Source code for

"""Module for writing LAMMPS input files."""

import numpy as np
import pprint
from collections import OrderedDict
from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms
from jarvis.core.specie import Specie

[docs]class LammpsData(object): """Construct Lammps data file.""" def __init__( self, lammps_box=[], species=[], charges=[], cart_coords=[], element_order=[], ): """Provide following information.""" self._lammps_box = lammps_box self._species = species self._charges = charges self._cart_coords = cart_coords self._element_order = element_order
[docs] def lammps_to_atoms(self): """Convert Lammps data to Atoms object.""" # n_atoms = len(self._species) # n_atom_types = len(self._element_order) box = self._lammps_box xhi = box[1] xlo = box[0] yhi = box[3] ylo = box[2] zhi = box[5] zlo = box[4] xy = box[6] xz = box[7] yz = box[8] lat = np.array( [[xhi - xlo, 0.0, 0.0], [xy, yhi - ylo, 0.0], [xz, yz, zhi - zlo]] ) elements = [self._element_order[i - 1] for i in self._species] atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=lat, elements=elements, coords=self._cart_coords, cartesian=True, ) return atoms
[docs] def atoms_to_lammps(self, atoms, origin=(0, 0, 0)): """Convert Atoms object to Lammps data.""" # n_atoms = len(self._species) elements = atoms.elements # num_atoms = atoms.num_atoms a, b, c = xlo, ylo, zlo = origin xhi = a + xlo m = atoms.lattice._lat xy =[1], m[0] / a) yhi = np.sqrt(b ** 2 - xy ** 2) + ylo xz =[2], m[0] / a) yz = ([1], m[2]) - xy * xz) / (yhi - ylo) zhi = np.sqrt(c ** 2 - xz ** 2 - yz ** 2) + zlo rot_matrix = np.linalg.solve( [[xhi - xlo, 0, 0], [xy, yhi - ylo, 0], [xz, yz, zhi - zlo]], m ) # box = np.array([[xlo, xhi], [ylo, yhi], [zlo, zhi], [xy, xz, yz]]) box = np.array([xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi, zlo, zhi, xy, xz, yz]) new_coords = (, atoms.cart_coords.T)).T unique_elements = list(set(elements)) # n_atom_types = len(unique_elements) n_atoms = len(elements) if self._charges == []: self._charges = np.zeros(n_atoms) lmp_species = [] for i, ii in enumerate(elements): s = unique_elements.index(ii) + 1 lmp_species.append(s) lmp_species = np.array(lmp_species, dtype="int") return LammpsData( lammps_box=box, species=lmp_species, charges=self._charges, cart_coords=new_coords, element_order=unique_elements, )
[docs] def read_data( self, filename="", element_order=[], potential_file="pot.mod", verbose=True, has_charges=True, ): """Read Lammps data file.""" # n_atoms = len(self._species) if element_order == []: # Reading potential file for element order if verbose: print("element_order is empty, reading from", potential_file) pot_file = open(potential_file, "r") lines = pot_file.close() symb = [] # count = 0 for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "pair_coeff" in line.split(): sp = line.split() # print("spsplit", sp, os.getcwd()) for el in sp: try: if str(Specie(el).Z) != "nan": # if el=='M': # el='Mo' # count=count+1 # if count >4: symb.append(Specie(el).symbol) except Exception: pass else: symb = [Specie(i).symbol for i in element_order] # print("symb=", symb) f = open(filename, "r") lines = xy = 0 xz = 0 yz = 0 for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "atoms" in line.split(): natoms = int(line.split()[0]) if "types" in line.split(): # print(line) ntypes = int(line.split()[0]) if "xlo" in line.split(): xlo = float(line.split()[0]) xhi = float(line.split()[1]) if "ylo" in line.split(): ylo = float(line.split()[0]) yhi = float(line.split()[1]) if "zlo" in line.split(): zlo = float(line.split()[0]) zhi = float(line.split()[1]) if "xy" in line.split(): xy = float(line.split()[0]) xz = float(line.split()[1]) yz = float(line.split()[2]) if len(symb) != ntypes: ValueError( "Something wrong in atom type assignment", len(symb), ntypes ) lat = np.array( [[xhi - xlo, 0.0, 0.0], [xy, yhi - ylo, 0.0], [xz, yz, zhi - zlo]] ) typ = np.empty((natoms), dtype="S20") x = np.zeros((natoms)) y = np.zeros((natoms)) z = np.zeros((natoms)) q = np.zeros((natoms)) coords = list() if has_charges: it = 2 else: it = 1 for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "Atoms" in line.split(): for j in range(0, natoms): # print int(((lines[j+2]).split()[1]))-1 typ[j] = symb[int(((lines[i + j + 2]).split()[1])) - 1] if has_charges: q[j] = float((lines[i + j + 2]).split()[2]) x[j] = float((lines[i + j + 2]).split()[it + 1]) y[j] = float((lines[i + j + 2]).split()[it + 2]) z[j] = float((lines[i + j + 2]).split()[it + 3]) coords.append([x[j], y[j], z[j]]) print(coords[-1]) f.close() # print ("info",(typ),'coo',(coords),'latt',lat) typ_sp = [str(i, "utf-8") for i in typ] # print ('typ_sp',typ_sp) atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=lat, elements=typ_sp, coords=np.array(coords), cartesian=True, ) return atoms
[docs] def write_file(self, filename=""): """Write Lammps data input file.""" # n_atoms = len(self._species) n_atoms = len(self._species) n_atom_types = len(self._element_order) box = self._lammps_box xhi = box[1] xlo = box[0] yhi = box[3] ylo = box[2] zhi = box[5] zlo = box[4] xy = box[6] xz = box[7] yz = box[8] f = open(filename, "w") f.write("datafile (written by JARVIS-Tools) \n\n") f.write("%d \t atoms \n" % n_atoms) f.write("%d atom types\n" % n_atom_types) f.write("%s %s xlo xhi\n" % (xlo, xhi)) f.write("%s %s ylo yhi\n" % (ylo, yhi)) f.write("%s %s zlo zhi\n" % (zlo, zhi)) f.write("%s %s %s xy xz yz\n" % (xy, xz, yz)) f.write("\n\n") f.write("Atoms \n\n") for i in range(n_atoms): s = self._species[i] r = self._cart_coords[i] charge = self._charges[i] f.write( "%6d %3d %6f %s %s %s\n" % (i + 1, s, charge, r[0], r[1], r[2]) ) f.close()
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the infor to a dictionary.""" d = OrderedDict() d["box"] = self._lammps_box d["species"] = self._species d["charges"] = self._charges d["cart_coords"] = self._cart_coords d["element_order"] = self._element_order return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(self, d={}): """Construct from a dictionary.""" return LammpsData( lammps_box=d["box"], species=d["species"], charges=d["charges"], cart_coords=d["cart_coords"], element_order=d["element_order"], )
[docs] def __repr__(self, indent=4): """Print method.""" return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict(), indent=indent)
[docs]class LammpsInput(object): """Construct LAMMPS input.""" def __init__(self, LammpsDataObj=None, pbc=["p", "p", "p"]): """Require LammpsData class and periodic boundary conditions.""" self.LammpsDataObj = LammpsDataObj self.pbc = pbc
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert to a dictionary.""" d = OrderedDict() d["LammpsDataObj"] = self.LammpsDataObj.to_dict() d["pbc"] = self.pbc return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(self, d={}): """Costruct class from a dictionary.""" return LammpsInput( LammpsDataObj=LammpsData.from_dict(d["LammpsDataObj"]), pbc=d["pbc"], )
[docs] def write_lammps_in( self, lammps_in="init.mod", lammps_in1="potential.mod", lammps_in2="in.main", lammps_trj=None, lammps_data=None, parameters={}, ): """ Write lammps input file. From ase with custom modifications LAMMPS input is devided into three parts Args: lammps_in: generally"init.mod", with unit and conversion factor information lammps_in1: generally "potential.mod", with force-field/potential style and element type information lammps_in2: generally "in.elastic", a generic main input file to be fed in LAMMPS usin lmp_*<...,parameters['exec'] parameters: input parameters """ f = open(lammps_in, "w") f1 = open(lammps_in1, "w") # potential.mod f2 = open(lammps_in2, "w") f.write( ('variable dump_file string "%s"\n' % lammps_trj) + ("variable up equal 1.0e-6\n") + ("variable cfac equal 1.0e-4\n") + ("variable cunits string GPa\n") + ("variable etol equal 0\n") + ("variable ftol equal 1.0e-10\n") + ("variable maxiter equal 1000\n") + ("variable maxeval equal 10000\n") + ("variable dmax equal 1.0e-2\n") + ('variable data_file string "%s"\n' % "data") ) if "control_file" in parameters: f2.write("include %s \n" % parameters["control_file"]) if "units" in parameters: f.write("units %s \n" % parameters["units"]) else: f.write("units metal \n") if "atom_style" in parameters: f.write("atom_style %s \n" % parameters["atom_style"]) else: f.write("atom_style atomic \n") if "boundary" in parameters: f.write("boundary %s \n" % parameters["boundary"]) else: pbc = self.pbc f.write("boundary %s %s %s \n" % (pbc[0], pbc[1], pbc[2])) f.write("atom_modify sort 0 0.0 \n") for key in ("neighbor", "newton"): if key in parameters: f.write("%s %s \n" % (key, parameters[key])) f.write("\n") f.write("read_data %s\n" % "data") f.write("\n### interactions \n") if "lib" in parameters: lib = parameters["lib"] f1.write("%s \n" % lib) if ("pair_style" in parameters) and ("pair_coeff" in parameters): pair_style = parameters["pair_style"] f1.write("pair_style %s \n" % pair_style) symbols = self.LammpsDataObj._element_order tag = "" for i in symbols: tag = tag + " " + i pair_coef = "* * " + str(parameters["pair_coeff"]) + " " + tag f1.write("pair_coeff %s \n" % pair_coef) masses = [] for i in symbols: m = Specie(i).atomic_mass if m not in masses: masses.append(m) count = 0 for i in masses: count = count + 1 f.write("mass" + " " + str(count) + " " + str(i) + "\n") else: # default interaction f.write( "pair_style lj/cut 2.5 \n" + "pair_coeff * * 1 1 \n" + "mass * 1.0 \n" ) f1.write("neighbor 1.0 nsq\n") f1.write("neigh_modify once no every 1 delay 0 check yes\n") if "min" not in parameters: f1.write("min_style cg\n") f1.write("min_modify dmax ${dmax} line quadratic\n") f1.write("thermo 1\n") f1.write( "thermo_style custom step temp press cpu pxx pyy pzz\ pxy pxz pyz ke pe etotal vol lx ly lz atoms\n" ) f1.write("thermo_modify norm no\n") if "fix" in parameters: if parameters["fix"]: for i in parameters["fix"]: f1.write("fix %s\n" % i) f.close() f1.close() f2.close()
""" if __name__ == "__main__": box = [[2.715, 2.715, 0], [0, 2.715, 2.715], [2.715, 0, 2.715]] coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25]] elements = ["Si", "Si"] Si = Atoms(lattice_mat=box, coords=coords, elements=elements) spg = Spacegroup3D(atoms=Si) Si = spg.conventional_standard_structure p = Poscar.from_file( "/rk2/knc6/JARVIS-FF/FS/Al1.eam.fs_nist/bulk@mp-134_fold/mp-134/new_pymatgen_slab.vasp" ) p = Poscar.from_file( "/rk2/knc6/JARVIS-FF/COMB/ffield.comb3.NiAlO_nist/bulk@mp-1143_fold/bulk@mp-1143/new_pymatgen_slab.vasp" ) # print(lmp) lmp = LammpsData().atoms_to_lammps(atoms=p.atoms) lmp.write_file() x = lmp.lammps_to_atoms() # print (x) lmp = LammpsData().read_data("") # print(lmp) lmp = LammpsData().atoms_to_lammps(atoms=p.atoms) pair_coeff = "abc" LammpsInput(LammpsDataObj=lmp).write_lammps_in( parameters={ "pair_style": "eam/alloy", "pair_coeff": pair_coeff, "atom_style": "charge", "control_file": "/users/knc6/inelast.mod", } ) """