Source code for jarvis.db.restapi

"""Module to access or upload data in JARVIS-API."""
import requests
import pprint
import os
import glob
from jarvis.db.jsonutils import dumpjson
import string
from collections import OrderedDict
import json

[docs]class Api(object): """Class for handling functions for JARVIS-API.""" def __init__( self, base_url="", user_info_file_path="/users/knc6/myinfo", ): """ Intialize the class. Args: base_url: For JARVIS Request an account prior to access. Store your username and password locally in your a file. Format: --------------------------------------- username password """ f = open(user_info_file_path, "r") lines = f.close() self.base_url = base_url self.username = lines[0] self.password = lines[1]
[docs] def get_data_by_hash_id(self, id=""): """Gat data file info for a hash_id.""" template_upload_url = "/rest/data/" + str(id) + str("/") turl = self.base_url + template_upload_url + str("/?format=json") response = requests.get( turl, verify=False, auth=(self.username, self.password) ) if response.ok: return response.json() else: raise Exception("Problem occurred while getting the file.")
[docs] def send_keyword_query( self, data={"query": "JVASP-1002.xml", "title": "JVASP-1002.xml"} ): """Post general query to API.""" template_upload_url = "/rest/data/query/keyword/" turl = self.base_url + template_upload_url response = turl, verify=False, data=data, auth=(self.username, self.password) ) if response.ok: return response.json() else: raise Exception("Problem occurred while getting the file.") raise Exception("Check username,password, ... details")
[docs] def get_global_workspace_id(self): """Get workspace ID.""" turl = self.base_url + "/rest/workspace/" response = requests.get( turl, verify=False, auth=(self.username, self.password) ) workspace_list = json.loads(response.text) for workspace in workspace_list: if workspace["title"] == "Global Public Workspace": global_workspace_id = workspace["id"] return global_workspace_id
[docs] def upload_xml_file( self, filename="", workspace_id="5df7b6defb7e53000c4652aa", template_id="", ): """Upload file using path of the file and schema/template id.""" print("status: uploading data file...") xml_file = open(filename, "rb") xml_content = xml_upload_url = "/rest/data/" turl = self.base_url + xml_upload_url base = os.path.basename(filename) print("Filename:" + base) print("Template_id:" + template_id) data = { "title": base, "template": template_id, "workspace": workspace_id, "xml_content": xml_content, } response = turl, data=data, verify=False, auth=(self.username, self.password) ) out = response.json() # pprint.pprint(out) response_code = response.status_code print("code:", response_code, if response_code == print("status: uploaded.") upload_id = out["id"] print("upload_id", upload_id) else: response.raise_for_status() pprint.pprint(out) raise Exception( "A problem occurred when uploading the schema (Error ", response_code, ")", ) return upload_id
[docs] def delete_file_by_hash_id(self, id=""): """Delete files for a hash id.""" turl = self.base_url + "/rest/data/" + str(id) + "/" response = requests.delete( turl, verify=False, auth=(self.username, self.password) ) response_code = response.status_code print("delete response_code", response_code) return response_code
[docs] def get_all_template_ids(self, title=None, only_user=False): """Get templates for a user or global templates/schema/xsd.""" # title: exmaple:'testxy' if only_user: turl = self.base_url + "/rest/template-version-manager/user/" else: turl = self.base_url + "/rest/template-version-manager/global/" params = {} if title is not None: params["title"] = title response = requests.get( turl, params=params, auth=(self.username, self.password) ) print("response", pprint.pprint(response.json())) response_code = response.status_code if response_code == print("- status: successful.") return response.json() else: response.raise_for_status() raise Exception( "- error: a problem occurred when getting the template" )
[docs] def get_all_xmls(self): """Get all XML data. Used for deleting.""" return self.send_query(query=".xml")
[docs] def delete_chunks(self, array=[]): """Delete a list of records.""" # print ('array',array[0]['id']) for i in array: try: id = i["id"] self.delete_file_by_hash_id(id) except Exception: print("Failed deleting", i) print() pass
[docs] def get_data_by_template_id( self, id="5f6162b4ece4b00034e4fe19", query=".xml", max_record=5 ): """ Get data by template IDs. For template IDs see: and is_disabled=False """ xml_upload_url = "/rest/data/query/keyword/" turl = self.base_url + xml_upload_url print("turl", turl) input = {"query": query} response = turl, data=input, auth=(self.username, self.password) ) out = response.json() params = {"page": 2} mem = [] for i in out["results"]: if i["template"] == id: mem.append(i) if max_record is not None and len(mem) < max_record: while out["next"] is not None: response = turl, data=input, params=params, auth=(self.username, self.password), ) out = response.json() # mem.extend(out["results"]) params["page"] += 1 for i in out["results"]: if i["template"] == id: mem.append(i) if max_record is not None: if len(mem) == max_record: break return mem
[docs] def delete_all_records(self, query=".xml"): """Delete all XML files.""" print("Deleteing all XMLs.") print("Hope you backed up the data.") xml_upload_url = "/rest/data/query/keyword/" turl = self.base_url + xml_upload_url print("turl", turl) input = {"query": query} response = turl, data=input, auth=(self.username, self.password) ) out = response.json() f = open("tmpout", "w") f.write(json.dumps(out)) f.close() data = out["results"] self.delete_chunks(data) params = {"page": 2} while out["next"] is not None: response = turl, data=input, params=params, auth=(self.username, self.password), ) out = response.json() # data.extend(out["results"]) data = out["results"] params["page"] += 1 print("params", params) try: self.delete_chunks(data) except Exception: print("Failed for", data) pass return data
[docs] def send_query(self, query="JVASP-1002.xml"): """Send query to API.""" xml_upload_url = "/rest/data/query/keyword/" turl = self.base_url + xml_upload_url print("turl", turl) # input={"query":"JLMP-1254.xml"} # input={"query":"JVASP-1002.xml"} # input={"query":".xml"} input = {"query": query} response = turl, data=input, auth=(self.username, self.password) ) out = response.json() data = out["results"] params = {"page": 2} while out["next"] is not None: response = turl, data=input, params=params, auth=(self.username, self.password), ) out = response.json() data.extend(out["results"]) params["page"] += 1 return out
[docs] def upload_blob(self, filepath=""): """Upload binary blob files.""" turl = self.base_url + "/rest/blob/" oldid = os.path.basename(filepath) if all(c in string.hexdigits for c in oldid): newfile = oldid[25:] else: newfile = oldid files = {"blob": open(filepath, "rb")} data = {"filename": newfile} response = turl, files=files, data=data, auth=(self.username, self.password) ) if response.status_code == 201: print("Uploaded blob.") return response.json()["id"] else: response.raise_for_status() raise Exception("- error: a problem occurred when uploading blob")
[docs] def get_all_blobs(self): """Download binary blob files.""" turl = self.base_url + "/rest/blob/" response = requests.get( turl, verify=False, auth=(self.username, self.password) ) # print ('response.json()',response.json()) print("All blob doownload response.status_code", response.status_code) return response.json()
[docs] def download_blob(self, save_file=True, bid="5f6a4bb7ece4b0002de4fb60"): """Download a binary blob file.""" turl = self.base_url + "/rest/blob/" + bid + "/" # turl = self.base_url + "/rest/blob/download/" + bid + "/" response = requests.get( turl, verify=False, auth=(self.username, self.password) ) resp = OrderedDict(response.json()) data = requests.get( resp["handle"], verify=False, auth=(self.username, self.password) ).content filename = resp["filename"] if save_file: open(filename, "wb").write(data) print(len(data), len(filename)) return filename, data
[docs] def delete_blob(self, bid=""): """Delete a blob by id.""" turl = self.base_url + "/rest/blob/" + str(bid) + "/" response = requests.delete( turl, verify=False, auth=(self.username, self.password) ) response_code = response.status_code print("delete response_code", response_code) return response_code
[docs] def delete_all_blobs(self): """Delete binary blob files.""" data = self.get_all_blobs() for i in data: print("Deleting", i["id"]) self.delete_blob(i["id"])
[docs] def upload_jarvisff_xmls( self, files="/rk2/knc6/DB/XMLs/LAMMPS/*.xml", template_id="5f6162b4ece4b00034e4fe19", json_name="jarvisff_xmls.json", ): """Upload JARVIS-FF XML files.""" mem = [] for i in glob.glob(files): jid = i.split("/")[-1].split(".xml")[0] try: upload_id = self.upload_xml_file( filename=i, template_id=template_id ) info = {} info["jid"] = jid info["api_id"] = upload_id mem.append(info) except Exception: info = {} info["jid"] = jid info["api_id"] = "Failed" print("Failed for", i) pass if json_name is not None: dumpjson(filename=json_name, data=mem) return mem
[docs] def upload_jarvisdft_xmls( self, files="/rk2/knc6/DB/XMLs/VASPDASK/*.xml", template_id="5f626925ece4b00035e5277f", json_name="jarvisdft_xmls.json", ): """Upload JARVIS-DFT XML files.""" mem = [] for i in glob.glob(files): jid = i.split("/")[-1].split(".xml")[0] print(jid) try: upload_id = self.upload_xml_file( filename=i, template_id=template_id ) print(jid) info = {} info["jid"] = jid info["api_id"] = upload_id mem.append(info) except Exception: info = {} info["jid"] = jid info["api_id"] = "Failed" print("Failed for", i) pass if json_name is not None: dumpjson(filename=json_name, data=mem) return mem
# TODO: # workspace operations # federated vs oai_pmh """ if __name__ == "__main__": a = Api() a = Api(base_url="") tid="5f624bc547d1ac011a224672" tid='5f6909278c6d9e011c8cc8c9' a.upload_xml_file(filename='JVASP-1004.xml',template_id=tid) a = Api() a = Api(base_url="") x = a.get_global_workspace_id() print("x=", x) a = Api() a = Api(base_url="") # a.upload_jarvisff_xmls() # a.upload_jarvisff_xmls() # a.upload_jarvisdft_xmls() # tid="5f626925ece4b00035e5277f" # a.upload_xml_file(filename='JVASP-1067.xml',template_id=tid) # a.upload_xml_file(filename='JVASP-664.xml',template_id=tid) # a.upload_xml_file(filename='JVASP-1002.xml',template_id=tid) # a.delete_all_records() # filepath="/rk2/knc6/DB/RAW_FILES/JARVIS-DFT-DFPT/", # filepath="/rk2/knc6/JARVIS-DFT/Elements-bulkk/ # mp-149_bulk_PBEBO/MAIN-RELAX-bulk@mp-149/CHGCAR" # x = a.upload_blob(filepath) print("id", x) #a.upload_xml_file(filename='JVASP-1067.xml',template_id=tid) #a.upload_xml_file(filename='JVASP-664.xml',template_id=tid) #a.upload_xml_file(filename='JVASP-1002.xml',template_id=tid) # a.delete_all_records() #filepath="/rk2/knc6/DB/RAW_FILES/JARVIS-DFT-DFPT/", #filepath="/rk2/knc6/JARVIS-DFT/Elements-bulkk/ #mp-149_bulk_PBEBO/MAIN-RELAX-bulk@mp-149/CHGCAR" #x = a.upload_blob(filepath) print ('id',x) a.delete_blob(x) # a.get_all_blobs() # a.upload_jarvisdft_xmls() # a.delete_all_blobs() # print(x) # 5f61ba30ece4b00030e500c6 # a.delete_file_by_hash_id('5f616c20ece4b00035e5135d') # upload_jarvisff_xmls() # out=a.send_query(query='JLMP-1254.xml') # print ('out',len(out)) # data = a.get_data_by_template_id("5f6162b4ece4b00034e4fe19") # print(len(data)) # a.upload_file(filename=x_file,template_id=id) # data=a.get_data_by_hash_id('5f6130e9ece4b0002fe4f8f1') # print (data) # templates=a.get_all_template_ids(title='jarvisff') # print ('templates',templates) # doc=a.get_data_by_hash_id('5f5d1578ece4b00035e4f9f5') # print (doc) import sys sys.exit() x_file = "/users/knc6/Software/Devs/jarvis/jarvis/db/testxy.xml" t_id = "5f395d85ece4b00031fb5cfe" t_id = "5f395de8ece4b00028fb5d92" # templates=a.get_all_template_ids() # templates=a.get_all_template_ids(only_user=True,title='testxy') id = "5f396b0dece4b00036fb5dab" id = "5f396ae9ece4b00035fb5d42" # document=a.get_data_by_hash_id(id=id) # print('document',document) # a.upload_file(filename=x_file,template_id=t_id) data = {"query": "JVASP-1002.xml", "title": "JVASP-1002.xml"} # x=a.send_keyword_query(data=data) id = "5f396ae9ece4b00035fb5d42" id = "5f396a44ece4b00035fb5d3e" # a.delete_file_by_hash_id(id=id) data = {"query": "testxy.xml", "title": "testxy.xml"} data = {"query": "testxy", "template": "5f395de8ece4b00028fb5d92"} data = {"query": "testxy"} result = a.send_keyword_query(data=data) print("result", result) """