Source code for jarvis.analysis.magnetism.magmom_setup

"""Module for setting MAGMOM and AFM/FM orderings."""

from jarvis.analysis.structure.spacegroup import Spacegroup3D
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
from jarvis.core.utils import check_match

[docs]class MagneticOrdering(object): """Provide modules for enumerating magnetic ordering analysis.""" def __init__(self, atoms=None): """Initialize with Atoms.""" self.atoms = atoms
[docs] def apply_symmetry_operations(self, atoms, spg, tol=1e-4): """Figure out the effects of all the symmetry operations.""" trans = spg._dataset["translations"] rots = spg._dataset["rotations"] coords = atoms.frac_coords % 1 nat = atoms.num_atoms found_everything = True permutations = [] for rot, tran in zip(rots, trans): order = np.zeros(nat, dtype=int) found = False for at in range(nat): pos_new =[at, :], rot.transpose()) + tran pos_new = pos_new % 1 for at2 in range(nat): if check_match(pos_new, coords[at2, :], tol=tol): found = True order[at] = at2 if not found: found_everything = False permutations.append(order) return permutations, found_everything
[docs] def get_unique_magnetic_structures( self, atoms, supercell_dim=[1, 1, 1], magnetic_ions=None, noferri=True, magmom=3.0, ): """ Generate supercells with unique magnetic orderings. noferri=False to get ferrimagnetic configurations. """ if magnetic_ions is None: magnetic_ions = set(atoms.elements) ss = atoms.make_supercell(dim=supercell_dim) # spg = Spacegroup3D(atoms) spg = Spacegroup3D(atoms) # kfg # Apply symmetry with various tolerances until we find one that works worked = False for tol in [1e-7, 1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1]: permutations, worked = self.apply_symmetry_operations( ss, spg, tol=tol ) if worked: print("applied sym ", tol) break if not worked: print("error in apply_symmetry_operations") print("number of sym permutations:", len(permutations)) nat = ss.num_atoms magnetic_list = [] magnetic_count = 0 mag_dict = {} for i, el in enumerate(ss.elements): if el in magnetic_ions: magnetic_list.append(True) mag_dict[magnetic_count] = i magnetic_count += 1 else: magnetic_list.append(False) print("magnetic count: ", magnetic_count) if magnetic_count == 0: print("no magnetic ions, what are you doing????") return # generate all magnetic configurations magnetic_list = [] for i in range(2 ** (magnetic_count)): magnetic_list.append(np.zeros(magnetic_count)) # magnetic_list[-1][0] = 5.0 tmp = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" if magnetic_count > 0: for i in range(2 ** (magnetic_count)): binary_int = bin(i).replace("0b", "") # convert to binary total_int = tmp + binary_int for ii, d in enumerate(total_int[-magnetic_count:]): if d == "0": # print(i, ii, d) magnetic_list[i][ii] = magmom else: # print(i, ii, d) magnetic_list[i][ii] = -1 * magmom if ( noferri ): # get rid if ferrimagnetic configurations, only exact AFM and FM newlist = [] for i in range(2 ** (magnetic_count)): if ( np.abs( np.abs(np.sum(magnetic_list[i])) / abs(magmom) - magnetic_count ) < 1e-5 or np.abs(np.sum(magnetic_list[i])) < 1e-5 ): newlist.append(magnetic_list[i]) magnetic_list = newlist # convert to all atoms in cell mag_all = [] for mag in magnetic_list: z = np.zeros(nat) for i, m in enumerate(mag): z[mag_dict[i]] = m mag_all.append(z) print("generated, now apply sym opps to find unique") # apply symmetry ops symm_list = [] for mag in mag_all: already_in_list = False for p in permutations: mag_new = mag[p] for s in symm_list: if ( np.sum(np.abs(s - mag_new)) < 1e-5 or np.sum(np.abs(s + mag_new)) < 1e-5 ): # either we found the same config, or same config * -1 already_in_list = True break if not already_in_list: # then we need it symm_list.append(mag) print("number of unique configs: ", len(symm_list)) return symm_list, ss
[docs] def tc_mean_field(self, energies=[-2, -1]): """Curie temperature using mean-field theory.""" info = {} mag_atoms = self.get_mag_ions() deltaE = max(energies) - min(energies) print(deltaE) kB = 8.617333262e-05 elements_dict = defaultdict(int) for i in self.atoms.elements: if i in mag_atoms: elements_dict[i] += 1 n_mag_elements = sum(elements_dict.values()) Tc = deltaE / (3 * kB) / n_mag_elements # Tc = 2 * deltaE / (3 * kB) / n_mag_elements info["Tc"] = Tc info["deltaE"] = deltaE info["n_mag_elements"] = n_mag_elements return info
[docs] def get_mag_ions(self): """List all magnetic atoms in the Atoms object.""" all_mag_elements = [ "Ti", "V", "Cr", "Mn", "Fe", "Co", "Ni", "Cu", "Ru", "Ir", "Rh", "Os", "Rb", "Sc", ] els = self.atoms.elements mag_ions = list(set(all_mag_elements).intersection(set(els))) return mag_ions
[docs] def get_minimum_configs(self, min_configs=3, enforce_primitive=True): """Get minimum number of spin structures for Tc calculations.""" atoms = self.atoms if enforce_primitive: atoms = atoms.get_primitive_atoms lengths = atoms.lattice.lat_lengths() index_to_expand = np.argsort(lengths) dim = np.array([1, 1, 1]) mag_ions = self.get_mag_ions() symm_list, ss = self.get_unique_magnetic_structures( atoms, supercell_dim=dim, magnetic_ions=mag_ions, noferri=True ) # kfg if len(symm_list) < min_configs: symm_list, ss = self.get_unique_magnetic_structures( atoms, supercell_dim=dim, magnetic_ions=mag_ions, noferri=True ) count = 0 while len(symm_list) < min_configs: dim[index_to_expand[count]] += 1 symm_list, ss = self.get_unique_magnetic_structures( atoms, supercell_dim=dim, magnetic_ions=self.get_mag_ions(), noferri=True, ) # kfg if len(symm_list) < min_configs: symm_list, ss = self.get_unique_magnetic_structures( atoms, supercell_dim=dim, magnetic_ions=self.get_mag_ions(), noferri=False, ) count = count + 1 if count > 2: count = 0 print("Supercell dimension", dim) return symm_list, ss