() dat = parse_log(log_path) info["energy_per_atom"] = dat["energy_per_atom"] info["system_pressure"] = dat["system_pressure"] info["elastic_tensor"] = dat["elastic_tensor"] if atoms_to_dict: info["elastic_tensor"] = list(dat["elastic_tensor"]) return info
[docs]def parse_material_calculation_folder( path="bulk@mp-1487_fold", jid="x", atoms_to_dict=False ): """ Parse individual LAMMPS material run. with optimization, vacancy, phonon, surface etc. """ cwd = os.getcwd() jid_file = os.path.join(path, "JARVISFF-ID") if os.path.exists(jid_file): f = open(jid_file, "r") lines = f.close() jid = lines[0] print(path) info = {} info["jid"] = jid info["source_folder"] = path bulk_energy_per_atom = "" for i in glob.glob(path + "/*.json"): try: json_file_name = i.split("/")[-1] json_file_path = i.split(".json")[0] print("json_file_name", json_file_name) print("json_file_path", json_file_path) fold_path = os.path.join(path, json_file_path) tmp_info = parse_folder( path=fold_path, atoms_to_dict=atoms_to_dict ) info[json_file_name] = tmp_info if ( "bulk" in json_file_name and "cellmax" not in json_file_name and "sbulk" not in json_file_name ): bulk_energy_per_atom = tmp_info["energy_per_atom"] info["bulk_data"] = tmp_info except Exception: print("Error cannot parse bulk file.") pass info["bulk_energy_per_atom"] = bulk_energy_per_atom # Each element has energy_per_atom, # system_pressure,elastic_tensor,final_str,initial_str print("Found", len(info.keys()), "folders") try: chem_pot = get_chem_pot(info) info["chem_pot"] = chem_pot except Exception: print("Seems like didnt run vacancy calcs.") pass # print (chem_pot) vacancy_info = [] surface_info = [] try: for i, j in info.items(): if "vacancy" in i: try: fin_strt = j["final_str"] if isinstance(fin_strt, dict): fin_strt = Atoms.from_dict(fin_strt) element_vacant = i.split("-")[-1].split("@")[0] perfect_energy = ( fin_strt.num_atoms + 1 # j["final_str"].num_atoms + 1 ) * bulk_energy_per_atom defect_energy = ( fin_strt.num_atoms * j["energy_per_atom"] # j["final_str"].num_atoms * j["energy_per_atom"] ) mu = chem_pot[element_vacant] Ef = defect_energy - perfect_energy + mu mult = i.split("mult-")[1].split("_")[0] vacancy_info.append([element_vacant, mult, Ef]) # print ('Ef',i,element_vacant, Ef,mult) except Exception as exp: print("Error parsing vacancy.", i, exp) pass if "Surf" in i: try: fin_strt = j["final_str"] if isinstance(fin_strt, dict): fin_strt = Atoms.from_dict(fin_strt) perfect_energy = ( fin_strt.num_atoms # j["final_str"].num_atoms ) * bulk_energy_per_atom defect_energy = ( fin_strt.num_atoms * j["energy_per_atom"] # j["final_str"].num_atoms * j["energy_per_atom"] ) m = fin_strt.lattice.matrix # m = j["final_str"].lattice.matrix area = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(m[0], m[1])) Ef = 16 * (defect_energy - perfect_energy) / (2 * area) surf_name = i.split("@")[0].split("-")[1].replace("_", " ") surface_info.append([surf_name, Ef]) except Exception as exp: print("Error parsing surface.", i, exp) pass # print (i,Ef) except Exception: print("Error parsing vacancy-surface.") pass # print ('JID',jid) info["surface_info"] = surface_info info["vacancy_info"] = vacancy_info dos_file = os.path.join(path, "Phonon", "total_dos.dat") # mesh_file = os.path.join(path, "Phonon", "mesh.yaml") band_file = os.path.join(path, "Phonon", "band.yaml") if os.path.exists(dos_file): dos_freq, dos_intensity = total_dos(tot_dos=dos_file) info["dos_freq"] = dos_freq info["dos_intensity"] = dos_intensity if os.path.exists(band_file): ( band_frequencies, band_distances, band_labels, band_label_points, ) = bandstructure_plot(band_file) info["band_frequencies"] = band_frequencies info["band_distances"] = band_distances info["band_labels"] = band_labels info["band_label_points"] = band_label_points os.chdir(cwd) return info
[docs]def parse_full_ff_folder(path="Mishin-Ni-Al-2009.eam.alloy_nist",): """Parse complete FF calculation folder.""" cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) print("path", path) tmp_path = path + "/*_fold" for i in glob.glob(tmp_path): print(i) tmp_fold = os.path.join(path, i) info = parse_material_calculation_folder(tmp_fold) os.chdir(cwd) return info
[docs]def analyze_log(log="log.lammps"): """ Analyzes log.lammps file. Please note, the output format heavily depends on the input file A generic input is taken here. Args: log: path to log.lammps file Returns: en: energy/atom press: pressure toten: total energy cij: elastic constants """ en = 0 press = 0 c11 = 0 c22 = 0 c33 = 0 c44 = 0 c55 = 0 c66 = 0 c12 = 0 c13 = 0 c23 = 0 c14 = 0 # c15 = 0 c16 = 0 c14 = 0 c24 = 0 c25 = 0 c26 = 0 c34 = 0 c35 = 0 c36 = 0 c45 = 0 c46 = 0 c56 = 0 try: logfile = open(log, "r") lines = for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "Loop time of" in line: toten = float(lines[i - 1].split()[12]) press = float(lines[i - 1].split()[2]) press = float(press) * 0.0001 denom = float(lines[i - 1].split()[17]) en = float(lines[i - 1].split()[12]) / denom break logfile.close() except Exception: pass try: logfile = open(log, "r") lines = for i, line in enumerate(lines): if 'print "Elastic Constant C11all = ${C11all} ${cunits}"' in line: c11 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C22all = ${C22all} ${cunits}"' in line: c22 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C33all = ${C33all} ${cunits}"' in line: c33 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C12all = ${C12all} ${cunits}"' in line: c12 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C13all = ${C13all} ${cunits}"' in line: c13 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C23all = ${C23all} ${cunits}"' in line: c23 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C44all = ${C44all} ${cunits}"' in line: c44 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C55all = ${C55all} ${cunits}"' in line: c55 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C66all = ${C66all} ${cunits}"' in line: c66 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C14all = ${C14all} ${cunits}"' in line: c14 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C16all = ${C16all} ${cunits}"' in line: c16 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C24all = ${C24all} ${cunits}"' in line: c24 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C25all = ${C25all} ${cunits}"' in line: c25 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C26all = ${C26all} ${cunits}"' in line: c26 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C34all = ${C34all} ${cunits}"' in line: c34 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C35all = ${C35all} ${cunits}"' in line: c35 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C36all = ${C36all} ${cunits}"' in line: c36 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C45all = ${C45all} ${cunits}"' in line: c45 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C46all = ${C46all} ${cunits}"' in line: c46 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] if 'print "Elastic Constant C56all = ${C56all} ${cunits}"' in line: c56 = ((str((lines[i + 1])).split("=")[1]).split("GPa"))[0] logfile.close() except Exception: pass return ( round(en, 2), round(press, 2), float(toten), round(float(c11), 1), round(float(c22), 1), round(float(c33), 1), round(float(c12), 1), round(float(c13), 1), round(float(c23), 1), round(float(c44), 1), round(float(c55), 1), round(float(c66), 1), round(float(c14), 1), # round(float(c15), 1), round(float(c16), 1), round(float(c24), 1), round(float(c25), 1), round(float(c26), 1), round(float(c34), 1), round(float(c35), 1), round(float(c36), 1), round(float(c45), 1), round(float(c46), 1), round(float(c56), 1), )
[docs]def read_dump(data=None): """Read LAMMPS dump file.""" f = open(data, "r") lines = for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "NUMBER OF ATOMS" in line: natoms = int(lines[i + 1].split()[0]) x = np.zeros((natoms)) y = np.zeros((natoms)) z = np.zeros((natoms)) coords = list() # np.zeros((natoms)) for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "ITEM: ATOMS" in line: for j in range(0, natoms): x[j] = (lines[i + j + 1]).split()[1] y[j] = (lines[i + j + 1]).split()[2] z[j] = (lines[i + j + 1]).split()[3] coords.append([x[j], y[j], z[j]]) f.close() prop = np.asarray(coords) return prop
# p=read_data() # print (p) # parse_potential_mod() """ if __name__ == "__main__": lg = "log.lammps" x = analyze_log(lg) print(x) """