Source code for jarvis.analysis.structure.neighbors

"""This module provides classes to specify atomic structure."""
# import line_profiler
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from toolz.curried import pipe

[docs]def check_array(arr, type_=None, shape=None): """ Check type and shape of np.ndarray. Follwing arguments are needed. Args: x: array to check type_: the type of the array (int, float), None to not check shape: the shape of the array, None to not check, -1 to ignore a dimension """ if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("not an array", arr)
[docs]def special_arange(dims): """ Multiple dimensional arange. This could be extended to any dimension. Args: dims: sequence of ints of length 3 Returns: an array of shape (, 3) with each index having a different arrangement of arange. This function implements the equivalent of a multidimensional for loop, which feels like multidimensional arange (see the test) >>> dim0, dim1, dim2 = 2, 4, 3 >>> arr_test = np.zeros((dim0 * dim1 * dim2, 3), dtype=int) >>> counter = 0 >>> for i in np.arange(dim0): ... for j in np.arange(dim1): ... for k in np.arange(dim2): ... arr_test[counter, 0] = i ... arr_test[counter, 1] = j ... arr_test[counter, 2] = k ... counter += 1 >>> arr_actual = special_arange((dim0, dim1, dim2)) >>> print(arr_actual) [[0 0 0] [0 0 1] [0 0 2] [0 1 0] [0 1 1] [0 1 2] [0 2 0] [0 2 1] [0 2 2] [0 3 0] [0 3 1] [0 3 2] [1 0 0] [1 0 1] [1 0 2] [1 1 0] [1 1 1] [1 1 2] [1 2 0] [1 2 1] [1 2 2] [1 3 0] [1 3 1] [1 3 2]] >>> assert np.all(arr_actual == arr_test) """ # This can be made much more functional and for arbitrary # dimensions if necessary dim0, dim1, dim2 = dims i = np.repeat(np.repeat(np.arange(dim0), dim2), dim1) j = np.tile(np.repeat(np.arange(dim1), dim2), dim0) k = np.tile(np.tile(np.arange(dim2), dim1), dim0) return np.concatenate((i[:, None], j[:, None], k[:, None]), axis=-1)
[docs]def calc_structure_data(coords, box, all_symbs, c_size): """ Calcuate a dictionary of structure data. Args: coords: the coordinates for each element box: the lattic matrix all_symbs: the elements c_size: the c size Returns: a set of structure data >>> coords = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.2, 0.25]]) >>> lat = [[2.715, 2.715, 0], [0, 2.715, 2.715], [2.715, 0, 2.715]] >>> box = np.array(lat) >>> elements = ["Si", "Si"] >>> c_size = 10.0 >>> data = calc_structure_data(coords, box, elements, c_size) >>> assert len(data['coords']) == 128 >>> assert np.allclose(data['coords'][9], [0. , 0.5 , 0.25 ]) >>> assert np.all(data['dim'] == [4, 4, 4]) >>> assert len(data['new_symbs']) == 128 """ check_array(coords, float, (len(all_symbs), 3)) check_array(box, float, (3, 3)) def make_coords(dim): return pipe( dim, special_arange, lambda x: (coords[:, None, :] + x[None, :, :]) / dim[None, None, :], lambda x: np.reshape(x, (-1, 3)), lambda x: dict( coords=x, dim=dim, nat=len(x), lat=dim[:, None] * box, new_symbs=np.repeat(all_symbs,, ), ) return make_coords((c_size / np.max(np.abs(box), axis=1)).astype(int) + 1)
[docs]class NeighborsAnalysis(object): """Get neighbor informations (RDF,ADF,DDF) for Atoms object.""" def __init__( self, atoms=None, max_n=500, rcut1=None, max_cut=10.0, rcut2=None, verbose=False, ): """ Initialize the function. >>> box = [[2.715, 2.715, 0], [0, 2.715, 2.715], [2.715, 0, 2.715]] >>> coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.2, 0.25]] >>> elements = ["Si", "Si"] >>> Si = Atoms(lattice_mat=box, coords=coords, elements=elements) >>> distributions = NeighborsAnalysis(Si).get_all_distributions >>> distributions['rdf'] 1 """ self._atoms = atoms self.max_n = max_n self.max_cut = max_cut self.nb_warn = "" if rcut1 is None or rcut2 is None: rcut1, rcut2 = self.get_dist_cutoffs() self.rcut1 = rcut1 self.rcut2 = rcut2 self.verbose = verbose if self.nb_warn != "" and self.verbose: print(self.nb_warn) print( "Try setting higher max_n in the NeighborsAnalysis module" + atoms.get_string() )
[docs] def get_structure_data(self, c_size=10.0): """Provide non-repetitive structure information.""" return calc_structure_data( self._atoms.frac_coords, self._atoms.lattice_mat, self._atoms.elements, c_size, )
# @profile # kernprof -v -l
[docs] def nbor_list(self, rcut=10.0, c_size=12.0): """Generate neighbor info.""" max_n = self.max_n nbor_info = {} struct_info = self.get_structure_data(c_size) coords = np.array(struct_info["coords"]) nat = struct_info["nat"] new_symbs = struct_info["new_symbs"] lat = np.array(struct_info["lat"]) different_bond = {} nn = np.zeros((nat), dtype="int") # print ('max_n, nat',max_n, nat) dist = np.zeros((max_n, nat)) nn_id = np.zeros((max_n, nat), dtype="int") bondx = np.zeros((max_n, nat)) bondy = np.zeros((max_n, nat)) bondz = np.zeros((max_n, nat)) for i in range(nat): for j in range(i + 1, nat): diff = coords[i] - coords[j] ind = np.where(np.fabs(diff) > np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])) diff[ind] -= np.sign(diff[ind]) new_diff =, lat) dd = np.linalg.norm(new_diff) if dd < rcut and dd >= 0.1: sumb_i = new_symbs[i] sumb_j = new_symbs[j] comb = "_".join( sorted(str(sumb_i + "_" + sumb_j).split("_")) ) different_bond.setdefault(comb, []).append(dd) # print ('dd',dd) nn_index = nn[i] # index of the neighbor nn_index1 = nn[j] # index of the neighbor if nn_index < max_n and nn_index1 < max_n: nn[i] = nn[i] + 1 dist[nn_index][i] = dd # nn_index counter id nn_id[nn_index][i] = j # exact id bondx[nn_index][i] = new_diff[0] bondy[nn_index][i] = new_diff[1] bondz[nn_index][i] = new_diff[2] nn[j] = nn[j] + 1 dist[nn_index1][j] = dd # nn_index counter id nn_id[nn_index1][j] = i # exact id bondx[nn_index1][j] = -new_diff[0] bondy[nn_index1][j] = -new_diff[1] bondz[nn_index1][j] = -new_diff[2] else: self.nb_warn = ( "Very large nearest neighbors observed " + str(nn_index) ) nbor_info["dist"] = dist nbor_info["nat"] = nat nbor_info["nn_id"] = nn_id nbor_info["nn"] = nn nbor_info["bondx"] = bondx nbor_info["bondy"] = bondy nbor_info["bondz"] = bondz nbor_info["different_bond"] = different_bond # print ('nat',nat) return nbor_info
[docs] def get_rdf(self, plot=False): """Calculate radial distribution function.""" nbor_info = self.nbor_list(c_size=2 * self.max_cut + 1) # nbor_info = self.nbor_list(c_size=21.0) n_zero_d = nbor_info["dist"][np.nonzero(nbor_info["dist"])] hist, bins = np.histogram( n_zero_d.ravel(), bins=np.arange(0.1, 10.2, 0.1) ) const = float(nbor_info["nat"]) / float(self._atoms.num_atoms) hist = hist / float(const) shell_vol = ( 4.0 / 3.0 * np.pi * (np.power(bins[1:], 3) - np.power(bins[:-1], 3)) ) number_density = self._atoms.num_atoms / self._atoms.volume rdf = ( hist / shell_vol / number_density / self._atoms.num_atoms ) # /len(n_zero_d) nn = rdf / self._atoms.num_atoms if plot: plt.plot(bins[:-1], rdf) plt.savefig("rdf.png") plt.close() return bins[:-1], rdf, nn
[docs] def get_dist_cutoffs(self): """ Get different distance cut-offs. Args: s: Structure object Returns: rcut: max-cutoff to ensure all the element-combinations are included, used in calculating angluar distribution upto first neighbor rcut1: decide first cut-off based on total RDF and a buffer (previously used in dihedrals, but not used now in the code) rcut2: second neighbor cut-off rcut_dihed: specialized cut-off for dihedrals to avaoid large bonds such as N-N, uses average bond-distance and standard deviations """ max_cut = self.max_cut x, y, z = self.get_rdf() arr = [] for i, j in zip(x, z): if j > 0.0: arr.append(i) rcut_buffer = 0.11 io1 = 0 io2 = 1 io3 = 2 try: delta = arr[io2] - arr[io1] while delta < rcut_buffer and arr[io2] < max_cut: io1 = io1 + 1 io2 = io2 + 1 io3 = io3 + 1 delta = arr[io2] - arr[io1] rcut1 = (arr[io2] + arr[io1]) / float(2.0) except Exception: print("Warning:Setting first nbr cut-off as minimum bond-angle") rcut1 = arr[0] pass try: delta = arr[io3] - arr[io2] while ( delta < rcut_buffer and arr[io3] < max_cut and arr[io2] < max_cut ): io2 = io2 + 1 io3 = io3 + 1 delta = arr[io3] - arr[io2] rcut2 = float(arr[io3] + arr[io2]) / float(2.0) except Exception: print("Warning:Setting first and second nbr cut-off equal") print("You might consider increasing max_n parameter") rcut2 = rcut1 pass # rcut, rcut_dihed = get_prdf(s=s) # rcut_dihed=min(rcut_dihed,max_dihed) return rcut1, rcut2
[docs] def ang_dist(self, nbor_info={}, plot=False): """ Get angular distribution function upto first neighbor. Args: struct_info: struct information max_n: maximum number of neigbors c_size: max. cell size plot: whether to plot distributions Retruns: ang_hist1: Angular distribution upto first cut-off ang_bins1: angle bins """ # rcut1,rcut2=self.get_dist_cutoffs() # rcut=rcut1 # nbor_info=self.nbor_list() znm = 0 nat = nbor_info["nat"] dist = nbor_info["dist"] # nn_id = nbor_info["nn_id"] nn = nbor_info["nn"] bondx = nbor_info["bondx"] bondy = nbor_info["bondy"] bondz = nbor_info["bondz"] ang_at = {} for i in range(nat): for in1 in range(nn[i]): # j1 = nn_id[in1][i] for in2 in range(in1 + 1, nn[i]): # j2 = nn_id[in2][i] nm = dist[in1][i] * dist[in2][i] if nm != 0: rrx = bondx[in1][i] * bondx[in2][i] rry = bondy[in1][i] * bondy[in2][i] rrz = bondz[in1][i] * bondz[in2][i] cos = float(rrx + rry + rrz) / float(nm) if cos <= -1.0: cos = cos + 0.000001 if cos >= 1.0: cos = cos - 0.000001 deg = math.degrees(math.acos(cos)) ang_at.setdefault(round(deg, 3), []).append(i) else: znm = znm + 1 angs = np.array([float(i) for i in ang_at.keys()]) norm = np.array( [float(len(i)) / float(len(set(i))) for i in ang_at.values()] ) ang_hist, ang_bins = np.histogram( angs, weights=norm, bins=np.arange(1, 181.0, 1), density=False, ) # if plot == True: #[:-1], ang_hist) # plt.savefig("ang1.png") # plt.close() return ang_hist, ang_bins
[docs] def ang_dist_first(self, plot=False): """Get angular distribution upto first neighbor.""" rcut1 = self.rcut1 # rcut2 = self.rcut2 nbor_info = self.nbor_list(rcut=rcut1) ang_hist, ang_bins = self.ang_dist(nbor_info=nbor_info) # print ('anghist',ang_hist) if plot: plt.plot(ang_bins[:-1], ang_hist) plt.savefig("adf1.png") plt.close() return ang_hist, ang_bins
[docs] def ang_dist_second(self, plot=False): """Get angular distribution upto second neighbor.""" # rcut1, rcut2 = self.get_dist_cutoffs() # rcut1 = self.rcut1 rcut2 = self.rcut2 # print ('rcut1,rcut2',rcut1,rcut2) nbor_info = self.nbor_list(rcut=rcut2) ang_hist, ang_bins = self.ang_dist(nbor_info=nbor_info) if plot: plt.plot(ang_bins[:-1], ang_hist) plt.savefig("adf2.png") plt.close() return ang_hist, ang_bins
[docs] def get_ddf(self, plot=False): """Get dihedral distribution upto first neighbor.""" # rcut1, rcut2 = self.get_dist_cutoffs() rcut1 = self.rcut1 # rcut2 = self.rcut2 nbor_info = self.nbor_list(rcut=rcut1) nat = nbor_info["nat"] # dist = nbor_info["dist"] nn_id = nbor_info["nn_id"] nn = nbor_info["nn"] bondx = nbor_info["bondx"] bondy = nbor_info["bondy"] bondz = nbor_info["bondz"] dih_at = {} for i in range(nat): for in1 in range(nn[i]): j1 = nn_id[in1][i] if j1 > i: for in2 in range(nn[i]): # all other nn of i that are not j j2 = nn_id[in2][i] if j2 != j1: for in3 in range( nn[j1] ): # all other nn of j that are not i j3 = nn_id[in3][j1] if j3 != i: v1 = [] v2 = [] v3 = [] v1.append(bondx[in2][i]) v1.append(bondy[in2][i]) v1.append(bondz[in2][i]) v2.append(-bondx[in1][i]) v2.append(-bondy[in1][i]) v2.append(-bondz[in1][i]) v3.append(-bondx[in3][j1]) v3.append(-bondy[in3][j1]) v3.append(-bondz[in3][j1]) v23 = np.cross(v2, v3) v12 = np.cross(v1, v2) theta = math.degrees( math.atan2( np.linalg.norm(v2) *, v23),, v23), ) ) if theta < 0.00001: theta = -theta # print "theta=",theta dih_at.setdefault( round(theta, 3), [] ).append(i) dih = np.array([float(i) for i in dih_at.keys()]) # dih1 = set(dih) # print "dih",dih1 norm = np.array( [float(len(i)) / float(len(set(i))) for i in dih_at.values()] ) dih_hist1, dih_bins1 = np.histogram( dih, weights=norm, bins=np.arange(1, 181.0, 1), density=False, ) if plot: plt.plot(dih_bins1[:-1], dih_hist1) plt.savefig("dihedrals.png") plt.close() return dih_hist1, dih_bins1
@property def get_all_distributions(self): """Get all distributions.""" distributions = {} _, rdf, nn = self.get_rdf() ddf, _ = self.get_ddf() adfa, _ = self.ang_dist_first() adfb, _ = self.ang_dist_second() distributions["rdf"] = rdf distributions["ddf"] = ddf distributions["adfa"] = adfa distributions["adfb"] = adfb distributions["nn"] = nn return distributions
[docs] def atomwise_radial_dist(self, rcut=10.0, c_size=0): """Get pair/radial distribution for each atom.""" if rcut < c_size: rcut = c_size + 1 nbor_info = self.nbor_list(rcut=rcut, c_size=c_size) nat = nbor_info["nat"] dist = nbor_info["dist"] atom_rdfs = [] for i in range(nat): hist, bins = np.histogram( dist[:, i], bins=np.arange(0.1, rcut + 0.2, 0.1) ) atom_rdfs.append(hist.tolist()) if self.verbose: exact_dists = np.arange(0.1, rcut + 0.2, 0.1)[hist.nonzero()] print("exact_dists", exact_dists) return np.array(atom_rdfs)
[docs] def atomwise_angle_dist(self, rcut=None, nbins=180, c_size=0): """Get angle distribution for each atom.""" def angle( dist1, dist2, bondx1, bondx2, bondy1, bondy2, bondz1, bondz2, ): """Get an angle.""" nm = dist1 * dist2 rrx = bondx1 * bondx2 rry = bondy1 * bondy2 rrz = bondz1 * bondz2 cos = (rrx + rry + rrz) / (nm) if cos <= -1.0: cos = cos + 0.000001 if cos >= 1.0: cos = cos - 0.000001 deg = math.degrees(math.acos(cos)) return deg if rcut is None: rcut = self.rcut1 nbor_info = self.nbor_list(rcut=rcut, c_size=c_size) atom_angles = [] for i in range(nbor_info["nat"]): angles = [ angle( nbor_info["dist"][in1][i], nbor_info["dist"][in2][i], nbor_info["bondx"][in1][i], nbor_info["bondx"][in2][i], nbor_info["bondy"][in1][i], nbor_info["bondy"][in2][i], nbor_info["bondz"][in1][i], nbor_info["bondz"][in2][i], ) for in1 in range(nbor_info["nn"][i]) for in2 in range(nbor_info["nn"][i]) if in2 > in1 and nbor_info["dist"][in1][i] * nbor_info["dist"][in2][i] != 0 ] ang_hist, ang_bins = np.histogram( angles, bins=np.arange(1, nbins + 2, 1), density=False, ) atom_angles.append(ang_hist) # print("fff",i,ang_hist) if self.verbose: exact_angles = np.arange(1, nbins + 2, 1)[ang_hist.nonzero()] print("exact_angles", exact_angles) # return (atom_angles)#/nbor_info['nat'] return np.array(atom_angles) # /nbor_info['nat']
""" if __name__ == "__main__": from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms box = [[5.493642, 0, 0], [0, 5.493642, 0], [0, 0, 5.493642]] elements = ["Si", "Si", "Si", "Si", "Si", "Si", "Si", "Si"] coords = [ [0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25], [0.000000, 0.500000, 0.500000], [0.250000, 0.750000, 0.750000], [0.500000, 0.000000, 0.500000], [0.750000, 0.250000, 0.750000], [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.000000], [0.750000, 0.750000, 0.250000], ] # box = [[2.715, 2.715, 0], [0, 2.715, 2.715], [2.715, 0, 2.715]] # coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25]] # elements = ["Si", "Si"] Si = Atoms( lattice_mat=box, coords=coords, elements=elements ) # .get_primitive_atoms ver = False # True a = NeighborsAnalysis(Si, verbose=ver, max_cut=5).atomwise_radial_dist( c_size=5 ) a = NeighborsAnalysis(Si) print (a.nbor_list()['different_bond'][0]) print(a[1], len(a), a[1].nonzero()) a = NeighborsAnalysis(Si, verbose=ver, max_cut=5).atomwise_radial_dist( c_size=10 ) print(a[1], len(a), a[1].nonzero()) a = NeighborsAnalysis(Si, verbose=ver, max_cut=5).atomwise_radial_dist( c_size=20 ) print(a[1], len(a), a[1].nonzero()) """