Source code for

Modules for calculating theoretical solar-cell efficiency.

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import numpy as np
import os
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from numpy import interp
import scipy.constants as constants
from scipy.integrate import simps
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class SolarEfficiency(object): """Calculate theoretical solar-efficiency using SLME or SQ approach.""" def __init__(self, formalism="slme"): """Use SLME or SQ formalisms.""" self.formalism = formalism
[docs] def calculate_SQ( self, bandgap_ev, temperature=300, fr=1, plot_current_voltage=False, filename="sq.png", ): """ Calcualte efficeincy using shockley queisser formalism. Requires only two inputs unlike SLME. Args: bandgap_ev: bandga in electron-volt temperature: temperature in K """ # Defining constants for tidy equations c = constants.c # speed of light, m/s h = constants.h # Planck's constant J*s (W) h_e = constants.h / constants.e # Planck's constant eV*s k = constants.k # Boltzmann's constant J/K e = constants.e # Coulomb # Load the Air Mass 1.5 Global tilt solar spectrum solar_spectrum_data_file = str( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "am1.5G.dat") ) solar_spectra_wavelength, solar_spectra_irradiance = np.loadtxt( solar_spectrum_data_file, usecols=[0, 1], unpack=True, skiprows=2 ) solar_spectra_wavelength_meters = solar_spectra_wavelength * 1e-9 # need to convert solar irradiance from Power/m**2(nm) into # photon#/s*m**2(nm) power is Watt, which is Joule / s # E = hc/wavelength # at each wavelength, Power * (wavelength(m)/(h(Js)*c(m/s))) = ph#/s solar_spectra_photon_flux = solar_spectra_irradiance * ( solar_spectra_wavelength_meters / (h * c) ) # Calculation of total solar power incoming power_in = simps(solar_spectra_irradiance, solar_spectra_wavelength) # calculation of blackbody irradiance spectra # units of W/(m**3), different than solar_spectra_irradiance!!! (This # is intentional, it is for convenience) blackbody_irradiance = ( 2.0 * h * c ** 2 / (solar_spectra_wavelength_meters ** 5) ) * ( 1.0 / ( ( np.exp( h * c / (solar_spectra_wavelength_meters * k * temperature) ) ) - 1.0 ) ) # I've removed a pi in the equation above - Marnik Bercx # Convert the irradiance from Power/m**2(m) into photon#/s*m**2(m) blackbody_photon_flux = blackbody_irradiance * ( solar_spectra_wavelength_meters / (h * c) ) # absorbance interpolation onto each solar spectrum wavelength # Get the bandgap in wavelength in meters bandgap_wavelength = h_e * c / bandgap_ev # Only take the part of the wavelength-dependent solar spectrum and # blackbody spectrum below the bandgap wavelength bandgap_index = np.searchsorted( solar_spectra_wavelength_meters, bandgap_wavelength ) bandgap_irradiance = interp( np.array([bandgap_wavelength]), solar_spectra_wavelength_meters, solar_spectra_photon_flux, ) bandgap_blackbody = ( (2.0 * h * c ** 2 / (bandgap_wavelength ** 5)) * ( 1.0 / ( (np.exp(h * c / (bandgap_wavelength * k * temperature))) - 1.0 ) ) * (bandgap_wavelength / (h * c)) ) integration_wavelength = np.concatenate( ( solar_spectra_wavelength_meters[:bandgap_index], np.array([bandgap_wavelength]), ), axis=0, ) integration_solar_flux = np.concatenate( (solar_spectra_photon_flux[:bandgap_index], bandgap_irradiance), axis=0, ) integration_blackbody = np.concatenate( ( blackbody_photon_flux[:bandgap_index], np.array([bandgap_blackbody]), ), axis=0, ) # Numerically integrating irradiance over wavelength array # Note: elementary charge, not math e! ## units of A/m**2 W/(V*m**2) J_0_r = ( e * np.pi * simps(integration_blackbody, integration_wavelength) ) J_0 = J_0_r / fr # Numerically integrating irradiance over wavelength array # elementary charge, not math e! ### units of A/m**2 W/(V*m**2) J_sc = e * simps(integration_solar_flux * 1e9, integration_wavelength) # J[i] = J_sc - J_0*(1 - exp( e*V[i]/(k*T) ) ) # #This formula from the original paper has a typo!! # J[i] = J_sc - J_0*(exp( e*V[i]/(k*T) ) - 1) # #Bercx chapter and papers have the correct formula (well, # the correction on one paper) def J(V): J = J_sc - J_0 * (np.exp(e * V / (k * temperature)) - 1.0) return J def power(V): p = J(V) * V return p # A more primitive, but perfectly robust way of getting a reasonable # estimate for the maximum power. test_voltage = 0 voltage_step = 0.001 while power(test_voltage + voltage_step) > power(test_voltage): test_voltage += voltage_step max_power = power(test_voltage) # Calculate the maximized efficience efficiency = max_power / power_in # This segment isn't needed for functionality at all, but can display a # plot showing how the maximization of power by choosing the optimal # voltage value works if plot_current_voltage: V = np.linspace(0, 2, 200) plt.plot(V, J(V)) plt.plot(V, power(V), linestyle="--") plt.savefig(filename) print(max_power) return efficiency
[docs] def slme( self, material_energy_for_absorbance_data, material_absorbance_data, material_direct_allowed_gap, material_indirect_gap, thickness=50e-6, temperature=293.15, absorbance_in_inverse_centimeters=False, cut_off_absorbance_below_direct_allowed_gap=True, plot_current_voltage=False, filename="slme.png", ): """ Calculate spectroscopic limited maximum efficiency. Reuires more info than SQ. Args: material_energy_for_absorbance_data: energy grid for absorbance data material_absorbance_data: absorption coefficient in m^-1 material_direct_allowed_gap: direct bandgap in eV material_indirect_gap: indirect bandgap in eV thickness: thickness of the material in m temperature: working temperature in K absorbance_in_inverse_centimeters: whether the absorbance data is in the unit of cm^-1 cut_off_absorbance_below_direct_allowed_gap: whether to discard all absorption below bandgap plot_current_voltage: whether to plot the current-voltage curve Returns: The calculated maximum efficiency. """ # Defining constants for tidy equations c = constants.c # speed of light, m/s h = constants.h # Planck's constant J*s (W) h_e = constants.h / constants.e # Planck's constant eV*s k = constants.k # Boltzmann's constant J/K k_e = constants.k / constants.e # Boltzmann's constant eV/K e = constants.e # Coulomb # Make sure the absorption coefficient has the right units (m^{-1}) if absorbance_in_inverse_centimeters: material_absorbance_data = material_absorbance_data * 100 # Load the Air Mass 1.5 Global tilt solar spectrum solar_spectrum_data_file = str( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "am1.5G.dat") ) solar_spectra_wavelength, solar_spectra_irradiance = np.loadtxt( solar_spectrum_data_file, usecols=[0, 1], unpack=True, skiprows=2 ) solar_spectra_wavelength_meters = solar_spectra_wavelength * 1e-9 delta = material_direct_allowed_gap - material_indirect_gap fr = np.exp(-delta / (k_e * temperature)) # need to convert solar irradiance from Power/m**2(nm) into # photon#/s*m**2(nm) power is Watt, which is Joule / s # E = hc/wavelength # at each wavelength, Power * (wavelength(m)/(h(Js)*c(m/s))) = ph#/s solar_spectra_photon_flux = solar_spectra_irradiance * ( solar_spectra_wavelength_meters / (h * c) ) # Calculation of total solar power incoming power_in = simps(solar_spectra_irradiance, solar_spectra_wavelength) # calculation of blackbody irradiance spectra # units of W/(m**3), different than solar_spectra_irradiance!!! (This # is intentional, it is for convenience) blackbody_irradiance = ( 2.0 * h * c ** 2 / (solar_spectra_wavelength_meters ** 5) ) * ( 1.0 / ( ( np.exp( h * c / (solar_spectra_wavelength_meters * k * temperature) ) ) - 1.0 ) ) # I've removed a pi in the equation above - Marnik Bercx # Convert the irradiance from Power/m**2(m) into photon#/s*m**2(m) blackbody_photon_flux = blackbody_irradiance * ( solar_spectra_wavelength_meters / (h * c) ) # units of nm material_wavelength_for_absorbance_data = ( (c * h_e) / (material_energy_for_absorbance_data + 0.00000001) ) * 10 ** 9 # absorbance interpolation onto each solar spectrum wavelength # creates cubic spline interpolating function, set up to use end values # as the guesses if leaving the region where data exists material_absorbance = interp1d( material_wavelength_for_absorbance_data, material_absorbance_data, kind="cubic", fill_value=( material_absorbance_data[0], material_absorbance_data[-1], ), bounds_error=False, ) material_interpolated_absorbance = np.zeros( len(solar_spectra_wavelength_meters) ) for i in range(0, len(solar_spectra_wavelength_meters)): # Cutting off absorption data below the gap. This is done to deal # with VASPs broadening of the calculated absorption data if ( solar_spectra_wavelength[i] < 1e9 * ((c * h_e) / material_direct_allowed_gap) or not cut_off_absorbance_below_direct_allowed_gap ): material_interpolated_absorbance[i] = material_absorbance( solar_spectra_wavelength[i] ) absorbed_by_wavelength = 1.0 - np.exp( -2.0 * material_interpolated_absorbance * thickness ) # Numerically integrating irradiance over wavelength array # Note: elementary charge, not math e! ## units of A/m**2 W/(V*m**2) J_0_r = ( e * np.pi * simps( blackbody_photon_flux * absorbed_by_wavelength, solar_spectra_wavelength_meters, ) ) J_0 = J_0_r / fr # Numerically integrating irradiance over wavelength array # elementary charge, not math e! ### units of A/m**2 W/(V*m**2) J_sc = e * simps( solar_spectra_photon_flux * absorbed_by_wavelength, solar_spectra_wavelength, ) # J[i] = J_sc - J_0*(1 - exp( e*V[i]/(k*T) ) ) # #This formula from the original paper has a typo!! # J[i] = J_sc - J_0*(exp( e*V[i]/(k*T) ) - 1) # #Bercx chapter and papers have the correct formula (well, # the correction on one paper) def J(V): J = J_sc - J_0 * (np.exp(e * V / (k * temperature)) - 1.0) return J def power(V): p = J(V) * V return p # A more primitive, but perfectly robust way of getting a reasonable # estimate for the maximum power. test_voltage = 0 voltage_step = 0.001 while power(test_voltage + voltage_step) > power(test_voltage): test_voltage += voltage_step max_power = power(test_voltage) # Calculate the maximized efficience efficiency = max_power / power_in # This segment isn't needed for functionality at all, but can display a # plot showing how the maximization of power by choosing the optimal # voltage value works if plot_current_voltage: V = np.linspace(0, 2, 200) plt.plot(V, J(V)) plt.plot(V, power(V), linestyle="--") plt.savefig(filename) plt.close() # print(power(V_Pmax)) return efficiency
""" if __name__ == "__main__": from import Vasprun v = Vasprun( "/rk2/knc6/JARVIS-DFT/Elements-bulkk/mp-149_bulk_PBEBO/MAIN-MBJ-bulk@mp-149/vasprun.xml" ) dirgap = v.get_dir_gap indirgap = v.get_indir_gap en, abz = v.avg_absorption_coefficient abz = abz * 100 eff = SolarEfficiency().slme( en, abz, indirgap, indirgap, plot_current_voltage=False ) print("SLME", 100 * eff) eff = SolarEfficiency().calculate_SQ(indirgap) print("SQ", 100 * eff) """