Source code for jarvis.analysis.stem.convolution_apprx

"""Module to simulate STEM images using convoltuin approximation."""
# Adapted from
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

# from numbers import Number
from jarvis.core.utils import gaussian
from jarvis.core.utils import lorentzian2 as lorentzian
from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms  # , get_supercell_dims, crop_square
from typing import List

[docs]class STEMConv(object): """Module to simulate STEM images using convoltuin approximation.""" def __init__( self, atoms=None, output_size=[50, 50], power_factor=1.7, gaussian_width=0.5, lorentzian_width=0.5, intensity_ratio=0.5, nbins=100, tol=0.5, crop=False, ): """Intitialize the class.""" self.atoms = atoms self.output_size = output_size self.power_factor = power_factor self.gaussian_width = gaussian_width self.lorentzian_width = lorentzian_width self.intensity_ratio = intensity_ratio self.nbins = nbins self.tol = tol self.crop = crop
[docs] def superpose_deltas(self, positions, array): """Superpose deltas.""" z = 0 shape = array.shape[-2:] rounded = np.floor(positions).astype(np.int32) rows, cols = rounded[:, 0], rounded[:, 1] array[z, rows, cols] += (1 - (positions[:, 0] - rows)) * ( 1 - (positions[:, 1] - cols) ) array[z, (rows + 1) % shape[0], cols] += (positions[:, 0] - rows) * ( 1 - (positions[:, 1] - cols) ) array[z, rows, (cols + 1) % shape[1]] += ( 1 - (positions[:, 0] - rows) ) * (positions[:, 1] - cols) array[z, (rows + 1) % shape[0], (cols + 1) % shape[1]] += ( rows - positions[:, 0] ) * (cols - positions[:, 1]) return array
[docs] def simulate_surface( self, atoms: Atoms, px_scale: float = 0.2, eps: float = 0.6, rot: float = 0, shift: List = [0, 0], ): """Simulate a STEM image. atoms: jarvis.core.Atoms material slab px_scale: pixel size in angstroms/px eps: tolerance factor (angstroms) for rendering atoms outside the field of view rot: rotation about the image center (degrees) shift: rigid translation of field of view [dx, dy] (angstroms) """ shift = np.squeeze(shift) output_px = np.squeeze(self.output_size) # px # field of view size in angstroms view_size = px_scale * (output_px - 1) # construct a supercell grid big enough to fill the field of view cell_extent =[0:2] # np.diag(atoms.lattice_mat)[:2] cells = ((view_size // cell_extent) + 1).astype(int) # print ('cells',cells) atoms = atoms.make_supercell_matrix((3 * cells[0], 3 * cells[1], 1)) # Set up real-space grid (in angstroms) # construct the probe array with the output target size # fftshift, pad, un-fftshift x = np.fft.fftfreq(output_px[0]) * output_px[0] * px_scale y = np.fft.fftfreq(output_px[1]) * output_px[1] * px_scale r = np.sqrt(x[:, None] ** 2 + y[None] ** 2) # construct the probe profile centered # at (0,0) on the periodic spatial grid x = np.linspace(0, 4 * self.lorentzian_width, self.nbins) profile = gaussian( x, self.gaussian_width ) + self.intensity_ratio * lorentzian(x, self.lorentzian_width) profile /= profile.max() f = interp1d(x, profile, fill_value=0, bounds_error=False) intensity = f(r) # shift the probe profile to the center # apply zero-padding, and shift back to the origin margin = int(np.ceil(5 / px_scale)) # int like 20 intensity = np.fft.fftshift(intensity) intensity = np.pad(intensity, (margin, margin)) intensity = np.fft.fftshift(intensity) # project atomic coordinates onto the image # center them as well centroid = np.mean(atoms.cart_coords[:, :2], axis=0) # center atom positions around (0,0) pos = atoms.cart_coords[:, :2] - centroid # apply field of view rotation # (actually rotate the lattice coordinates) if rot != 0: rot = np.radians(rot) R = np.array( [[np.cos(rot), -np.sin(rot)], [np.sin(rot), np.cos(rot)]] ) pos = pos @ R # shift to center of image pos += view_size / 2 # apply rigid translation of atoms wrt image field of view pos += shift # select only atoms in field of view in_view = ( (pos[:, 0] > -eps) & (pos[:, 0] < view_size[0] + eps) & (pos[:, 1] > -eps) & (pos[:, 1] < view_size[1] + eps) ) # pos = pos[in_view] numbers = np.array(atoms.atomic_numbers) # numbers = numbers[in_view] atom_px = pos / px_scale # AA / (AA/px) -> px # atom_px = atom_px + margin render = in_view # render = ( # (pos[:, 0] > 0) # & (pos[:, 0] < view_size[0]) # & (pos[:, 1] > 0) # & (pos[:, 1] < view_size[1]) # ) numbers_render = numbers[render] # # shift atomic positions to offset zero padding atom_px_render = atom_px[render] + margin # initialize arrays with zero padding array = np.zeros((1,) + intensity.shape) # adding extra 1 mask = np.zeros((1,) + intensity.shape) # print(f"intensity: {array.shape}") for number in np.unique(np.array(atoms.atomic_numbers)): temp = np.zeros((1,) + intensity.shape) temp = self.superpose_deltas( atom_px_render[numbers_render == number], temp ) array += temp * number ** self.power_factor temp = np.where(temp > 0, number, temp) mask += temp[0] # FFT convolution of beam profile and atom position delta functions array = np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.fft2(array) * np.fft.fft2(intensity)).real # crop the FFT padding and fix atom coordinates relative to # the image field of view sel = slice(margin, -margin) array = array[0, sel, sel] mask = mask[0, sel, sel] # atom_px = atom_px - margin atom_px = pos[in_view] / px_scale numbers = numbers[in_view] return array, mask, atom_px, numbers
""" if __name__ == "__main__": from jarvis.core.atoms import crop_squre from jarvis.db.figshare import data, get_jid_data import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms, ase_to_atoms, get_supercell_dims plt.switch_backend("agg") a = Atoms.from_dict(get_jid_data("JVASP-667")["atoms"]) stem = STEMConv(output_size=(256, 256)) p, mask, atom_x, nb = stem.simulate_surface( a, px_scale=0.15, eps=0.6, rot=2, shift=[-0.2, 0.3] ) plt.imshow(p, origin="lower", cmap="plasma") plt.scatter(atom_x[:, 1], atom_x[:, 0], marker="o", facecolors="none", edgecolors="r" ) plt.savefig("stem_example.png") plt.close() """