Source code for

Module handling input generation for CALPHAD.

CALPHAD requies to fix symmetry during IBRION = 7 optimization
This module writes the POSCAR accordingly.

from jarvis.analysis.structure.spacegroup import get_wyckoff_position_operators
from jarvis.analysis.structure.spacegroup import Spacegroup3D
from collections import defaultdict
from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms

[docs]def decorate_T_F(options=[], coord=[], tol=0.01): """Freeze coordinates based on symmetry.""" arr = [] for ii, i in enumerate(coord): tmp = "T" for j in options: if isinstance(j[ii], float): if abs(float(j[ii]) - float(i)) < tol: tmp = "F" # print (j[ii], i, coord, 'F') arr.append(tmp) arr = " ".join(arr) # print ('def arr',arr) return arr
[docs]def get_selective_dyn_decorated_atoms(atoms): """Freeze coordinates based on symmetry.""" spg = Spacegroup3D(atoms=atoms) # .spacegroup_data() frac_coords = atoms.frac_coords hall_number = spg._dataset["hall_number"] wdata = get_wyckoff_position_operators(hall_number)["wyckoff"] wsymbols = spg._dataset["wyckoffs"] info = defaultdict() for i in wdata: info[i["letter"]] = i["positions"] props = [] for i, j in zip(wsymbols, frac_coords): ops = info[i] # print ('ops,j',ops, j) arr = ops new_arr = [] for ii in arr: a = ii.split(",") b = [] for jj in a: ind = jj if "(" in jj: ind = jj.split("(")[1] # .split(')')[0] if ")" in jj: ind = jj.split(")")[0] # .split(')')[0] # print (a,ind,j) if "/" in ind: try: tmp = ind.split("/") ind = float(tmp[0]) / float(tmp[1]) except Exception: pass try: ind = float(ind) except Exception: pass b.append(ind) new_arr.append(b) # print ('arr',arr) # print ('coord',j) # print () arr_T_F = decorate_T_F(options=new_arr, coord=j) props.append(arr_T_F) # print ('new_arr',new_arr,j, arr_T_F) # print () # print () # print () decorated_atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=atoms.lattice_mat, elements=atoms.elements, coords=frac_coords, cartesian=False, props=props, ) return decorated_atoms, hall_number, wsymbols
""" if __name__ == "__main__": from import Poscar atoms = Poscar.from_file( "AlAlAl/CONTCAR" ).atoms atoms = Poscar.from_file( "TiTiFe/CONTCAR" ).atoms decorated_atoms, hall_number, wsymbols = get_selective_dyn_decorated_atoms(atoms) print(decorated_atoms, wsymbols, hall_number) # import sys # sys.exit() x = [] for i in glob.glob( "CalculationSetup/*/CONTCAR" ): print(i) atoms = Poscar.from_file(i).atoms decorated_atoms, hall_number, wsymbols = get_selective_dyn_decorated_atoms( atoms ) print(decorated_atoms, hall_number, wsymbols) comm = str("bulk@") + str(i.split("/")[-3] ) + "_" + str(i.split("/")[-2]) back_cmd = str("cp ") + str(i) + str(" ") + str(i ) + str("/CONTCAR.back") x.append(i) print(back_cmd, comm) print() for i in glob.glob( "*/CONTCAR" ): print(i) atoms = Poscar.from_file(i).atoms decorated_atoms, hall_number, wsymbols = get_selective_dyn_decorated_atoms( atoms ) print(decorated_atoms, hall_number, wsymbols) comm = str("bulk@") + str(i.split("/")[-3]) + "_" + str(i.split("/")[-2]) back_cmd = str("cp ") + str(i) + str(" ") + str(i) + str("/CONTCAR.back") print(back_cmd, comm) print() x.append(i) # print (hall_number, wdata) print(len(x)) """