Source code for jarvis.core.atoms

"""This module provides classes to specify atomic structure."""
import numpy as np
from jarvis.core.composition import Composition
from jarvis.core.specie import Specie, atomic_numbers_to_symbols
from jarvis.core.lattice import Lattice, lattice_coords_transformer
from collections import OrderedDict
from jarvis.core.utils import get_counts
import itertools
from jarvis.core.utils import (
import os
import math
import tempfile
import random
import string
import datetime

amu_gm = 1.66054e-24
ang_cm = 1e-8

[docs]class Atoms(object): """ Generate Atoms python object. >>> box = [[2.715, 2.715, 0], [0, 2.715, 2.715], [2.715, 0, 2.715]] >>> coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.2, 0.25]] >>> elements = ["Si", "Si"] >>> Si = Atoms(lattice_mat=box, coords=coords, elements=elements) >>> print(round(Si.volume,2)) 40.03 >>> Si.composition {'Si': 2} >>> round(Si.density,2) 2.33 >>> round(Si.packing_fraction,2) 0.28 >>> Si.atomic_numbers [14, 14] >>> Si.num_atoms 2 >>> Si.frac_coords[0][0] 0 >>> Si.cart_coords[0][0] 0.0 >>> coords = [[0, 0, 0], [1.3575 , 1.22175, 1.22175]] >>> round(Si.density,2) 2.33 >>> Si.spacegroup() 'C2/m (12)' >>> Si.pymatgen_converter()!={} True """ def __init__( self, lattice_mat=None, coords=None, elements=None, props=None, cartesian=False, show_props=False, ): """ Create atomic structure. Requires lattice, coordinates, atom type information. """ self.lattice_mat = np.array(lattice_mat) self.show_props = show_props self.lattice = Lattice(lattice_mat) self.coords = np.array(coords) self.elements = elements self.cartesian = cartesian self.props = props if self.props is None: self.props = ["" for i in range(len(self.elements))] if self.cartesian: self.cart_coords = self.coords self.frac_coords = np.array(self.lattice.frac_coords(self.coords)) else: self.frac_coords = self.coords self.cart_coords = np.array(self.lattice.cart_coords(self.coords))
[docs] def write_cif( self, filename="atoms.cif", comment=None, with_spg_info=True ): """ Write CIF format file from Atoms object. Caution: can't handle fractional occupancies right now """ if comment is None: comment = "CIF file written using JARVIS-Tools package." comment = comment + "\n" f = open(filename, "w") f.write(comment) composition = self.composition line = "data_" + str(composition.reduced_formula) + "\n" f.write(line) from jarvis.analysis.structure.spacegroup import Spacegroup3D if with_spg_info: spg = Spacegroup3D(self) line = ( "_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M " + str("'") + str(spg.space_group_symbol) + str("'") + "\n" ) else: line = "_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M " + str("'P 1'") + "\n" f.write(line) a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = self.lattice.parameters f.write("_cell_length_a %g\n" % a) f.write("_cell_length_b %g\n" % b) f.write("_cell_length_c %g\n" % c) f.write("_cell_angle_alpha %g\n" % alpha) f.write("_cell_angle_beta %g\n" % beta) f.write("_cell_angle_gamma %g\n" % gamma) f.write("\n") if with_spg_info: line = ( "_symmetry_Int_Tables_number " + str(spg.space_group_number) + "\n" ) else: line = "_symmetry_Int_Tables_number " + str(1) + "\n" f.write(line) line = ( "_chemical_formula_structural " + str(composition.reduced_formula) + "\n" ) f.write(line) line = "_chemical_formula_sum " + str(composition.formula) + "\n" f.write(line) line = "_cell_volume " + str(self.volume) + "\n" f.write(line) reduced, repeat = composition.reduce() line = "_cell_formula_units_Z " + str(repeat) + "\n" f.write(line) f.write("loop_\n") f.write(" _symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id\n") f.write(" _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz\n") f.write(" 1 'x, y, z'\n") f.write("loop_\n") f.write(" _atom_site_type_symbol\n") f.write(" _atom_site_label\n") f.write(" _atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity\n") f.write(" _atom_site_fract_x\n") f.write(" _atom_site_fract_y\n") f.write(" _atom_site_fract_z\n") f.write(" _atom_site_fract_occupancy\n") order = np.argsort(self.elements) coords_ordered = np.array(self.frac_coords)[order] elements_ordered = np.array(self.elements)[order] occ = 1 extra = 1 element_types = [] # count = 0 for ii, i in enumerate(elements_ordered): if i not in element_types: element_types.append(i) count = 0 symbol = i count = count + 1 label = str(i) + str(count) element_types.append(i) coords = coords_ordered[ii] f.write( " %s %s %s %7.5f %7.5f %7.5f %s\n" % (symbol, label, occ, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], extra) ) f.close()
[docs] @staticmethod def read_with_cif2cell(filename="1000000.cif", get_primitive_atoms=False): """Use cif2cell package to read cif files.""" # # tested on version 2.0.0a3 try: new_file, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True) cmd = ( "cif2cell " + filename + " -p vasp --vasp-cartesian-positions --vca -o " + fname ) os.system(cmd) except Exception as exp: print(exp) pass f = open(fname, "r") text = f.close() os.close(new_file) elements = text[0].split("Species order:")[1].split() scale = float(text[1]) lattice_mat = [] lattice_mat.append([float(i) for i in text[2].split()]) lattice_mat.append([float(i) for i in text[3].split()]) lattice_mat.append([float(i) for i in text[4].split()]) lattice_mat = scale * np.array(lattice_mat) uniq_elements = elements element_count = np.array([int(i) for i in text[5].split()]) elements = [] for i, ii in enumerate(element_count): for j in range(ii): elements.append(uniq_elements[i]) cartesian = True if "d" in text[6] or "D" in text[6]: cartesian = False # print ('cartesian poscar=',cartesian,text[7]) num_atoms = int(np.sum(element_count)) coords = [] for i in range(num_atoms): coords.append([float(i) for i in text[7 + i].split()[0:3]]) coords = np.array(coords) atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=lattice_mat, coords=coords, elements=elements, cartesian=cartesian, ) if get_primitive_atoms: atoms = atoms.get_primitive_atoms return atoms
[docs] @staticmethod def from_pdb_old(filename="abc.pdb"): """Read PDB file, kept of checking, use from_pdb instead.""" f = open(filename, "r") lines = f.close() coords = [] species = [] for i in lines: tmp = i.split() if "ATOM " in i and "REMARK" not in i and "SITE" not in i: coord = [float(tmp[6]), float(tmp[7]), float(tmp[8])] coords.append(coord) species.append(tmp[11]) # print (coord,tmp[11]) coords = np.array(coords) max_c = np.max(coords, axis=0) min_c = np.min(coords, axis=0) box = np.zeros((3, 3)) for j in range(3): box[j, j] = abs(max_c[j] - min_c[j]) pdb = Atoms( lattice_mat=box, elements=species, coords=coords, cartesian=True ) mol = VacuumPadding(pdb, vacuum=20.0).get_effective_molecule() return mol
[docs] @staticmethod def from_pdb(filename="abc.pdb", max_lat=200): """Read pdb/sdf/mol2 etc. file and make Atoms object, using pytraj.""" try: import pytraj as pt except Exception: print("Pytraj not installed, trying native version.") return Atoms.from_pdb_old(filename) x = pt.load(filename) coords = at_numbs = [int(i.atomic_number) for i in list(] elements = atomic_numbers_to_symbols(at_numbs) lattice_mat = [[max_lat, 0, 0], [0, max_lat, 0], [0, 0, max_lat]] a = Atoms( lattice_mat=lattice_mat, elements=elements, coords=coords[0], cartesian=True, ) return a
[docs] @staticmethod def from_cif( filename="atoms.cif", from_string="", get_primitive_atoms=True, use_cif2cell=True, ): """Read .cif format file.""" # Warnings: # May not work for: # system with partial occupancy # cif file with multiple blocks # _atom_site_U_iso, instead of fractn_x, cartn_x # with non-zero _atom_site_attached_hydrogens try: if use_cif2cell: # # tested on version 2.0.0a3 if from_string != "": new_file, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True) f = open(filename, "w") f.write(from_string) f.close() atoms = Atoms.read_with_cif2cell( filename=filename, get_primitive_atoms=get_primitive_atoms ) return atoms except Exception as exp: print(exp) pass if from_string == "": f = open(filename, "r") lines = # lines = [ii.encode('utf-8') for ii in] f.close() else: lines = from_string.splitlines() lat_a = "" lat_b = "" lat_c = "" lat_alpha = "" lat_beta = "" lat_gamma = "" # TODO: check if chemical_formula_sum # matches Atoms.compsotion.reduced_formula # chemical_formula_structural = "" # chemical_formula_sum = "" # chemical_name_mineral = "" sym_xyz_line = "" for ii, i in enumerate(lines): if "_cell_length_a" in i: lat_a = float(i.split()[1].split("(")[0]) if "_cell_length_b" in i: lat_b = float(i.split()[1].split("(")[0]) if "_cell_length_c" in i: lat_c = float(i.split()[1].split("(")[0]) if "_cell_angle_alpha" in i: lat_alpha = float(i.split()[1].split("(")[0]) if "_cell_angle_beta" in i: lat_beta = float(i.split()[1].split("(")[0]) if "_cell_angle_gamma" in i: lat_gamma = float(i.split()[1].split("(")[0]) # if "_chemical_formula_structural" in i: # chemical_formula_structural = i.split()[1] # if "_chemical_formula_sum" in i: # chemical_formula_sum = i.split()[1] # if "_chemical_name_mineral" in i: # chemical_name_mineral = i.split()[1] if "_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz" in i: sym_xyz_line = ii if "_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz_" in i: sym_xyz_line = ii if "_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz_" in i: sym_xyz_line = ii if "_space_group_symop_operation_xyz_" in i: sym_xyz_line = ii if "_space_group_symop_operation_xyz" in i: sym_xyz_line = ii symm_ops = [] terminate = False count = 0 while not terminate: # print("sym_xyz_line", sym_xyz_line) tmp = lines[sym_xyz_line + count + 1] if "x" in tmp and "y" in tmp and "z" in tmp: # print("tmp", tmp) symm_ops.append(tmp) count += 1 else: terminate = True tmp_arr = [lat_a, lat_b, lat_c, lat_alpha, lat_beta, lat_gamma] if any(ele == "" for ele in tmp_arr): raise ValueError("Lattice information is incomplete.", tmp_arr) lat = Lattice.from_parameters( lat_a, lat_b, lat_c, lat_alpha, lat_beta, lat_gamma ) terminate = False atom_features = [] count = 0 beginning_atom_info_line = 0 for ii, i in enumerate(lines): if "loop_" in i and "_atom_site" in lines[ii + count + 1]: beginning_atom_info_line = ii while not terminate: if "_atom" in lines[beginning_atom_info_line + count + 1]: atom_features.append( lines[beginning_atom_info_line + count + 1] ) count += 1 if "_atom" not in lines[beginning_atom_info_line + count]: terminate = True terminate = False count = 1 atom_liines = [] while not terminate: number = beginning_atom_info_line + len(atom_features) + count if number == len(lines): terminate = True break line = lines[number] # print ('tis line',line) if len(line.split()) == len(atom_features): atom_liines.append(line) count += 1 else: terminate = True label_index = "" fract_x_index = "" fract_y_index = "" fract_z_index = "" cartn_x_index = "" cartn_y_index = "" cartn_z_index = "" occupancy_index = "" for ii, i in enumerate(atom_features): if "_atom_site_label" in i: label_index = ii if "fract_x" in i: fract_x_index = ii if "fract_y" in i: fract_y_index = ii if "fract_z" in i: fract_z_index = ii if "cartn_x" in i: cartn_x_index = ii if "cartn_y" in i: cartn_y_index = ii if "cartn_z" in i: cartn_z_index = ii if "occupancy" in i: occupancy_index = ii if fract_x_index == "" and cartn_x_index == "": raise ValueError("Cannot find atomic coordinate info.") elements = [] coords = [] cif_atoms = None if fract_x_index != "": for ii, i in enumerate(atom_liines): tmp = i.split() tmp_lbl = list( Composition.from_string(tmp[label_index]).to_dict().keys() ) elem = tmp_lbl[0] coord = [ float(tmp[fract_x_index].split("(")[0]), float(tmp[fract_y_index].split("(")[0]), float(tmp[fract_z_index].split("(")[0]), ] if len(tmp_lbl) > 1: raise ValueError("Check if labesl are correct.", tmp_lbl) if ( occupancy_index != "" and not float( tmp[occupancy_index].split("(")[0] ).is_integer() ): raise ValueError( "Fractional occupancy is not supported.", float(tmp[occupancy_index].split("(")[0]), elem, ) elements.append(elem) coords.append(coord) cif_atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=lat.matrix, elements=elements, coords=coords, cartesian=False, ) elif cartn_x_index != "": for ii, i in enumerate(atom_liines): tmp = i.split() tmp_lbl = list( Composition.from_string(tmp[label_index]).to_dict().keys() ) elem = tmp_lbl[0] coord = [ float(tmp[cartn_x_index].split("(")[0]), float(tmp[cartn_y_index].split("(")[0]), float(tmp[cartn_z_index].split("(")[0]), ] if len(tmp_lbl) > 1: raise ValueError("Check if labesl are correct.", tmp_lbl) if ( occupancy_index != "" and not float( tmp[occupancy_index].split("(")[0] ).is_integer() ): raise ValueError( "Fractional occupancy is not supported.", float(tmp[occupancy_index].split("(")[0]), elem, ) elements.append(elem) coords.append(coord) cif_atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=lat.matrix, elements=elements, coords=coords, cartesian=True, ) else: raise ValueError( "Cannot find atomic coordinate info from cart or frac." ) # frac_coords=list(cif_atoms.frac_coords) cif_elements = cif_atoms.elements lat = cif_atoms.lattice.matrix if len(symm_ops) > 1: frac_coords = list(cif_atoms.frac_coords) for i in symm_ops: for jj, j in enumerate(frac_coords): new_c_coord = get_new_coord_for_xyz_sym( xyz_string=i, frac_coord=j ) new_frac_coord = [new_c_coord][0] if not check_duplicate_coords(frac_coords, new_frac_coord): frac_coords.append(new_frac_coord) cif_elements.append(cif_elements[jj]) new_atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=lat, coords=frac_coords, elements=cif_elements, cartesian=False, ) cif_atoms = new_atoms if get_primitive_atoms: cif_atoms = cif_atoms.get_primitive_atoms return cif_atoms
[docs] def write_poscar(self, filename="POSCAR"): """Write POSCAR format file from Atoms object.""" from import Poscar pos = Poscar(self) pos.write_file(filename)
@property def get_xyz_string(self): """Get xyz string for atoms.""" line = str(self.num_atoms) + "\n" line += " ".join(map(str, np.array(self.lattice_mat).flatten())) + "\n" for i, j in zip(self.elements, self.cart_coords): line += ( str(i) + str(" ") + str(round(j[0], 4)) + str(" ") + str(round(j[1], 4)) + str(" ") + str(round(j[2], 4)) + "\n" ) return line
[docs] def write_xyz(self, filename=""): """Write XYZ format file.""" f = open(filename, "w") line = str(self.num_atoms) + "\n" f.write(line) line = ",".join(map(str, np.array(self.lattice_mat).flatten())) + "\n" f.write(line) for i, j in zip(self.elements, self.cart_coords): f.write("%s %7.5f %7.5f %7.5f\n" % (i, j[0], j[1], j[2])) f.close()
[docs] @classmethod def from_xyz(self, filename="", box_size=40): """Read XYZ file from to make Atoms object.""" lattice_mat = [[box_size, 0, 0], [0, box_size, 0], [0, 0, box_size]] f = open(filename, "r") lines = f.close() try: lattice_mat = np.array(lines[1].split(","), dtype="float").reshape( 3, 3 ) except Exception: pass coords = [] species = [] natoms = int(lines[0]) for i in range(natoms): tmp = (lines[i + 2]).split() coord = [(tmp[1]), (tmp[2]), (tmp[3])] coord = [ 0 if "*" in ii else float(ii) for ii in coord ] # coords.append(coord) species.append(tmp[0]) coords = np.array(coords) atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=lattice_mat, coords=coords, elements=species, cartesian=True, ).center_around_origin(new_origin=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) # print (atoms) return atoms
[docs] @classmethod def from_poscar(self, filename="POSCAR"): """Read POSCAR/CONTCAR file from to make Atoms object.""" from import Poscar return Poscar.from_file(filename).atoms
@property def check_polar(self): """ Check if the surface structure is polar. Comparing atom types at top and bottom. Applicable for sufcae with vaccums only. Args: file:atoms object (surface with vacuum) Returns: polar:True/False """ up = 0 dn = 0 coords = np.array(self.frac_coords) z_max = max(coords[:, 2]) z_min = min(coords[:, 2]) for site, element in zip(self.frac_coords, self.elements): if site[2] == z_max: up = up + Specie(element).Z if site[2] == z_min: dn = dn + Specie(element).Z polar = False if up != dn: print("Seems like a polar materials.") polar = True if up == dn: print("Non-polar") polar = False return polar
[docs] def strain_atoms(self, strain): """Apply volumetric strain to atoms.""" # strains=np.arange(0.80,1.2,0.02) s = np.eye(3) + np.array(strain) * np.eye(3) lattice_mat = np.array(self.lattice_mat) lattice_mat =, s) return Atoms( lattice_mat=lattice_mat, elements=self.elements, coords=self.coords, cartesian=self.cartesian, )
[docs] def apply_strain(self, strain): """Apply a strain(e.g. 0.01, [0,0,.01]) to the lattice.""" print("Use strain_atoms instead.") s = (1 + np.array(strain)) * np.eye(3) self.lattice_mat =, s).T
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Provide dictionary representation of the atoms object.""" d = OrderedDict() d["lattice_mat"] = self.lattice_mat.tolist() d["coords"] = np.array(self.coords).tolist() d["elements"] = np.array(self.elements).tolist() d["abc"] = self.lattice.lat_lengths() d["angles"] = self.lattice.lat_angles() d["cartesian"] = self.cartesian d["props"] = self.props return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(self, d={}): """Form atoms object from the dictionary.""" return Atoms( lattice_mat=d["lattice_mat"], elements=d["elements"], props=d["props"], coords=d["coords"], cartesian=d["cartesian"], )
[docs] def remove_site_by_index(self, site=0): """Remove an atom by its index number.""" new_els = [] new_coords = [] new_props = [] for ii, i in enumerate(self.frac_coords): if ii != site: new_els.append(self.elements[ii]) new_coords.append(self.frac_coords[ii]) new_props.append(self.props[ii]) return Atoms( lattice_mat=self.lattice_mat, elements=new_els, coords=np.array(new_coords), props=new_props, cartesian=False, )
[docs] def add_site( self, element="Si", coords=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1], props=[], index=0 ): """Ad an atom, coords in fractional coordinates.""" new_els = list(self.elements) new_coords = list(self.frac_coords) new_props = list(self.props) new_els.insert(index, element) new_coords.insert(index, coords) new_props.insert(index, props) # new_els.append(element) # new_coords.append(coords) # new_props.append(props) new_els = np.array(new_els) new_coords = np.array(new_coords) new_props = np.array(new_props, dtype=object) return Atoms( lattice_mat=self.lattice_mat, elements=new_els, coords=np.array(new_coords), props=new_props, cartesian=False, )
@property def get_conventional_atoms(self): """Get conventional Atoms using spacegroup information.""" from jarvis.analysis.structure.spacegroup import Spacegroup3D return Spacegroup3D(self).conventional_standard_structure @property def get_spacegroup(self): """Get spacegroup information.""" from jarvis.analysis.structure.spacegroup import Spacegroup3D spg = Spacegroup3D(self) return [spg.space_group_number, spg.space_group_symbol] @property def get_primitive_atoms(self): """Get primitive Atoms using spacegroup information.""" from jarvis.analysis.structure.spacegroup import Spacegroup3D return Spacegroup3D(self).primitive_atoms
[docs] def get_all_neighbors(self, r=5, bond_tol=0.15): """ Get neighbors for each atom in the unit cell, out to a distance r. Contains [index_i, index_j, distance, image] array. Adapted from pymatgen. """ recp_len = np.array(self.lattice.reciprocal_lattice().abc) maxr = np.ceil((r + bond_tol) * recp_len / (2 * math.pi)) nmin = np.floor(np.min(self.frac_coords, axis=0)) - maxr nmax = np.ceil(np.max(self.frac_coords, axis=0)) + maxr all_ranges = [np.arange(x, y) for x, y in zip(nmin, nmax)] matrix = self.lattice_mat neighbors = [list() for _ in range(len(self.cart_coords))] # all_fcoords = np.mod(self.frac_coords, 1) coords_in_cell = self.cart_coords #, matrix) site_coords = self.cart_coords indices = np.arange(len(site_coords)) for image in itertools.product(*all_ranges): coords =, matrix) + coords_in_cell z = (coords[:, None, :] - site_coords[None, :, :]) ** 2 all_dists = np.sum(z, axis=-1) ** 0.5 all_within_r = np.bitwise_and(all_dists <= r, all_dists > 1e-8) for j, d, within_r in zip(indices, all_dists, all_within_r): for i in indices[within_r]: if d[i] > bond_tol: # if d[i] > bond_tol and i!=j: neighbors[i].append([i, j, d[i], image]) return np.array(neighbors, dtype="object")
[docs] def get_neighbors_cutoffs(self, max_cut=10, r=5, bond_tol=0.15): """Get neighbors within cutoff.""" neighbors = self.get_all_neighbors(r=r, bond_tol=bond_tol) dists = np.hstack(([[xx[2] for xx in yy] for yy in neighbors])) hist, bins = np.histogram(dists, bins=np.arange(0.1, 10.2, 0.1)) # shell_vol = ( # 4.0 # / 3.0 # * np.pi # * (np.power(bins[1:], 3) - np.power(bins[:-1], 3)) # ) arr = [] for i, j in zip(bins[:-1], hist): if j > 0: arr.append(i) rcut_buffer = 0.11 io1 = 0 io2 = 1 io3 = 2 try: delta = arr[io2] - arr[io1] while delta < rcut_buffer and arr[io2] < max_cut: io1 = io1 + 1 io2 = io2 + 1 io3 = io3 + 1 delta = arr[io2] - arr[io1] rcut1 = (arr[io2] + arr[io1]) / float(2.0) except Exception: print("Warning:Setting first nbr cut-off as minimum bond-dist") rcut1 = arr[0] pass try: delta = arr[io3] - arr[io2] while ( delta < rcut_buffer and arr[io3] < max_cut and arr[io2] < max_cut ): io2 = io2 + 1 io3 = io3 + 1 delta = arr[io3] - arr[io2] rcut2 = float(arr[io3] + arr[io2]) / float(2.0) except Exception: print("Warning:Setting first and second nbr cut-off equal") print("You might consider increasing max_n parameter") rcut2 = rcut1 pass return rcut1, rcut2, neighbors
[docs] def atomwise_angle_and_radial_distribution( self, r=5, bond_tol=0.15, c_size=10, verbose=False ): """Get atomwise distributions.""" rcut1, rcut2, neighbors = self.get_neighbors_cutoffs( r=r, bond_tol=bond_tol ) from jarvis.analysis.structure.neighbors import NeighborsAnalysis from jarvis.core.utils import bond_angle as angle nbor_info = NeighborsAnalysis( self, rcut1=rcut1, rcut2=rcut2 ).nbor_list(rcut=rcut1, c_size=c_size) nat = nbor_info["nat"] dist = nbor_info["dist"] atom_rdfs = [] nbins = 180 actual_prdf = [] # actual_pangs = [] actual_pangs = np.zeros((nat, 380)) for i in range(nat): hist, bins = np.histogram( dist[:, i], bins=np.arange(0.1, rcut1 + 0.2, 0.1) ) actual_prdf.append(dist[:, i]) atom_rdfs.append(hist.tolist()) if verbose: exact_dists = np.arange(0.1, rcut1 + 0.2, 0.1)[hist.nonzero()] print("exact_dists", exact_dists) # prdf_arr = np.array(atom_rdfs)[0 : self.num_atoms] atom_angles = [] for i in range(nbor_info["nat"]): angles = [ angle( nbor_info["dist"][in1][i], nbor_info["dist"][in2][i], nbor_info["bondx"][in1][i], nbor_info["bondx"][in2][i], nbor_info["bondy"][in1][i], nbor_info["bondy"][in2][i], nbor_info["bondz"][in1][i], nbor_info["bondz"][in2][i], ) for in1 in range(nbor_info["nn"][i]) for in2 in range(nbor_info["nn"][i]) if in2 > in1 and nbor_info["dist"][in1][i] * nbor_info["dist"][in2][i] != 0 ] ang_hist, ang_bins = np.histogram( angles, bins=np.arange(1, nbins + 2, 1), density=False, ) for jj, j in enumerate(angles): actual_pangs[i, jj] = j # actual_pangs.append(angles) atom_angles.append(ang_hist) if verbose: exact_angles = np.arange(1, nbins + 2, 1)[ang_hist.nonzero()] print("exact_angles", exact_angles) # return (atom_angles)#/nbor_info['nat'] # pangle_arr = np.array(atom_angles)[0 : self.num_atoms] return ( neighbors, np.array(atom_rdfs)[0 : self.num_atoms], np.array(atom_angles)[0 : self.num_atoms], np.array(actual_prdf[0 : self.num_atoms]), np.array(actual_pangs[0 : self.num_atoms]), nbor_info, )
@property def raw_distance_matrix(self): """Provide distance matrix.""" coords = np.array(self.cart_coords) z = (coords[:, None, :] - coords[None, :, :]) ** 2 return np.sum(z, axis=-1) ** 0.5 @property def raw_angle_matrix(self, cut_off=5.0): """Provide distance matrix.""" coords = np.array(self.cart_coords) angles = [] for a, b, c in itertools.product(coords, coords, coords): if ( not np.array_equal(a, b) and not np.array_equal(b, c) and np.linalg.norm((a - b)) < cut_off and np.linalg.norm((c - b)) < cut_off ): angle = get_angle(a, b, c) angles.append(angle) return angles
[docs] def center(self, axis=2, vacuum=18.0, about=None): """ Center structure with vacuum padding. Args: vacuum:vacuum size axis: direction """ cell = self.lattice_mat p = self.cart_coords dirs = np.zeros_like(cell) for i in range(3): dirs[i] = np.cross(cell[i - 1], cell[i - 2]) dirs[i] /= np.sqrt([i], dirs[i])) # normalize if[i], cell[i]) < 0.0: dirs[i] *= -1 if isinstance(axis, int): axes = (axis,) else: axes = axis # if vacuum and any(self.pbc[x] for x in axes): # warnings.warn( # 'You are adding vacuum along a periodic direction!') # Now, decide how much each basis vector should be made longer longer = np.zeros(3) shift = np.zeros(3) for i in axes: p0 =, dirs[i]).min() if len(p) else 0 p1 =, dirs[i]).max() if len(p) else 0 height =[i], dirs[i]) if vacuum is not None: lng = (p1 - p0 + 2 * vacuum) - height else: lng = 0.0 # Do not change unit cell size! top = lng + height - p1 shf = 0.5 * (top - p0) cosphi =[i], dirs[i]) / np.sqrt([i], cell[i]) ) longer[i] = lng / cosphi shift[i] = shf / cosphi # Now, do it! translation = np.zeros(3) for i in axes: nowlen = np.sqrt([i], cell[i])) if vacuum is not None or cell[i].any(): cell[i] = cell[i] * (1 + longer[i] / nowlen) translation += shift[i] * cell[i] / nowlen new_coords = p + translation if about is not None: for vector in cell: new_coords -= vector / 2.0 new_coords += about atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=cell, elements=self.elements, coords=new_coords, cartesian=True, ) return atoms
@property def volume(self): """Get volume of the atoms object.""" m = self.lattice_mat vol = float(abs([0], m[1]), m[2]))) return vol @property def composition(self): """Get composition of the atoms object.""" comp = {} for i in self.elements: comp[i] = comp.setdefault(i, 0) + 1 return Composition(OrderedDict(comp)) @property def density(self): """Get density in g/cm3 of the atoms object.""" den = float(self.composition.weight * amu_gm) / ( float(self.volume) * (ang_cm) ** 3 ) return den @property def atomic_numbers(self): """Get list of atomic numbers of atoms in the atoms object.""" numbers = [] for i in self.elements: numbers.append(Specie(i).Z) return numbers @property def num_atoms(self): """Get number of atoms.""" if np.squeeze(self.coords).ndim == 1: return 1 return len(self.coords) @property def uniq_species(self): """Get unique elements.""" uniq = set() return [x for x in self.elements if not (x in uniq or uniq.add(x))]
[docs] def get_center_of_mass(self): """Get center of mass of the atoms object.""" # atomic_mass m = [] for i in self.elements: m.append(Specie(i).atomic_mass) m = np.array(m) com =, self.cart_coords) / m.sum() # com = np.linalg.solve(self.lattice_mat.T, com) return com
[docs] def get_origin(self): """Get center of mass of the atoms object.""" # atomic_mass return self.frac_coords.mean(axis=0)
[docs] def center_around_origin(self, new_origin=[0.0, 0.0, 0.5]): """Center around given origin.""" lat = self.lattice_mat typ_sp = self.elements natoms = self.num_atoms # abc = self.lattice.lat_lengths() COM = self.get_origin() # COM = self.get_center_of_mass() x = np.zeros((natoms)) y = np.zeros((natoms)) z = np.zeros((natoms)) coords = list() for i in range(0, natoms): # cart_coords[i]=self.cart_coords[i]-COM x[i] = self.frac_coords[i][0] - COM[0] + new_origin[0] y[i] = self.frac_coords[i][1] - COM[1] + new_origin[1] z[i] = self.frac_coords[i][2] - COM[2] + new_origin[2] coords.append([x[i], y[i], z[i]]) struct = Atoms( lattice_mat=lat, elements=typ_sp, coords=coords, cartesian=False ) return struct
[docs] def pymatgen_converter(self): """Get pymatgen representation of the atoms object.""" try: from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure return Structure( self.lattice_mat, self.elements, self.frac_coords, coords_are_cartesian=False, ) except Exception: print("Requires pymatgen for this functionality.") pass
[docs] def phonopy_converter(self, pbc=True): """Get phonopy representation of the atoms object.""" try: from phonopy.structure.atoms import Atoms as PhonopyAtoms return PhonopyAtoms( symbols=self.elements, positions=self.cart_coords, pbc=pbc, cell=self.lattice_mat, ) except Exception: print("Requires phonopy for this functionality.") pass
[docs] def ase_converter(self, pbc=True): """Get ASE representation of the atoms object.""" try: from ase import Atoms as AseAtoms return AseAtoms( symbols=self.elements, positions=self.cart_coords, pbc=pbc, cell=self.lattice_mat, ) except Exception: print("Requires ASE for this functionality.") pass
[docs] def spacegroup(self, symprec=1e-3): """Get spacegroup of the atoms object.""" import spglib sg = spglib.get_spacegroup( (self.lattice_mat, self.frac_coords, self.atomic_numbers), symprec=symprec, ) return sg
@property def packing_fraction(self): """Get packing fraction of the atoms object.""" total_rad = 0 for i in self.elements: total_rad = total_rad + Specie(i).atomic_rad ** 3 pf = np.array([4 * np.pi * total_rad / (3 * self.volume)]) return round(pf[0], 5)
[docs] def lattice_points_in_supercell(self, supercell_matrix): """ Adapted from Pymatgen. Returns the list of points on the original lattice contained in the supercell in fractional coordinates (with the supercell basis). e.g. [[2,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]] returns [[0,0,0],[0.5,0,0]] Args: supercell_matrix: 3x3 matrix describing the supercell Returns: numpy array of the fractional coordinates """ diagonals = np.array( [ [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], ] ) d_points =, supercell_matrix) mins = np.min(d_points, axis=0) maxes = np.max(d_points, axis=0) + 1 ar = ( np.arange(mins[0], maxes[0])[:, None] * np.array([1, 0, 0])[None, :] ) br = ( np.arange(mins[1], maxes[1])[:, None] * np.array([0, 1, 0])[None, :] ) cr = ( np.arange(mins[2], maxes[2])[:, None] * np.array([0, 0, 1])[None, :] ) all_points = ar[:, None, None] + br[None, :, None] + cr[None, None, :] all_points = all_points.reshape((-1, 3)) frac_points =, np.linalg.inv(supercell_matrix)) tvects = frac_points[ np.all(frac_points < 1 - 1e-10, axis=1) & np.all(frac_points >= -1e-10, axis=1) ] assert len(tvects) == round(abs(np.linalg.det(supercell_matrix))) return tvects
[docs] def make_supercell_matrix(self, scaling_matrix): """ Adapted from Pymatgen. Makes a supercell. Allowing to have sites outside the unit cell. Args: scaling_matrix: A scaling matrix for transforming the lattice vectors. Has to be all integers. Several options are possible: a. A full 3x3 scaling matrix defining the linear combination the old lattice vectors. E.g., [[2,1,0],[0,3,0],[0,0, 1]] generates a new structure with lattice vectors a' = 2a + b, b' = 3b, c' = c where a, b, and c are the lattice vectors of the original structure. b. An sequence of three scaling factors. E.g., [2, 1, 1] specifies that the supercell should have dimensions 2a x b x c. c. A number, which simply scales all lattice vectors by the same factor. Returns: Supercell structure. Note that a Structure is always returned, even if the input structure is a subclass of Structure. This is to avoid different arguments signatures from causing problems. If you prefer a subclass to return its own type, you need to override this method in the subclass. """ scale_matrix = np.array(scaling_matrix, np.int16) if scale_matrix.shape != (3, 3): scale_matrix = np.array(scale_matrix * np.eye(3), np.int16) new_lattice = Lattice(, self.lattice_mat)) f_lat = self.lattice_points_in_supercell(scale_matrix) c_lat = new_lattice.cart_coords(f_lat) new_sites = [] new_elements = [] for site, el in zip(self.cart_coords, self.elements): for v in c_lat: new_elements.append(el) tmp = site + v new_sites.append(tmp) return Atoms( lattice_mat=new_lattice.lattice(), elements=new_elements, coords=new_sites, cartesian=True, )
[docs] def make_supercell(self, dim=[2, 2, 2]): """Make supercell of dimension dim.""" dim = np.array(dim) if dim.shape == (3, 3): dim = np.array([int(np.linalg.norm(v)) for v in dim]) coords = self.frac_coords all_symbs = self.elements # [i.symbol for i in s.species] nat = len(coords) new_nat = nat * dim[0] * dim[1] * dim[2] new_coords = np.zeros((new_nat, 3)) new_symbs = [] # np.chararray((new_nat)) props = [] # self.props ct = 0 for i in range(nat): for j in range(dim[0]): for k in range(dim[1]): for m in range(dim[2]): props.append(self.props[i]) new_coords[ct][0] = (coords[i][0] + j) / float(dim[0]) new_coords[ct][1] = (coords[i][1] + k) / float(dim[1]) new_coords[ct][2] = (coords[i][2] + m) / float(dim[2]) new_symbs.append(all_symbs[i]) ct = ct + 1 nat = new_nat nat = len(coords) # int(s.composition.num_atoms) lat = np.zeros((3, 3)) box = self.lattice_mat lat[0][0] = dim[0] * box[0][0] lat[0][1] = dim[0] * box[0][1] lat[0][2] = dim[0] * box[0][2] lat[1][0] = dim[1] * box[1][0] lat[1][1] = dim[1] * box[1][1] lat[1][2] = dim[1] * box[1][2] lat[2][0] = dim[2] * box[2][0] lat[2][1] = dim[2] * box[2][1] lat[2][2] = dim[2] * box[2][2] super_cell = Atoms( lattice_mat=lat, coords=new_coords, elements=new_symbs, props=props, cartesian=False, ) return super_cell
[docs] def get_lll_reduced_structure(self): """Get LLL algorithm based reduced structure.""" reduced_latt = self.lattice.get_lll_reduced_lattice() if reduced_latt != self.lattice: return Atoms( lattice_mat=reduced_latt._lat, elements=self.elements, coords=self.frac_coords, cartesian=False, ) else: return Atoms( lattice_mat=self.lattice_mat, elements=self.elements, coords=self.frac_coords, cartesian=False, )
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Get representation during print statement.""" from import Poscar return Poscar(self).to_string()
# return self.get_string()
[docs] def get_string(self, cart=True, sort_order="X"): """ Convert Atoms to string. Optional arguments below. Args: cart:True/False for cartesian/fractional coords. sort_order: sort by chemical properties of elements. Default electronegativity. """ from import Poscar return Poscar(self).to_string() # Might be a bug while sorting system = str(self.composition.formula) header = ( str(system) + str("\n1.0\n") + str(self.lattice_mat[0][0]) + " " + str(self.lattice_mat[0][1]) + " " + str(self.lattice_mat[0][2]) + "\n" + str(self.lattice_mat[1][0]) + " " + str(self.lattice_mat[1][1]) + " " + str(self.lattice_mat[1][2]) + "\n" + str(self.lattice_mat[2][0]) + " " + str(self.lattice_mat[2][1]) + " " + str(self.lattice_mat[2][2]) + "\n" ) if sort_order is None: order = np.argsort(self.elements) else: order = np.argsort( [Specie(i).element_property(sort_order) for i in self.elements] ) if cart: coords = self.cart_coords else: coords = self.frac_coords coords_ordered = np.array(coords)[order] elements_ordered = np.array(self.elements)[order] props_ordered = np.array(self.props)[order] # check_selective_dynamics = False # TODO counts = get_counts(elements_ordered) cart_frac = "" if cart: cart_frac = "\nCartesian\n" else: cart_frac = "\nDirect\n" if "T" in "".join(map(str, self.props[0])): middle = ( " ".join(map(str, counts.keys())) + "\n" + " ".join(map(str, counts.values())) + "\nSelective dynamics\n" + cart_frac ) else: middle = ( " ".join(map(str, counts.keys())) + "\n" + " ".join(map(str, counts.values())) + cart_frac ) rest = "" if coords_ordered.ndim == 1: coords_ordered = np.array([coords]) for ii, i in enumerate(coords_ordered): if self.show_props: rest = ( rest + " ".join(map(str, i)) + " " + str(props_ordered[ii]) + "\n" ) else: rest = rest + " ".join(map(str, i)) + "\n" result = header + middle + rest return result
[docs]class VacuumPadding(object): """Adds vaccum padding to make 2D structure or making molecules.""" def __init__(self, atoms, vacuum=20.0): """ Initialize object. Args: atoms: Atoms object vacuum: vacuum padding """ self.atoms = atoms self.vacuum = vacuum
[docs] def get_effective_2d_slab(self): """Add 2D vacuum to a system.""" z_coord = [] for i in self.atoms.frac_coords: tmp = i[2] if i[2] >= 0.5: tmp = i[2] - 1 elif i[2] < -0.5: tmp = i[2] + 1 z_coord.append(tmp) zmaxp = max(np.array(z_coord) * self.atoms.lattice_mat[2][2]) zminp = min(np.array(z_coord) * self.atoms.lattice_mat[2][2]) thickness = abs(zmaxp - zminp) padding = self.vacuum + thickness # lattice_mat = self.atoms.lattice_mat # lattice_mat[2][2] = padding # elements = self.atoms.elements # atoms = new_lat = self.atoms.lattice_mat a1 = new_lat[0] a2 = new_lat[1] a3 = new_lat[2] new_lat = np.array( [ a1, a2, np.cross(a1, a2) *, np.cross(a1, a2)) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(a1, a2)) ** 2, ] ) a1 = new_lat[0] a2 = new_lat[1] a3 = new_lat[2] latest_lat = np.array( [ (np.linalg.norm(a1), 0, 0), (, a2) / np.linalg.norm(a1), np.sqrt( np.linalg.norm(a2) ** 2 - (, a2) / np.linalg.norm(a1)) ** 2 ), 0, ), (0, 0, np.linalg.norm(a3)), ] ) # latest_lat[2][2] = padding M = np.linalg.solve(new_lat, latest_lat) new_cart_coords = self.atoms.cart_coords new_coords =, M) new_atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=latest_lat, elements=self.atoms.elements, coords=new_coords, cartesian=True, ) frac_coords = new_atoms.frac_coords frac_coords[:] = frac_coords[:] % 1 new_atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=latest_lat, elements=self.atoms.elements, coords=frac_coords, cartesian=False, ) new_lat = new_atoms.lattice_mat new_cart_coords = new_atoms.cart_coords elements = new_atoms.elements new_lat[2][2] = padding # new_lat[2][2]+ self.vacuum with_vacuum_atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=new_lat, elements=elements, coords=new_cart_coords, cartesian=True, ) frac = np.array(with_vacuum_atoms.frac_coords) frac[:, 2] = frac[:, 2] - np.mean(frac[:, 2]) + 0.5 frac[:, 2] = frac[:, 2] - np.mean(frac[:, 2]) + 0.5 with_vacuum_atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=new_lat, elements=elements, coords=frac, cartesian=False, ) return with_vacuum_atoms
[docs] def get_effective_molecule(self): """Add vacuum around a system.""" x_coord = [] y_coord = [] z_coord = [] for i in self.atoms.frac_coords: tmp = i[0] if i[0] >= 0.5: tmp = i[0] - 1 elif i[0] < -0.5: tmp = i[0] + 1 x_coord.append(tmp) tmp = i[1] if i[1] >= 0.5: tmp = i[1] - 1 elif i[1] < -0.5: tmp = i[1] + 1 y_coord.append(tmp) tmp = i[2] if i[2] >= 0.5: tmp = i[2] - 1 elif i[2] < -0.5: tmp = i[2] + 1 z_coord.append(tmp) xmaxp = max(np.array(x_coord) * self.atoms.lattice_mat[0][0]) xminp = min(np.array(x_coord) * self.atoms.lattice_mat[0][0]) ymaxp = max(np.array(y_coord) * self.atoms.lattice_mat[1][1]) yminp = min(np.array(y_coord) * self.atoms.lattice_mat[1][1]) zmaxp = max(np.array(z_coord) * self.atoms.lattice_mat[2][2]) zminp = min(np.array(z_coord) * self.atoms.lattice_mat[2][2]) thickness_x = abs(xmaxp - xminp) thickness_y = abs(ymaxp - yminp) thickness_z = abs(zmaxp - zminp) lattice_mat = np.zeros((3, 3)) # self.atoms.lattice_mat lattice_mat[0][0] = self.vacuum + thickness_x lattice_mat[1][1] = self.vacuum + thickness_y lattice_mat[2][2] = self.vacuum + thickness_z elements = self.atoms.elements atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=lattice_mat, coords=self.atoms.cart_coords, elements=elements, cartesian=True, ) frac = np.array(atoms.frac_coords) frac[:, 0] = frac[:, 0] - np.mean(frac[:, 0]) + 0.5 frac[:, 1] = frac[:, 1] - np.mean(frac[:, 1]) + 0.5 frac[:, 2] = frac[:, 2] - np.mean(frac[:, 2]) + 0.5 with_vacuum_atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=lattice_mat, elements=elements, coords=frac, cartesian=False, ) return with_vacuum_atoms
[docs]def fix_pbc(atoms): """Use for making Atoms with vacuum.""" new_f_coords = [] for i in atoms.frac_coords: if i[2] > 0.5: i[2] = i[2] - 1 if i[2] < -0.5: i[2] = i[2] + 1 new_f_coords.append(i) return Atoms( lattice_mat=atoms.lattice_mat, elements=atoms.elements, coords=new_f_coords, cartesian=False, )
[docs]def add_atoms(top, bottom, distance=[0, 0, 1], apply_strain=False): """ Add top and bottom Atoms with a distance array. Bottom Atoms lattice-matrix is chosen as final lattice. """ top = top.center_around_origin([0, 0, 0]) bottom = bottom.center_around_origin(distance) strain_x = ( top.lattice_mat[0][0] - bottom.lattice_mat[0][0] ) / bottom.lattice_mat[0][0] strain_y = ( top.lattice_mat[1][1] - bottom.lattice_mat[1][1] ) / bottom.lattice_mat[1][1] if apply_strain: top.apply_strain([strain_x, strain_y, 0]) # print("strain_x,strain_y", strain_x, strain_y) elements = [] coords = [] lattice_mat = bottom.lattice_mat for i, j in zip(bottom.elements, bottom.frac_coords): elements.append(i) coords.append(j) top_cart_coords = lattice_coords_transformer( new_lattice_mat=top.lattice_mat, old_lattice_mat=bottom.lattice_mat, cart_coords=top.cart_coords, ) top_frac_coords = bottom.lattice.frac_coords(top_cart_coords) for i, j in zip(top.elements, top_frac_coords): elements.append(i) coords.append(j) order = np.argsort(np.array(elements)) elements = np.array(elements)[order] coords = np.array(coords)[order] determnt = np.linalg.det(np.array(lattice_mat)) if determnt < 0.0: lattice_mat = -1 * np.array(lattice_mat) determnt = np.linalg.det(np.array(lattice_mat)) if determnt < 0.0: print("Serious issue, check lattice vectors.") print("Many software follow right hand basis rule only.") combined = Atoms( lattice_mat=lattice_mat, coords=coords, elements=elements, cartesian=False, ).center_around_origin() return combined
[docs]def get_supercell_dims(atoms, enforce_c_size=10, extend=1): """Get supercell dimensions.""" a = atoms.lattice.lat_lengths()[0] b = atoms.lattice.lat_lengths()[1] c = atoms.lattice.lat_lengths()[2] dim1 = int(float(enforce_c_size) / float(a)) + extend dim2 = int(float(enforce_c_size) / float(b)) + extend dim3 = int(float(enforce_c_size) / float(c)) + extend return [dim1, dim2, dim3]
[docs]def pmg_to_atoms(pmg=""): """Convert pymatgen structure to Atoms.""" return Atoms( lattice_mat=pmg.lattice.matrix, elements=[i.symbol for i in pmg.species], coords=pmg.frac_coords, cartesian=False, )
[docs]def ase_to_atoms(ase_atoms="", cartesian=True): """Convert ase structure to Atoms.""" return Atoms( lattice_mat=ase_atoms.get_cell(), elements=ase_atoms.get_chemical_symbols(), coords=ase_atoms.get_positions(), cartesian=cartesian, )
[docs]def crop_square(atoms=None, csize=10): """Crop a sqaur portion from a surface/2D system.""" sz = csize / 2 # just to make sure we have enough material to crop from enforce_c_size = sz * 3 dims = get_supercell_dims(atoms, enforce_c_size=enforce_c_size) b = atoms.make_supercell_matrix(dims).center_around_origin() lat_mat = [ [enforce_c_size, 0, 0], [0, enforce_c_size, 0], [0, 0, b.lattice_mat[2][2]], ] # M = np.linalg.solve(b.lattice_mat, lat_mat) # tol = 3 els = [] coords = [] for i, j in zip(b.cart_coords, b.elements): if i[0] <= sz and i[0] >= -sz and i[1] <= sz and i[1] >= -sz: els.append(j) coords.append(i) coords = np.array(coords) # new_mat = ( # [max(coords[:, 0]) - min(coords[:, 0]) + tol, 0, 0], # [0, max(coords[:, 1]) - min(coords[:, 1]) + tol, 0], # [0, 0, b.lattice_mat[2][2]], # ) new_atoms = Atoms( lattice_mat=lat_mat, elements=els, coords=coords, cartesian=True ).center_around_origin([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) return new_atoms
[docs]class OptimadeAdaptor(object): """Module to work with optimade.""" def __init__(self, atoms=None): """Intialize class with Atoms object.""" self.atoms = atoms
[docs] def reduce(self, content={}): """Reduce chemical formula.""" repeat = 0 for specie, count in content.items(): if repeat == 0: repeat = count else: repeat = gcd(count, repeat) reduced = {} for specie, count in content.items(): reduced[specie] = count // repeat return reduced, repeat
[docs] def optimade_reduced_formula(self, content={}, sort_alphabetical=True): """Get chemical formula.""" if sort_alphabetical: content = OrderedDict( sorted(content.items(), key=lambda x: (x[0])) ) form = "" reduced, repeat = self.reduce(content) Z = {} for i, j in reduced.items(): Z[i] = reduced[i] for specie, count in Z.items(): if float(count).is_integer(): if count == 1: form = form + specie else: form = form + specie + str(int(count)) else: form = form + specie + str(count) return form # .replace("1", "")
[docs] def get_optimade_prototype(self, content={}): """Get chemical prototypes such as A, AB etc.""" reduced, repeat = self.reduce(content) proto = "" all_upper = string.ascii_uppercase items = sorted(list(reduced.values()), reverse=True) N = 0 # for specie, count in reduced.items(): for c in items: proto = proto + str(all_upper[N]) + str(round(c, 3)) N = N + 1 return proto.replace("1", "")
[docs] def get_optimade_species(self): """Get optimade species.""" atoms = self.atoms elements = np.array(list(set(atoms.elements))) order = np.argsort(elements) elements = (elements)[order] sp = [] for i in elements: info = {} info["name"] = i info["chemical_symbols"] = [i] info["concentration"] = [1.0] info["mass"] = None info["original_name"] = None info["attached"] = None info["nattached"] = None sp.append(info) return sp
[docs] def from_optimade(self, info={}): """Get Atoms from optimade.""" lattice_mat = info["attributes"]["lattice_vectors"] elements = info["attributes"]["elements"] coords = info["attributes"]["cartesian_site_positions"] return Atoms( lattice_mat=lattice_mat, elements=elements, coords=coords, cartesian=True, )
[docs] def to_optimade( self, idx="x", itype="structures", source="JARVIS-DFT-3D", reference_url="",, ): """Get optimade format data.""" atoms = self.atoms info = {} info["id"] = idx info["type"] = itype info_at = {} info_at["_jarvis_source"] = source info_at["_jarvis_reference"] = ( reference_url + idx # + ".xml" ) comp = atoms.composition.to_dict() info_at["chemical_formula_reduced"] = self.optimade_reduced_formula( comp ) info_at["chemical_formula_anonymous"] = self.get_optimade_prototype( comp ) elements = np.array(atoms.elements) order = np.argsort(elements) info_at["elements"] = elements[order] info_at["nelements"] = len(elements) info_at["nsites"] = len(atoms.frac_coords) info_at["lattice_vectors"] = atoms.lattice_mat.tolist() info_at["species_at_sites"] = np.array(atoms.elements)[order] info_at["cartesian_site_positions"] = atoms.cart_coords[order].tolist() info_at["nperiodic_dimensions"] = 3 # info_at["species"] = atoms.elements info_at[ "species" ] = self.get_optimade_species() # dict(atoms.composition.to_dict()) info_at["elements_ratios"] = list( atoms.composition.atomic_fraction.values() ) info_at["structure_features"] = [] info_at["last_modified"] = str(now) # info_at["more_data_available"] = True info_at[ "chemical_formula_descriptive" ] = atoms.composition.reduced_formula info_at["dimension_types"] = [1, 1, 1] info["attributes"] = info_at return info
[docs]def compare_atoms(atoms1=[], atoms2=[], primitive_cell=True, verbose=True): """Compare atomic strutures.""" from jarvis.analysis.structure.spacegroup import Spacegroup3D if primitive_cell: atoms1 = atoms1.get_primitive_atoms atoms2 = atoms2.get_primitive_atoms formula1 = atoms1.composition.reduced_formula formula2 = atoms2.composition.reduced_formula if formula1 != formula2: if verbose: print("Formula dont match", formula1, formula2) return False if atoms1.num_atoms != atoms2.num_atoms: if verbose: print("Num_atoms dont match", atoms1.num_atoms, atoms2.num_atoms) return False spg1 = Spacegroup3D(atoms1).space_group_number spg2 = Spacegroup3D(atoms2).space_group_number if spg1 != spg2: if verbose: print("Spg dont match", spg1, spg2) return False return True
[docs]def build_xanes_poscar( atoms=None, selected_element="Si", prefix="-", extend=1, enforce_c_size=12, dir=".", filename_with_prefix=False, ): """Generate POSCAR file for XANES, note the element ordering.""" # from jarvis.core.utils import rand_select from jarvis.analysis.structure.spacegroup import Spacegroup3D dims = get_supercell_dims( atoms, enforce_c_size=enforce_c_size, extend=extend ) # spg = Spacegroup3D(atoms) # wyckoffs = spg._dataset["wyckoffs"] # atoms.props = wyckoffs atoms = atoms.make_supercell_matrix(dims) spath = os.path.join(dir, "POSCAR-supercell.vasp") atoms.write_poscar(spath) spg = Spacegroup3D(atoms) wyckoffs = spg._dataset["wyckoffs"] atoms.props = wyckoffs # print ('atoms.props',atoms.props) el_props = [] elements = atoms.elements for ii, i in enumerate(elements): if i == selected_element: el_props.append(ii) choice = random.choice(el_props) props = {atoms.props[choice]: choice} tmp_atoms = atoms for i, j in props.items(): if tmp_atoms.elements[j] == selected_element: atoms = tmp_atoms defect_strt = atoms.remove_site_by_index(j) coords = tmp_atoms.frac_coords[j] added_strt = defect_strt.add_site(element="XANES", coords=coords) if filename_with_prefix: filename = ( "POSCAR" + prefix + tmp_atoms.elements[j] + "_" + str(j) + "_" + tmp_atoms.props[j] + ".vasp" ) else: filename = "POSCAR" filename = os.path.join(dir, filename) added_strt.props = ["" for i in range(added_strt.num_atoms)] added_strt.write_poscar(filename) with open(filename, "r") as f: filedata = newdata = filedata.replace("XANES", tmp_atoms.elements[j]) with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(newdata) return atoms
# ['Mn ', 'Mn ', 'Ru ', 'U '] # # def clear_elements(atoms=None): # return info # info={} # info['lattice_mat']=atoms['lattice_mat'] # info['coords']=atoms['coords'] # info['props']=atoms['props'] # info['cartesian']=atoms['cartesian'] # elements=[i.strip() for i in atoms['elements']] # info['elements']=elements # return info