Source code for jarvis.core.image

"""Module for processing image files."""
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
from scipy import fftpack, ndimage
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    # from skimage.transform import rotate as sk_rotate
    from skimage.util import random_noise
    from skimage.filters import gaussian

    # from PIL import Image as PIL_Image
except Exception:
    # print("Install skimage, Pillow.", exp)
# from scipy.ndimage import rotate
import scipy


[docs]class Image(object): """Module for processing image files.""" def __init__(self, values=[], pbc_params=[]): """Initialize the module.""" # pbc_params for 2D image: a,b and gamma # 3D : a,b,c, alpha, beta, gamma self.values = values # XY numpy array self.pbc_params = pbc_params
[docs] def zoom_interp_2d(self, FFT_image, zoom_factor=40, interpol_factor=1): """Zoom and interpolate an image.""" zoom_size = (FFT_image.shape[0] / zoom_factor) / 2 window_size_x = FFT_image.shape[0] window_size_y = FFT_image.shape[1] if np.mod(FFT_image.shape[0] / zoom_factor, 2) == 0: F2_zoomed = FFT_image[ int(window_size_x / 2 - zoom_size) : int( window_size_x / 2 + zoom_size ), int(window_size_y / 2 - zoom_size) : int( window_size_y / 2 + zoom_size ), ] else: F2_zoomed = FFT_image[ int(window_size_x / 2 - zoom_size) : int( window_size_x / 2 + 1 + zoom_size ), int(window_size_y / 2 - zoom_size) : int( window_size_y / 2 + 1 + zoom_size ), ] return ndimage.zoom(F2_zoomed, interpol_factor)
[docs] def fourier_transform2D( self, zoom_factor=30, interpol_factor=1, use_crop=True, pad_bright_spot=True, ): """Make 2D FT.""" if use_crop: g1 = fftpack.fft2( (self.crop_square().rgb_to_gray().values[:, :, 0]) ) else: g1 = fftpack.fft2((self.rgb_to_gray().values[:, :, 0])) g2 = np.abs((fftpack.fftshift((g1)))) g2 = np.abs((fftpack.fftshift((g1)))) g3 = self.zoom_interp_2d( g2, zoom_factor=zoom_factor, interpol_factor=interpol_factor ) if pad_bright_spot: g3 = g3 / np.max(g3) x = int(g3.shape[0] / 2) y = int(g3.shape[1] / 2) g3[x, y] = 0.15 print("g3 shape", x, y) # Zoom in to see the FFT more clearly. return Image(values=g3)
# ft_arr= # return ft_arr
[docs] @staticmethod def from_file(path): """Load image frim file.""" im = mpimg.imread(path) return Image(values=im) pass
[docs] def rgb_to_gray(self): """Make RGB to Grey scale image.""" img = np.array(self.values) # grayImage = np.zeros(img.shape) R = np.array(img[:, :, 0]) G = np.array(img[:, :, 1]) B = np.array(img[:, :, 2]) R = R * 0.299 G = G * 0.587 B = B * 0.114 Avg = R + G + B for i in range(3): img[:, :, i] = Avg return Image(values=img)
[docs] def crop_square(self, size=None): """Crop an image.""" if size is None: size = min(self.values.shape[0], self.values.shape[1]) img_cropped = self.values.copy()[:size, :size, :] return Image(values=img_cropped)
[docs] def save(self, filename, interpolation="nearest"): """Save an image.""" # if size is None: # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.imshow(self.values, interpolation=interpolation) plt.savefig(filename) plt.close()
[docs] def black_and_white(self, threshold=127): """Make black and white image.""" bw = np.asarray(self.values).copy() bw[bw < threshold] = 0 bw[bw >= threshold] = 255 return Image(values=bw)
[docs] def gaussian_filter(self, sigma=10): """Apply Gaussian filter to an image.""" sigmax = sigma sigmay = sigma cy, cx = int(self.values.shape[0] / 2), int(self.values.shape[1] / 2) x = np.linspace(0, self.values.shape[0], self.values.shape[0]) y = np.linspace(0, self.values.shape[1], self.values.shape[1]) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) gmask = np.exp(-(((X - cx) / sigmax) ** 2 + ((Y - cy) / sigmay) ** 2)) new_values = self.values * gmask return Image(values=new_values)
[docs] def rotate(self, angle=45): """Rotate an image.""" rot = scipy.ndimage.rotate(self.values, angle) return Image(values=rot)
[docs] @staticmethod def crop_from_center( image_path="stm_image.png", image_arr=None, target_left=512, target_right=512, greyscale=True, ): """Crop squarre from an image.""" # For STM image, use min_size=50 from PIL import Image as PIL_Image if image_arr is not None: if greyscale: pil_image = PIL_Image.fromarray( image_arr.astype("uint8") ).convert("L") else: pil_image = PIL_Image.fromarray(image_arr.astype("uint8")) else: if greyscale: pil_image ="L") else: pil_image = left = int(pil_image.size[0] / 2 - target_left / 2) upper = int(pil_image.size[1] / 2 - target_right / 2) right = left + target_left lower = upper + target_right im_cropped = pil_image.crop((left, upper, right, lower)) return np.asarray(im_cropped)
[docs] @staticmethod def augment_image( image_path="stm_image.png", image_arr=None, wrap="wrap", rotation_angles=[30, 45, 60], rand_noise_var=[0.05, 0.1, 0.5], sigma=[5], target_left=512, target_right=512, multichannel=True, use_crop=True, save_figures=True, greyscale=True, prefix="example", suffix=".png", ): """Augment images using skimage.""" from skimage.transform import rotate as sk_rotate if image_arr is None: img_arr = plt.imread(image_path) else: img_arr = image_arr images = [img_arr] for i in rotation_angles: rot = sk_rotate(img_arr, angle=i, mode=wrap) images.append(rot) lr = np.fliplr(img_arr) images.append(lr) ud = np.flipud(img_arr) images.append(ud) for i in rand_noise_var: rand = random_noise(img_arr, var=i) images.append(rand) for i in sigma: blurred = gaussian(img_arr, sigma=i, multichannel=True) images.append(blurred) if use_crop: images = [ Image.crop_from_center( image_arr=255 * i, greyscale=greyscale, target_left=target_left, target_right=target_right, ) for i in images ] if save_figures: for ii, i in enumerate(images): name = prefix + "_" + str(ii) + suffix if greyscale: plt.imshow(i / 255, cmap="gray") plt.tight_layout() plt.axis("off") plt.savefig(name) else: plt.imshow(i) plt.tight_layout() plt.axis("off") plt.savefig(name) return images
[docs] @staticmethod def get_blob_angles( filename="image.png", tol=0.005, tmp_path="tmp.png", param1=100, param2=255, s1=3, s2=20, rad=10, color="r", out_name="final.png", ): """Get angles between atoms.""" try: import cv2 except ImportError as error: print(error.__class__.__name__ + ": " + error.message) # # white-and-black-dot-detection-using-opencv-python/ plt.clf() im = Image.from_file(filename) vals = im.black_and_white(tol).values plt.imshow(vals, cmap="jet", interpolation="none") plt.axis("off") plt.savefig(tmp_path) plt.close() path = tmp_path # reading the image in grayscale mode gray = cv2.imread(path, 0) # reading the image in grayscale mode th, threshed = cv2.threshold( gray, param1, param2, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU ) # findcontours cnts = cv2.findContours( threshed, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE )[-2] # filter by area xcnts = [] for cnt in cnts: if s1 < cv2.contourArea(cnt) < s2: xcnts.append(cnt) canvas = gray cv2.drawContours(canvas, xcnts, -1, (0, 255, 0), 1) fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.imshow(canvas) plt.savefig(out_name) plt.close() my_coords = [] for i in xcnts: circle1 = plt.Circle((i[0][0][0], i[0][0][1]), rad, color=color) my_coords.append([i[0][0][0], i[0][0][1]]) ax.add_patch(circle1) # # printing output print("\nDots number: {}".format(len(xcnts))) def angle_between(p1, p2): ang1 = np.arctan2(*p1[::-1]) ang2 = np.arctan2(*p2[::-1]) return np.rad2deg((ang1 - ang2) % (2 * np.pi)) all_angle_data = [] for i in my_coords: for j in my_coords: if i != j: all_angle_data.append([i, j, angle_between(i, j)]) print(i, j, angle_between(i, j)) return all_angle_data
""" if __name__ == "__main__": from jarvis.db.figshare import make_stm_from_prev_parchg make_stm_from_prev_parchg() # Image.get_blob_angles(filename='stm_image.png') # p = "JVASP-667_neg.jpg" # im = Image.from_file(p) im = Image.crop_from_center() ims = Image.augment_image() print(ims) # plt.imshow( # im.fourier_transform2D(use_crop=True, zoom_factor=50) # .rotate(angle=0) # .black_and_white(threshold=0.05) # .values, # cmap="Greys", # ) """