Source code for jarvis.analysis.diffraction.xrd

"""Module to predict X-ray diffraction."""
import numpy as np
import json
import collections
import os
from jarvis.core.specie import Specie

# from jarvis.core.spectrum import Spectrum
import itertools

# from jarvis.analysis.structure.spacegroup import Spacegroup3D,

[docs]class XRD(object): """Constryct an XRD class.""" def __init__( self, wavelength=1.54184, thetas=[0, 180], two_theta_array=[], dhkl_array=[], intensity_array=[], scaling_factor=100, two_theta_tol=1e-5, intensity_tol=0.5, max_index=5, ): """Initialize class with incident wavelength.""" self.wavelength = wavelength self.min2theta = np.radians(thetas[0]) self.max2theta = np.radians(thetas[1]) self.thetas = thetas self.two_theta_array = two_theta_array self.dhkl_array = dhkl_array self.intensity_array = intensity_array self.two_theta_tol = two_theta_tol self.intensity_tol = intensity_tol self.max_index = max_index self.scaling_factor = scaling_factor
[docs] def simulate(self, atoms=None): """ Simulate XRD pattern. Forked from """ # atoms=Spacegroup3D(atoms).conventional_standard_structure rec_matrix = atoms.lattice.reciprocal_lattice_crystallographic().matrix min_r = self.wavelength / np.sin(self.max2theta / 2) / 2 r1 = list(range(1, self.max_index + 1)) r2 = list(range(-self.max_index, 1)) r2.reverse() r3 = r1 + r2 r = r3 hkl_index = [ miller for miller in itertools.product(r, r, r) if any([i != 0 for i in miller]) ] # hkl_index=symmetrically_distinct_miller_indices(cvn_atoms=atoms,max_index=self.max_index) hkl_max = np.array([self.max_index, self.max_index, self.max_index]) for index in hkl_index: d = np.linalg.norm(, rec_matrix)) multiple = int(np.ceil(1 / d / min_r)) index *= multiple for i in range(len(hkl_max)): if hkl_max[i] < index[i]: hkl_max[i] = index[i] h1, k1, l1 = hkl_max h = np.arange(-h1, h1 + 1) k = np.arange(-k1, k1 + 1) L = np.arange(-l1, l1 + 1) hkl = np.array((np.meshgrid(h, k, L))).transpose() hkl_list = np.reshape(hkl, [len(h) * len(k) * len(L), 3]) hkl_list = hkl_list[np.where(hkl_list.any(axis=1))[0]] d_hkl = 1 / np.linalg.norm(, rec_matrix), axis=1) shortlist = d_hkl > (min_r) d_hkl = d_hkl[shortlist] hkl_list = hkl_list[shortlist] sintheta = self.wavelength / 2 / d_hkl self.theta = np.arcsin(sintheta) self.hkl_list = np.array(hkl_list) self.d_hkl = d_hkl fp = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "atomic_scattering_params.json" ) with open(fp, "r") as f: ATOMIC_SCATTERING_PARAMS = json.load(f) d0 = (1 / 2 / self.d_hkl) ** 2 coeffs = [] zs = [] for elem in atoms.elements: if elem == "D": elem = "H" c = ATOMIC_SCATTERING_PARAMS[elem] z = Specie(elem).Z coeffs.append(c) zs.append(z) coeffs = np.array(coeffs) self.peaks = {} two_thetas = [] for hkl, s2, theta, d_hkl in zip( self.hkl_list, d0, self.theta, self.d_hkl ): # Calculate the scattering factor sf g_dot_r =, np.transpose([hkl])).T[0] sf = zs - 41.78214 * s2 * np.sum( coeffs[:, :, 0] * np.exp(-coeffs[:, :, 1] * s2), axis=1 ) # Calculate the structure factor f f = np.sum(sf * np.exp(2j * np.pi * g_dot_r)) # Calculate the lorentz polarization factor lf lf = (1 + np.cos(2 * theta) ** 2) / ( np.sin(theta) ** 2 * np.cos(theta) ) po = 1 # Calculate the intensity I intensity_tmp = (f * f.conjugate()).real # calculate 2*theta two_theta = np.degrees(2 * theta) # Find where the scattered angles are equal ind = np.where( np.abs(np.subtract(two_thetas, two_theta)) < self.two_theta_tol ) # Append intensity, hkl plane, and thetas to lists if len(ind[0]) > 0: self.peaks[two_thetas[ind[0][0]]][0] += intensity_tmp * lf * po self.peaks[two_thetas[ind[0][0]]][1].append(tuple(hkl)) else: self.peaks[two_theta] = [ intensity_tmp * lf * po, [tuple(hkl)], d_hkl, ] two_thetas.append(two_theta) # max_intensity = max([v[0] for v in self.peaks.values()]) x = [] y = [] d_hkls = [] hkl_families = [] for k in sorted(self.peaks.keys()): v = self.peaks[k] x.append(k) y.append(v[0]) d_hkls.append(v[2]) family = self.get_unique_families(v[1]) hkl_families.append(family) x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) d_hkls = np.array(d_hkls) const = np.sum(y, axis=0) y = y * self.scaling_factor / const screen = y > self.intensity_tol self.intensity_array = y[screen] self.two_theta_array = x[screen] self.dhkl_array = d_hkls[screen] return ( x[screen].tolist(), d_hkls[screen].tolist(), y[screen].tolist(), # hkl_families[screen], )
[docs] def get_unique_families(self, hkls): """ Return unique families of Miller indices. Families must be permutations of each other. Args: hkls ([h, k, l]): List of Miller indices. Returns: {hkl: multiplicity}: A dict with unique hkl and multiplicity. """ def is_perm(hkl1, hkl2): h1 = np.abs(hkl1) h2 = np.abs(hkl2) return all([i == j for i, j in zip(sorted(h1), sorted(h2))]) unique = collections.defaultdict(list) for hkl1 in hkls: found = False for hkl2 in unique.keys(): if is_perm(hkl1, hkl2): found = True unique[hkl2].append(hkl1) break if not found: unique[hkl1].append(hkl1) pretty_unique = {} for k, v in unique.items(): pretty_unique[sorted(v)[-1]] = len(v) return pretty_unique
""" if __name__ == "__main__": # h=create_index() # print (h,len(h)) from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms box = [[2.715, 2.715, 0], [0, 2.715, 2.715], [2.715, 0, 2.715]] coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.2, 0.25]] elements = ["Si", "Si"] atoms = Atoms(lattice_mat=box, coords=coords, elements=elements) a, b, c, d = XRD().simulate(atoms=atoms) # print("theta,d_hkls,intens", a, b, c) print("a=", a) print("b=", b) print("c=", c) """