Source code for jarvis.analysis.defects.vacancy

"""Modules for making point-defect vacancies."""
import pprint
from collections import OrderedDict
from jarvis.analysis.structure.spacegroup import Spacegroup3D
# from jarvis.core.utils import rand_select
from jarvis.core.atoms import Atoms

# import numpy as np
import random

[docs]class Vacancy(object): """Obtain vacancy defects in Atoms class using Wyckoff data.""" def __init__( self, atoms=None, defect_structure=None, defect_index=None, wyckoff_multiplicity=None, symbol=None, ): """ Initialize the method. Arguments are given below. Args: atoms: jarvis.core.Atoms object. defect_index: atoms index for defect. defect_structure: Atoms with defect. wyckoff_multiplicity: Wyckoff multiplicity. symbol: Elemenyt symbol. """ self._atoms = atoms self._defect_index = defect_index self._defect_structure = defect_structure self._wyckoff_multiplicity = wyckoff_multiplicity self._symbol = symbol
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(self, d={}): """Load from a dictionary.""" return Vacancy( atoms=Atoms.from_dict(d["atoms"]), defect_structure=Atoms.from_dict(d["defect_structure"]), defect_index=d["defect_index"], wyckoff_multiplicity=d["wyckoff_multiplicity"], symbol=d["symbol"], )
[docs] def generate_defects( self, enforce_c_size=10.0, on_conventional_cell=False, extend=1, using_wyckoffs=True, ): """Provide function to generate defects.""" atoms = self._atoms if on_conventional_cell: atoms = Spacegroup3D(atoms).conventional_standard_structure a = atoms.lattice.lat_lengths()[0] b = atoms.lattice.lat_lengths()[1] c = atoms.lattice.lat_lengths()[2] if enforce_c_size is not None: dim1 = int(float(enforce_c_size) / float(a)) + extend dim2 = int(float(enforce_c_size) / float(b)) + extend dim3 = int(float(enforce_c_size) / float(c)) + extend # atoms = atoms.make_supercell([dim1, dim2, dim3]) if dim1 == 0: dim1 = 1 if dim2 == 0: dim2 = 1 if dim3 == 0: dim3 = 1 supercell_size = [dim1, dim2, dim3] if using_wyckoffs: spg = Spacegroup3D(atoms) wyckoffs = spg._dataset["wyckoffs"] atoms.props = wyckoffs else: wyckoffs = ["a" for i in range(atoms.num_atoms)] atoms.props = wyckoffs supercell = atoms.make_supercell(supercell_size) # props = rand_select(supercell.props) new_props = {} for ii, jj, kk in zip( supercell.props, supercell.elements, range(supercell.num_atoms) ): if ii + "_" + jj not in new_props: new_props[ii + "_" + jj] = kk # print ('props',props) # print ('newprops',new_props) vacs = [] for i, j in new_props.items(): defect_strt = supercell.remove_site_by_index(j) vac = Vacancy( atoms=supercell, defect_structure=defect_strt, defect_index=j, wyckoff_multiplicity=i, symbol=supercell.elements[j], ) vacs.append(vac) return vacs
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert to a dictionary.""" d = OrderedDict() d["atoms"] = self._atoms.to_dict() if self._defect_structure is not None: d["defect_structure"] = self._defect_structure.to_dict() else: d["defect_structure"] = None d["defect_index"] = self._defect_index d["wyckoff_multiplicity"] = self._wyckoff_multiplicity d["symbol"] = self._symbol return d
[docs] def __repr__(self, indent=2): """Representation of the class as dict.""" return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict(), indent=indent)
[docs]def generate_random_defects(n_vacs=10, atoms=None, element=None, seed=123): """Generate random defects for an element.""" # natoms = atoms.num_atoms atoms = atoms.to_dict() elements = atoms["elements"] if element is None: element = elements[0] coords = atoms["coords"] lattice_mat = atoms["lattice_mat"] # ids = np.arange(natoms) new_elements = [] new_coords = [] options = [] for ii, i in enumerate(elements): if i == element: options.append(ii) random.seed(seed) random.shuffle(options) to_delete = options[0:n_vacs] for ii, i in enumerate(elements): if ii not in to_delete: new_elements.append(i) new_coords.append(coords[ii]) new_atoms = Atoms( coords=new_coords, lattice_mat=lattice_mat, elements=new_elements, cartesian=False, ) return new_atoms